Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Vial Vases

The Winter BazaarDo you ever buy vanilla beans? They come in corked tubes and a couple years ago I wondered what to do with the tubes once I was done with the beans. I figured they had to be good for something.

Vases from VialsI bought a piece of wood at a local hardware store then cut it into square segments and drilled a hole in the middle of each piece big enough to accommodate a glass tube. I stained the wood, sealed it and stuck the tubes in the holes--instant vases!

Though you can display only one they look best and most dramatic in a grouping. You can arrange them in a square, in a line or in all sorts of creative ways but they're nice when you only have a couple flowers. Anyone can make a dozen roses look good, but finding a way to make four daisies look like a million bucks? Now that's impressive.

Any other ideas? Leave your name and link below. And if you've got the time, come visit me over at Design Mom where I'm posting all week--including another idea of what to do with those tiny tubes.

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Unknown said...

Great photo. I don't have any design ideas, but, I think the daisies look great!

My WW this week challenges you to take a vacation where nobody has been before! Are you interested?

Happy WW,

Anonymous said...

That's a really great idea. It looks great and you reused something. Two birds with one stone.

all over the map said...

I give you an A for this. Easy peasy and looks good. I like the idea.

Melissa said...

Love your ideas michelle! You could also take blocks of wood that are different in hight and glue them together so they are one piece if one is worried about them moving around! Seriously Michelle love love LOVE your ideas!!!!

Chrisbookarama said...

Very Eco-friendly. I have paperwhites as my Wordless Wednesday today.

Geekwif said...

Great idea. They look lovely and I'd never have guessed they were vanilla bean tubes. Though to be honest I've never bought vanilla beans. I went to buy one at my local market recently and it was $11 for a single bean! Holy cow! I can buy a whole cake premade for that. I just got the extract instead.

United Studies said...

Your ideas are better than Martha Stewart, I must say. You need your own show.

I am adding this to my list of things to make. So clean and fresh looking.

email said...

That is a FABULOUS idea! I SO WANT to do it. I never actually WILL, because I'm lazy that way, but I'll IMAGINE it in the lovely decorated house I have in my dreams where I am NOT lazy that way. :)

Amber M. said...

Okay, sorry about the two false starts on the link list...I had Josh on my lap and he likes to type, too!

As always, your vase idea is perfect. It looks gorgeous in a square like that.

Jendeis said...

So pretty!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

I'll send you my tubes if I can have your vanilla bean.

Anonymous said...

Oh how great!! I love paperwhites and this would be a great way to show them off.

Scribbit said...

Geekwif--Yup, vanilla beans are expensive. Though some recipes really are better with them--say vanilla custards or ice cream. That's why I didn't want to throw the tubes away. Actually, Costco was carrying them for a while and you could get giant tubes (well bigger) with a couple beans in each for $20. With two tubes. Not bad.

Meredith said...

Michelle, I'm not gourmet enough for vanilla beans. We're still using up the jug 'o vanillin I bought at the restaurant supply store last year.

However, my sources say that the best buys on vanilla beans are on Ebay--where you can buy a pound for the cost of one vial. People are making their own homemade vanilla extract that way.

But then what would you use for vases?

Daisy said...

Very pretty! And creative re-use of materials, too.

Lisa said...

What a COOL idea. And it looks fabulous.

Shannon said...

Awesome idea! I love the creativity. There are so many things in life I come across and wonder what else it could be. Now I know what to do with the bean vials!

Realty By The Sea said...

I am also teaching my kindergartener how to kid- we are having great bonding times together- and she is also my last kindergartener!! I loved your post.

Miranda said...

This is a great idea. It looks very classy!

Miranda said...

This is a great idea. It looks very classy!

luvmy4sons said...

How awesome. That looks great!

Anonymous said...

You're so creative. The vases are beautiful. Simple and classy.

Shalee said...

They do look artsy and creative. Much like you, Michelle.

Anonymous said...

I love that idea!! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my, those are gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Very lovely !

I had been saving the lil glass vials that contact lenses came in for the very same purpose. I was gonna use a single long narrow piece of wood but had no idea of how to get the holes in. LOL. Guess I will have to dig them out again. :-)

Anonymous said...


I'm glad that you decided to participate in The Seventh Day blog carnival. This post is a great addition. I would never in 1,000 years have thought of doing something so creative with those vials! :-)

I'm interested to see what other ideas folks come up with, too.

Hope you participate again in the future!!

SandyCarlson said...

Those are a wonderful idea. Thanks for sharing that thought.

(I'm here via The Seventh Day.)

Gattina said...

That's a marvelous idea and it looks great !
BTW I am here on my "7th day" !

ohAmanda said...

I'm so're at Design Mom this week? How famous are you?!!

Anonymous said...

These are perfect vases as well as for the 'Narrow' prompt on photohunters! BTW, it's not 'warm' here it's been bucketting for a week - don't fret ;~)

Angela Yuriko Smith said...

Very elegant. It reminds me of that Japanese flower arranging - ikebana (is that spelled right?) Beautiful job!

Anonymous said...

This is brilliant.. i really love the idea..