So I've got pictures and instructions should you have the inclination to try it yourself. It was an easy project and the kids and I had lots of fun planning and building our sweet ride.
We called our creation "The Wind Scorpion" (which you might remember is another name for the camel spider). There were some issues about whether a "Ninja Wind Scorpion" were more fearsome than a mere "Wind Scorpion" but in the end we figured the simplicity and elegance of "The Wind Scorpion" would promote a general fear among our competition. The kids were even cocky enough to stick a sign on the back reading, "If you can read this you're losing."
Here's what you'll need:
- Some friends who have as much time on their hands as you do. Unless you want to race by yourself. Of course you may not want to invite friends who have much MORE time than you because ten-to-one they'll build a machine guaranteed to leave you in the dust.
- 1 1-inch by 10-inch main board five feet long. This will be the main board for the chassis.
- 2 cross pieces to support the axles. We used cross pieces that were 2-inches by 3-inches--one 3-feet long for the back axle and one 2-feet long for the front.
- A Lazy Susan swivel for the front steering joint.
- 2 1/2-inch diameter, 3-foot long steel rods for the axles. Don't let the guy at Lowe's tell you that you need threaded rods, ignore him, you'll definitely need smooth rods for speed. Take it from us who learned the hard way.
- 4 wagon wheels to fit on the 1/2-inch rods, the ones with ball bearings in them are probably best and this will be the most expensive part of the project, running about $8 a piece.
- 2 small eye bolts for attaching the steering rope to the front cross piece plus two yards of steering rope.
- 4 1/2-inch cap nuts plus washers for securing the wheels on the axles.
- Wood screws of various sizes to hold it all together--plan for plenty of them because they'll get dropped and lost along the way.
- A trash can for the body--and some 1/4-inch stove bolts with washers to secure it to the chassis without tearing the plastic.
- I also used white Contact paper for decals that the kids designed with permanent markers.
- A 1-inch by 2-inch board for a pivot break fixed to the chassis with a 3-inch lag bolt.
- Metal plumber's tape to secure the axles to the cross pieces (and metal snippers to snip it).
- And finally you'll need a street where you can race. Preferably one that's a dead end, paved, gently sloped and without pot holes. I'd give you the name of the street we used but I'm guessing the people who live there might not appreciate me turning their street into The Fast and the Furious.
1. Screw the Lazy Susan swivel to the front of the long board then screw the cross piece on top of that. Your front board should swivel and steer quite nicely now.
2. Screw the back cross piece onto the main board.
3. Using strips of plumber's tape and wood screws, secure the axles to the undersides of the cross pieces.
4. Put the wheels on with the washers and cap nuts--you might also want to get some lubricant in there while you're at it.
5. We used an extra board as a back rest though this is optional, ditto on the rubber dish rack mat we used as a seat. If you want these now's the time to screw them in place.
6. Attach the break to the side with a pivot joint. You might have to experiment with this because we all felt that after our race the side break wasn't as effective as foot pedal breaks would be. Not sure how they'd be designed but you might give this some thought and come up with your own ideas.
7. Screw the body (trash can) in place. Our friends even had a grill and headlights on their car. I had the boys put decals made from white Contact paper they'd decorated with permanent markers and self-adhesive reflectors on the back. Be creative--our friends went to an auto parts store and asked for automotive parts stickers and the store gave them out for free.
8. Attach the eye bolts to the front cross piece near where the feet will rest. String the rope through the eye bolts and tie it so you have a loop of rope to steer with--if it's nylon rope you can burn the ends to melt it and make it more secure. When riding, keep this rope taut.
And finally, if you'd like to see video of the race here's the clip I put together to capture the experience. It was wise to require the kids to wear helmets and pads because the steering rope had to be held taut or they'd flip. The cars had a hand break on the side but the kids found it more effective to drag their heels off the front cross piece where they rested their feet.
Thinking about entering this month's Write-Away Contest? Prize is a Zune MP3 player and the theme is "Wonder Woman" but the deadline is this week so you'll have to hurry!
Sponsored by Pak Naks--Back to School is around the corner and their charms are so cute!
Technorati tags: cars, kids, go carts
Ok, this clinches it. You are absolutely, positively, the coolest mom EVER.
Im 38.
wanna adopt a 38 year old? I want a go cart!!!
This is AMAZING. You really are awesome!
Robin took the words out of my mouth! I can't ever imagine being quite so adventurous enough to pull this off.
I agree with are a great mom.
You have to be the coolest mom in the world. I was going to say you are an "awesome" mom, but I know how much you love that word ;)
Seriously, can you adopt me? Pretty please!
Cute! I live very close to the Derby Downs where the Soap Box Derby is held! Hubby built a racer when he was a youngster and it's still in his parents attic.
Next time Spencer, you'll get 'em!
What a cool mom you are to do this with your boys. Very impressive!
How fun! I have to admit go carts scare the ever loving crap out of me because I had a classmate die in one in high school. So my paranoid mom side says please be careful! And have lots of fun!
That is so cool! My boys would love this! You take the prize!
See you next year at the tracks!!
Bravery award to mum! Or maybe the kids?
Oh boy, I'll have to revisit this post in a few years. I know my boys would love it!
I remember when one of my little brothers bought a go cart, and how much fun it was for him... his first "work" car. To this day he loves working on all things automotive - building engines and such.
Oh wow, this is very cool!!!
This looks like a great idea for down on the walking track next to the fire department in our neighborhood. In a few years when I don't actually have to PUSH the silly things.
Yes, you are without a doubt, the coolest mom ever. LOL
BTW: I thought the ground stayed frozen year round in your neck of the woods? What is all that green I see? LOL
Wow, kudos, Michelle! That's one awesome project. I want a summary of your kids' "what I did this summer" report at the beginning of school: We went hunting for gold, made a whip out of duct tape, painted the house black and freaked the neighbors out, built a go cart, made a pool table ...
I'm giving this post to my husband right away.
30 years ago Sunset books had an article on how to build these. My dad built one and we raced down the hill in front of house at Hamilton AFB in California.
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