Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Conquering Write-Away Winner

Thanks to the 40 entrants for this month's Write-Away Contest. DeeDee at It Coulda' Been Worse, our guest judge, has done a wonderful job reading and judging the submissions. As mentioned before it was a blind judging and she has picked a winner without knowing the entrants' names or blogs. The quality of writing in this month's group of submissions was excellent and I'm thrilled that so many good writers took the time to enter this little contest.

First Place: Becky at Blessed with Olive Plants around My Table with His Faithfulness

Second Place: Oh the Joys! with Cary and Isaac through Time and Space

Third Place: Vicountess Coralie at Life More Abundantly with The Power Plant

Honorable Mentions: Betty at Waya with The Year of the Monkey in Vietnam and My Life's Beginning in Vietnam Continues

M at Toneybabies with Sweet, Peanut-Buttery Revenge

Lei at My Many Colored Days with Childhood Memories

Jenn Taylor at Something to Say with Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head


Here is a list of all the entries in the order they were received:

Illahee from illahee's Blog with Dancing in the Dark

Kelly at Pass the Torch with 10,000 Miles in Blue Streak

Oh the Joys! with Little Brother

Oh the Joys! with Cary and Isaac through Time and Space

Bob at Bobbarama.com with Open Sez-a-Me

Stephanie at Adventures in the 100 Acre Wood with Big Plans for Hillbilly Scouts

Heffalump at I Blog about Nothing with Oh, to Be a Child Again

Makita at Starfish and Coffee with Bedtime Stories

Karen at Miscellaneous Adventures of an Aussie Mum with First Memories

Wendy at Caribousmom with Reconnection

Wendy at Caribousmom with I Was Hatched

Prahagirl at A Far Green Country with We Spend Our Years As a Twice-told Tale

Prahagirl at A Far Green Country with And Now the Rest of the Story

Betty at Waya with The Year of the Monkey in Vietnam

Betty at Waya with My Life's Beginning in Vietnam Continues

Orhan Kahn from The Death of Retail Price with School Daze

Makita at Starfish and Coffee with A Knock on the Door

Mayberry Mom with If You Are a Dreamer, Come In

M at Toneybabies with Sweet, Peanut-Buttery Revenge

Thea at I'm a Drama Mama with The Gift of Time

Applehead with A Very Wholesome Lunch

Janet at Dancing Through with It's Like Riding a Bike

Randa at Lumps of Clay with Stinkin' Good Fudge: Memories of Childhood

Vicountess Coralie at Life More Abundantly with The Power Plant

Allison Staton at Soccer Mom in Denial with Ice Cream and Men

Margaret at Just Me with Contest: Childhood Memory

Rory at Hamelife with I'm Always Touched by Her Presence

Patty at Whee! All the Way Home with Kodachrome

Allyo at One Foot In with Spiders!

Shelle at Brand New Ending with Someone to Watch over Me

Amber at Random Ramblings of a Drifting Mind with An Enchanted Childhood

Lei at My Many Colored Days with Childhood Memories

deiMutti at Tales from the Script with Little Girls and the Boys We Love

Jenn Taylor at Something to Say with Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head

Chris at Book-a-Rama with Gone Fishin'

Becky at Blessed with Olive Plants around My Table with His Faithfulness

Vienna at The Adventures of Jack Jack with Something I Can't Give Him

dieMutti at Tales from the Script with Innocent Until Proven Gullible

Entrants who missed the deadline:

The Geewif with Promise

Strauss from The Brave with The Two Man Band--Up There Cazaly

Join me again April 1st for information on next month's contest topic and prize.

For further reading The Carnival of Family Life, The Carnival of Homeschooling, the Organize your Life Carnival and The Carnival of Recipes are available for your perusal.

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Lei said...

I am so happy I participated. Thank you!

Unknown said...

March 11th snuck up on me too quickly to get anything in on time, so I can't wait to participate in the next one. Thanks for hosting this ;-)

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading your blogs.Say, what's this about writing competition? I wished i peeked in sooner. What do I need to send? Stories? Can you fill me in?

I tagged you in my blog. Go ahead, have a look.

Michelle Alley said...

I found your site through "Heffalump. A daily dose of mischief". I am looking forward to reading more of your blogs.

Scrolling down to your Quiche and Cary Grant entry - you mentioned that your husband is "leaving" you for his trip. Whenever my husband travels, I always say he's gone - but I keep being told by him that he's "traveling" - Somehow that makes it better?

Anyway, great to find your blog. I love to write, and it looks like you enjoy the same. I'm new to the blogging world and would love for you to check mine out!

An Ordinary Mom said...

It's fun to see second place, third place and honorable mentions, too. Nice touch.

Like I already don't have enough to read ... j/k. Thanks for all the links. I am sure there are some real gems in here!

Anonymous said...

Some great writing, and some beautiful memories.

Thank you for a challenging contest.

wayabetty said...

Thanks for hosting this contest Michelle and for the "shout out"! I'm glad I entered!