Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Imaginarium's Turtle

Imaginarium Science Discovery CenterAnchorage's Imaginarium Science Discovery Center has a snapping turtle that fascinates me. Whenever we visit there are several goldfish swimming around his tank--though always a few less fish when we leave.


Have you entered the Write-Away Contest yet? Deadline is April 14th.

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  1. Oh my! That's the stuff that bad dreams is made of! Eeek!

  2. Maybe the Goldfish are just the turtle's dinner. Wouldn't it be nice if our dinner were to just swim on by and we didn't have to spend so much time making it ourselves? Of course, I enjoy being in the kitchen, but there are days I could go for the snapping turtle meal plan.

  3. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Just so you know...looking at that in bloglines was seriously disturbing. It was HUGE I tell you! HUGE! Biggest turtle nostrils ever.

    We had a fish in an aquarium at our zoo that would follow your finger b/c it thought it was a worm. Not the brightest fish in the sea.

  4. Yea, I can imagine. It was supposed to scare you :)

  5. Scribbit thanks for showing that now I have another place to take the kids when we move there! They'd love it I'm sure. Also I would probably be mesmerized by that turtle myself.

  6. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Ah, now that turtle has some definite personality! Thanks for sharing.

  7. I love photos from places like that.

  8. That's a fascinating photo.

    I feel the same way about a group of gorillas we like to visit at a small zoo in the Twin cities.

  9. positively ugly! (sorry mr turtle)

  10. Love aquariams but the prism in my glasses does funny things to my eyes in front of the tanks (giant prisms) and I always leave with a headache!

  11. OMgosh, now that is a close-up, would have given me a heart attack. Thanks for sharing! My WW post is up too.

    Can I be added to your WW blogroll? I'm unsure how to do it or if you do this? Sorta newbie here as far as the mechanics go. ;)

  12. Anonymous8:11 PM

    hi michelle! awesome face shot of the little guy! it's like he's right up my nose when i look at your picture. way cool.

    hey, what is the blogroll thingy? enlighten me? thanks!

    happy day :)

  13. He looks kind of feisty. Don't get too close :)!!

  14. Anonymous8:56 PM

    i've always found turtles and tortoises quite enigmatic and fascinating

  15. Oh my hell.

    That picture totally freaked me out. I'm all alone in the house and I actually JUMPED!!!!

  16. Anonymous11:07 PM

    OMG! The turtle kinda scared me.


  17. Anonymous1:34 AM

    That IS a fascinating mug!
    enjoy the day.

  18. Anonymous1:46 AM

    That's a mean looking critter!

    Oh great, your word verification is a mile long :-(

  19. What a cool picture!

  20. Great photo!Going to the aquarium is one of our favorite activities.

  21. I can see how that can facinate you. That is one ugly turtle! How did you get so close!? This picture definately woke me up this morning!

  22. Anonymous5:59 AM

    What an amazing picture!! I know my son would love to see this!

  23. It scared me at first. Wasn't expecting a close-up. Does look fascinating though.

  24. What a scary-looking dude. We have four turtles, and I'm sure none of them would like to meet this guy in a dark corner of the tank....

  25. Anonymous9:53 AM

    That turtle looks like he knows something we don't know. What could it be? Other than where the goldfish went.

  26. Anonymous11:11 AM

    A face only a mother could love. My WW is up. Please stop by.

  27. Only a face a mother could love!! Nice pic.

  28. Great close-up of an old soul! :-)

  29. Would you look who's looking at you kid!
    Happy WW!

  30. Pucker up for a kiss.
    Great shot Michelle!

  31. Cool and groatty at the same time! What a face.


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