The family was in the car ready to go swimming Monday night. It was dark, we were traveling down the highway and everyone was silent, being lulled by the motion of the car, watching the road signs go by and thinking our own thoughts.
When suddenly Andrew says . . .
"If I were Spiderman, I'd enter the Olympics. Only I wouldn't tell anyone that I was Spiderman and I'd enter every event and get all the gold medals in each sport and then people would really hate the Olympics."
More silence. We had nothing to say to that. And he likes the Olympics so I'm not entirely sure where this came from.
And now for something completely different . . .
This is a video of a juggler I found highly entertaining. It gets better and better as it goes, the only thing he needs is some snappy music like the Fun with Treadmills guys have got.
Here's a bit from Jay Leno with a phony photo booth that made me laugh.
And if you've ever seen David Copperfield (the magician, not the novel) you'll need to check out this parody: Daniel Chesterfield.
I've awarded an ROFL award to Midwestern Mommy which fits right in with my theme for the day.
For other recipients see Izzy Mom and Mommy off the Record.
Technorati tags: Spiderman, humor, juggling, Olympics, David Copperfield
How does he do that?! That was just mesmerizing watching the juggler, so cool!!
Have a nice weekend Michelle!
hehe about the random thought shared in the car!
That juggler is wild!
I spammed everyone I know with these links. They are hilarious!
WOW. That was SO cool. My kids were wanting to watch it again. People like that are amazing to watch! Have an awesome weekend.
Oh the Spiderman thing was hilarious. That is something any boy might think, but your's really said it. Too cute!
Thanks for this post. I SO needed a good laugh today...and you gave me three!
You know, I'm always wondering what's going in the minds of the silent males around me. I think Andrew just cleared up that mystery for me.
Thanks for starting my Friday with a laugh...
I'm with your son...I'd totally do that too!
TOOOO funny! Great post!
If I were Spiderman I'd wish I was Superman. Because then I could fly.
Maybe he doesn't like Spiderman? I wonder why he said that? It's amazing the way a child's mind works. I'm sure he has a perfectly logical explanation.
I think you are tapping into an interesting area with the Spiderman The Olympian thought - what men are thinking. I've asked my husband what he was thinking about on many occasions when he appeared to be deep in thought. More often than not, it is something like that.
"Oh, I was just thinking that I'd rather be able to fly than be invisible. I think it'd be more useful."
I thought maybe he was thinking about me.
The imitation of David Copperfield was classic. That was SO him.
It cracks me up that some of you have mistakenly thought that when I said "Andrew" I was referring to my son. No, that would be my husband. But as I didn't specify I can see where the confusion would occur. It's cracks me up--shows where his philosophical plane is at.
I want to learn to juggle....This was great inspiration ;)!
okay, your son is awesome. that david copperfield send-up was hilarious. have you seen this one that makes fun of david blaine? It's pretty funny too.
Oh my gosh, I just noticed from your comments that Andrew is your husband. That Spiderman story just got, like, a hundred times funnier.
The juggler: I didn't get it. The balls are clearly rubber, but they don't react to gravity. There are too many of them, so there can't be strings. He is reacting to gravity, so he can't be in freefall unless he is attached to the floor and his hair is slicked.
Wow. Thanks for sharing!
He's right, I'm sure spiderman would probably win all the events, but what fun would that be.
Here via the carnival of family life.
LOL If I were Super Woman, I'd enter the olympics too ;) That juggler was crazy! here via CFL :)
Isn't it crazy how thoughts like that can come out of left field sometimes? Glad I'm not the only mom who has experienced that.
Holly's Corner
Here via the Carnvial of Family Live ;o)
Great stuff! I love the spiderman/olympics story. Sounds like something my 6 year old would say too. I am here via bobbarama's humor carnival.
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