1. Homemade lunchbags. Quenna at Blissful has several varieties and Tumbling Blocks has an oilcloth version that I just love.
2. Tiny sweater ornaments. These miniature knitted sweaters at Inside a Black Apple could make an adorable garland or series of ornaments for the tree. And you know those tiny buttons are too much to resist.
3. Homemade chocolate truffles. I make these regularly as gifts and they're always a hit. Put them in tiny gift boxes for added sweetness.
4. Pop-up cards. Robert Sabuda.com has fabulous tutorials for making beautiful pop-up cards--perfect for any time of year.
5. Ribbon pinecone ornaments. Whip up has the tutorial for making these beautiful ribbon pinecones--they look easy enough to do with older children too.
6. A chic wall calendar. Using Little Hut's pattern you can make a calendar with recycled scraps--really pretty.
7. A hand-bound journal. Dad Can Do has a cute denim-covered diary that's got to appeal to the teen in your life. Actually, I'd like it too. Here's another version as a field-notebook.
8. A Zoom crocheted bucket hat. Crafty Crafty lists this fun hat with a classic name (remember the old PBS show?) Love the colors, love the pattern.
9. A pillow case tote. Have any pretty pillowcases you can't bear to throw away? Creative Kismet has this tutorial to make them into classy totes. Here's another version from Maize's Dairy using vintage fabric calenders.
10. A wizard wand. Have a Potter fan in your life? This tutorial for making genuine wizard wands at Dad Can Do is simple for anyone and would elevate you to Super Cool Status with your kids.
11. A tiny zippered pouch. Mari's little bias tape pockets are so cute and versatile, they would be a welcome gift for so many on my list. And they look easy to make . . . or how about a organizer? A clever idea for anyone who's carrying lots of stuff, this purse organizer is pretty and practical.
12. Buggy mittens. I saw this pattern and knew I'd make them, the ladybug mittens are too cute not to make. If you're past the kid phase of life, how about these Magnificent Mittens? The name says it all.
13. A Victorian lace ornament. From Loom Lore this makes those pretty little glass balls so elegant.
and a bonus:
Just in case you are looking for ways to fill up your holiday hours, here's the ultimate craft project. I've included it just for the WOW factor. WOW!
Technorati tags: Thursday Thirteen, crafts, holidays, gifts Christmas
Wonderful crafts. I love handmade gifts. This year I'm embroidering kitchen towels. Of course, I can't knit or crochet, and I use an embroidery machine, but they're still homemade.
Great ideas!! Thanks for sharing... it might be to late for this Christmas but birthday gifts throughout the year... yes!
I wish I could make one...
These sound great! Maybe I'll try some! :) BTW.. love the hats!
That truffle tree is rockin' my world. They are like, my favorite things to eat on the planet.
I am definately going to have to revisit this list. Sounds like some fabulous ideas. Thanks for sharing. Happy Holidays!
Those are great ideas. I always say I am going to do the truffle idea but I never do.
What a bunch of great links! I wish I had more time to do these things. I used to, but seems like all my time free time just goes up in smoke these days.
Holy crochet! (And I do mean holy - just look at all those little monks.) I can't even make mittens. I'm working on a pair for my son, and wow, if they turn out looking like a pair, I'll be shocked.
This is so awesome.
I'm totally stealing it for my post today.
What a timely post! I needed some craft ideas for our annual adult/child Christmas party. Thanks!
Wow, your post is infectuous... got to start being crafty again.
I've bookmarked all these pages - maybe in future. I do love the wands - I'm thinking maybe gold fabric paint might work instead of glue, but of course it would take longer to dry. Now, does anyone know how we can make the wands actually WORK!?
I am totally making those truffles for my next holiday event.
Very cool ideas. I used to make cool things--one year, I made fancy Christmas stockings for the whole extended family. Another year, I made (and monogrammed) nightshirts for everybody. And the cookies and candy...
*sigh* When did I get so lazy?
Wow, I can't imagine how long it took you to pull that list together. There are DEFINITELY some keepers. Thanks!
Great links. Where does one get the handbag. I love it!
Oooh Jealousy. The green monster rears it's ugly head.
You want to know how crafty I've been this holiday season? I've crocheted 1/3 of a rather ugly afghan and maybe 2/3 of an equally ugly doily.
My problem is that when I have free time I'd rather be reading. Sigh.
We're making homemade gift this year and so far they are turning out fabulous if I do say so myself. ;D
Anyway, I love the lunch bags. Makes me want to send my kids to school just so I can make them. The wands are a terrific idea. My kids have been making their own out of bamboo skewers and wrapping sculpey clay around them, baking them and then painting them. Even the three year old has her own.
We had to support the Boy Scouts in our ward and buy some ugly Christmas cards. I decided to use make them into gift boxes using your tutorial. Now they are sweet!
Great list of ideas! That Dad Can Do site is really great--I'd never seen it before and I just love the reason why they are doing it.
You are simply great. This is exactly what I needed--to do something fun and make some gifts! Thank you!
Most of my gifts that I give are handmade. Happy TT.
those wands are pretty darn cool! And once again, lady you are in my brain, I've been hunting for some gold grosgrain ribbon to make those very same pinecone ornaments! Don't you just love Whip Up?
Aha! Thanks for reminding me that it is in fact Thursday.
Could we perhaps make it into Thursday 14 and the bonus would be the TIME to even attempt any of these?
Free hours indeed! More like free nano seconds over here.
This is my calling card or link"Whittereronautism"until blogger comments get themselves sorted out.
Some great ideas as usual. I think I quite like the thought of earning super cool status with the magic wand. My youngest will love it!
Thanks M for adding many more wonderful crafts to the already long list I have yet to tackle, no really thanks! LOL
I love those lunchsacks at Blissful but no tutorial?
I need to stop gazing and start doing. So many great things to create.
I love good links, so thanks.
Too many cute things to look at! I just love Robert Sabuda!
I'm only crafty with paper and only if I have a "recipe" so I might have to check out that calendar!
I will have to save some of these for next year. I have a very firm rule that nothing handmade is to be started after November 20th. I'm finishing up one last handmade gift and then the shop will be closed till Jan 2nd.
I do love that knitted monk's garden.
I will have to save some of these for next year. I have a very firm rule that nothing handmade is to be started after November 20th. I'm finishing up one last handmade gift and then the shop will be closed till Jan 2nd.
I do love that knitted monk's garden.
I am so going to have to knit those mittens. ANother amazing list. You are like the queen of lists!
Great post! About how many truffles will that recipe make?
Always so fun coming here...thanks for all the inspiration..!
Thank you so much for including my calendar!! :)
Great ideas! I've done a couple of those. This year we're baking for gifts! :)
Aha, some great ideas here - this is a really fantastic source of inspiration. If only I'd thought of these over christmas when I had some time off!
I love these linky idea posts of yours. THanks for the ideas! I love the ornaments.
Of all of the crafts I have become somewhat good at, the art of corchet is just not one of them :( I am determined, one day I will get it!
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