Spencer: "Mom, what do they speak in Italy?"
Me: [confused] "They speak Italian. Italy? Italian? See the connection?"
Spencer: [now confused himself] "I thought they spoke English."
Me: "Uh, no, they definitely speak Italian. I have it on good authority."
Spencer: [after a thoughtful pause] "But I saw this Italian movie and everyone spoke English."
Me: "Well, that could be because our good friends in Hollywood wanted to heighten your enjoyment of the movie by making sure you could understand what was being said. If they'd spoken in Italian you wouldn't have understood a thing."
Spencer: "Yea, but couldn't they have used subtitles or something?"
Me: "Too true, but then I think their aim was to fascillitate your comprehension rather than to go for authenticity."
Spencer: "Oh."
Silence. I love those rides in the morning, you learn the most interesting things.
Technorati tags: Alaska, motherhood, humor
Thanks for clearing that up for me! LOL!
What a grown up conversation...tee hee...That kid's smart....
I love those rides back and forth to school to. Something about being in the car....it leads to the best conversations.
What a smart young man! I used to wonder the same things. Course, that was last week...
I thought it was Fremch or perhaps
German. When I watch Italian movies in Germany they speak German.
I love it! Car conversations are the best.
I love those types of conversations.
Your son sounds like mine, always thinking!
Funny to see what is going on in their minds!
I remember an argument once where I disagreed with a fellow classmate that said that Mexicans spoke Mexican and not Spanish. I triumphantly finished the conversation by saying that we spoke English so naturally we must live in England (the argument took place in Calgary, Canada).
So now I'm wondering... twenty years later, what do they speak in Mexico?...
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