I had no idea shoes would be such a popular topic, Andrew has been very smug about choosing such a great subject and it'll be hard to top it next month but I'm thinking with every brain cell I own and will do my best to present a theme worthy of your consideration and talents come June 3rd.
. . . And the winner is:
StoriesFor.Us with Competition in the Closet
I wish I could give you a better introduction to our winner but the truth is, she's a bit of a mystery woman. Two children and one husband, blogging anonymously from an unnamed location, StoriesFor.Us is a new-to-me-blog and I look forward to getting to know her better. Hope she likes shoes . . .
Honorable Mentions:
Miriam Pauline's Monologue with They Gave away My Red Shoes
MiaKatia at Flashing Yellow Lights with Middle School Crush: Justin Roper
Here are a list of the entries in the order they were received:
Living in Grace with Legacy
Mama Zen at The Zen of Motherhood with Blogging for Bail
Nature Nut at Mother Earth Mender with A Walk with Spud
Sage at Wise Herb's Random Jottings with What Are Shoes to You?
Kristin at The Arnold Family with Patience and Shoes
Phyllis at Ima on (and off) the Bima with Walking in the Right Paths
Stephanie at Adventures in Babywearing with This Blog Has Been Seriously Lacking in Shoe Pictures
Kathryn with It's in My Sole [no link]
Hotomom at Why Are They Calling ME Mom? with Out of Control Addiction
MiaKatia at Flashing Yellow Lights with Middle School Crush: Justin Roper
Sucharita Sarkar at Whynotblogitout with Happiness Is a Full Shoe-box
Shauna at Shaunarumbling with A Phoenix Rising from the Ashes
Lil Mama at Life with Ana and Madelyn with In Her Shoes
Natalie at Tell Me about It with My New Shoes
JenH at The Hafen Family with Going Barefoot
Crum at Lost in the Bozone with Leather Friends
Heather at Heather's Reality Show with A Normal Question
I Know EVERYTHING--Just Ask My Hubby with Eight Things You Don't Know about Me
Knitty Geek at the Knit Geek's Blog with I Love Springtime
Rhonda at Because Mom Said So . . . That's Why! So, Pipe Down and Listen Up! with Please . . . Anything but NOT Shoe Shopping
Rhonda at Because Mom Said So . . . That's Why! So, Pipe Down and Listen Up! with Cabela's Is Not the Place for Wedding Shoes
Writer Girl 72 at Writer Girl with Shoe Broke Her
The Good Flea at Flea's World with Allergic to Weddings
sunnyislandbreezes.com with A Bounce in His Steps
Mommytime at Mommy's Martini with Invite My Shoes to Your Next Party
TJ Hirst.com with The Shoe Didn't Fit, But She Still Wore It
sunnyislandbreezes.com with The Shoes of My Life
Laurie's Blogspot with Living in the Land of Sandals
Kathy G at Kathy at 49 with New Thing #38: Fluffy Footwear
Gabrielle at Positive Frenzy! with Take a Walk in Our Shoes: A Mother's Day Tribute
Ann at Oh the Places You'll Go! with A New Kind of Psychologist?
Daisy at Compost Happens with The Ensemble
Lori at CommuniKate with High Top Leather Sandals, Karate Shoes, Oh My!
Carissa at Good and Crazy People with Not Your Nightmare
Melanie Dickens at Life Is Not Final. with So Many Shoes I Don't Know What To Do
Janet at Adventures in the 32-Aker Wood with Keeping Both Feet on the Ground Might Be Difficult
Deb at Mom of 3 Girls with My Mother, My Child
Krista at Welcome to Married Life with The Bane of My Existence
Patricia Rockwell at Communication Exchange with Shoes Talk
Miriam Pauline's Monologue with They Gave away My Red Shoes
Mannequin at Fractured Toy with The Philosophy of Shoes
Lelia Chealey at Write from the Heart with These Boots Were Made for . . . Hiding?
Cally at Calico with A Word or Two on an Ugly Boot
Mary at Not Before 7 with A Girl and Her Shoes
Amy at Laughing through the Tears with Daddy's Girl
StoriesFor.Us with Competition in the Closet
Life More Abundantly with The Line
Tara at Tara Thinks About with The Shoes that Brought Me Here
Robin at Pensieve with Feets of Magic
What about Mom? with I'd Rather Go Barefoot
Sonja at Wonder Years with Sole Defining
Cecily R at My Chaos My Bliss with Toe Shoes and Dancing in the Aisles
Technorati tags: Write-Away Contest, contests, blogging, writing
It was very hard to pick a favorite last night, there were so many fantastic pieces written. Thank for giving me this opportunity, Michelle.
Thank you so much!! And I do love shoes, as does my three-year old daughter! Thank you, Ice Cream Diary for picking my story!
Oh, man, is May almost over?! Shoot. I had a good idea, too.
That was a cute story from the shoes view of a day out. Very cute!
wow, not one guy in that group...? what guy doesn't like shoes? Or ice cream?
what a great list. the winner was well-chosen!
Thanks for the opportunity to particpate. Next time, a shorter piece. BREVITY seemed to have been the winning theme.
I love reading the submissions! Every month the variety is amazing. I can never read them all in one sitting; it takes so much thought I have to split it up. It spreads out the pleasure, too. Thanks, Michelle, for continually sponsoring these contests!
Oh gosh- I almost bought those shoes pictured there!!
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