Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Make Your Own Bracelets of Power

Plastic Beaded BraceletsYou want an activity for boys and girls that will thrill your five year-old as easily as your preteen? Oh I've got the answer for you! Behold, the mighty Bracelets of Power.

March yourself down to your local hardware store (Home Depot or Lowes for example) and buy several feet of 1/4 inch and 3/8 inch plastic tubing. It's probably over in the same aisle as the PVC pipe--it's not hard to find neither is it expensive. I bought two large coils of tubing for about $5.

Cut a nine-inch length of small tubing. Cut a one-inch segment of big tubing to use as a coupling (be careful not to get the tubing oily or greasy then it won't fit as tightly). Stick the large tube segment on the end of the longer, small tube segment then drop tiny beads or a little bit of glitter inside the bracelet through that larger opening.

Beaded Plastic BraceletsOnce you've got as many beads or as much glitter as you'd like use an eyedropper to fill the tube with water then stick the other small end into the coupler to make a circle and seal the whole thing up. Easy! I actually had some liquid glycerin leftover from another project and I put some of that in the water we used which made the water thicker and more like the liquid you'd find in a snow globe. Keeps the beads from falling as quickly but it's not really necessary.

I was ever so slightly worried about the bracelets getting pulled apart and dumping water everywhere so I put a tiny drop of super glue along the seam just for an extra precaution. Motherhood is always smoother with extra precautions isn't it?

They'll love this! Kept my kids busy for a good solid hour.

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Anonymous said...

I love, love, love ... no, adore! this idea! How cool! I know of a teenager who would really enjoy this. Thank you for sharing it!


Sage said...

What a neat idea... good for craft fairs etc..

Lori said...

Oh I would have loved this as a kid. Please keep posting craft ideas three years from now when my daughter finally reaches an age to craft!

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous idea. Thanks for sharing. This is something we could do at kids club. :)

Anonymous said...

oh yeah. we're goina do it!

Jenn @ Frugal Upstate said...

I saw this idea last year and wanted to try it. Maybe you've got me inspired enough to pick up the supplies.

Missy said...

They're so cool. I want one!

Melanie Dickens said...

Great idea. I will definately be trying this one this summer. Will have to find the boys some interesting little beads to make them more "boy".

Anonymous said...

Fantastic idea!! This will be great for those "boring" summer days. :-)

Robin said...

What a fabulous idea - you are so crafty!

Carina said...

This is a great idea! I'd forgotten all about the plastic-floatie bracelets we had when I was young.

Ahh the fashion memories.

I need to file this in my mental list for when Mim's a bit older. Or I could just make one for church for myself. =)

Anonymous said...

Great idea I am going to try it with my kids. Sounds like a birthday party activity.

Kristen said...

Thank you! I'm thinking red, white and blue for 4th of July!

Unknown said...

What a great idea. I will try to remember it this summer when I start getting desperate.

Janet said...

This is spectacular. Beads and water - two of my kids' favorites! And, oh yes, toddler bling!

Jessi said...

That is such a great idea! That would keep even me entertained! It looks like such a fun craft! Thanks for the idea!

Killlashandra said...

I totally love this! I just printed it out to use at the next 4-H meeting. What a wonderful and simple idea. :)

Anonymous said...

This is an awesome idea!

Beck said...

This is a fantastic craft - I've bookmarked so many of your ideas for the summer!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! An idea I can't WAIT to try (along with the popsicle stick purse).

Gotta admit, I'm glad to add this to my blogroll - I've enjoyed every post I've read so far.

Jessica R. said...

That is nothing short of brilliant!
Definitely going to give this a try!

Kelli said...

So unique! Thanks for sharing.

Daiquiri said...

Oh! What a great idea! My kids would absolutely be into that project...and I am totally with you on the super glue precaution.

Superhero and pricess bracelets, here we come!

Thanks for sharing :)

Superdumb Supervillain said...

super cool! probably a bit advanced for my 4 year old but I will file it with my "to-do" stuff!

I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

What a great idea!

Anonymous said...

Love this idea! I think if we do it we'll make some longer ones for necklaces too!

daysease said...

FUN AND PRETTY!!! Cannot go wrong with that... ooh!!! and great for gifts,too.

Tracey said...

What a great 5th graders will love this!

Melissa Lea said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori - Queen of Dirty Laundry said...

What a fun idea! I'm definitely marking this one so we can try it this summer.

Melissa Lea said...

What a wonderful idea! I can't wait to try it! You are so creative!!! Thanks for sharing!

Shannon said...

This would be a great camp activity!!! Thanks for the idea.

Anonymous said...

That's so creative! Thanks for the idea; my daughter will love making this project.

Tara said...

What a cool idea! I will gladly try this and pass it on. Thanks for the tips. :)

Ice Cream said...

I'm putting this in my summer camp creaft file. Every summer we go camping with all the siblings. I think there are now 29 kids between us all. We always make buddy bracelets to remind the kids who their safety buddy is, and this would be great for that.

AlaneM said...

Hey, this might work if I can keep Eli from throwing beads all over the house.
Thanks for all the great ideas!

luckyzmom said...

Too, too clever!!!!

Anonymous said...

It is fantastic,how clever you are.

Erin said...

I loved this idea so much I had to blog about it on my parenting blog. Check it out if you'd like:

Thanks for passing on such a genius idea!

Anonymous said...

That is fantastic! I am thinking 5 year old birthday party activity! Awesome!

jenny said...

this is well a verry old to me why i say that is well me and my friends years a go use to make them what we use is the stuff for fish tanks air tube works realy good

Barb said...


Amanda @ said...

these are amazing! I linked to your post from my blog:

Anonymous said...

I love it!

CountessLaurie said...

Revisiting my June newsletter (I can't find my July one? Were you kayaking or something?) LOVE this idea. Can't wait to try it!! Thanks.