And if you want to do something fun with your hair for the holiday try a "modern" curl. Why is it modern? Well as opposed to the Shirley Temple or Diana Ross look these curls lay flatter at the crown of your head and are more of a natural-looking cascade of waves.

It's best with long hair but you can still give some fun waves to shorter hair as well, all you need a small-barreled curling iron, about 1-inch in diameter, and a clip to keep your hair clipped up and out of the way. Other than that all you need is a bit of practice--you might burn yourself once or twice at the beginning but it gets much easier the second time you try.
And if you look closely you'll see me put in a plug for my Suave freeze spray that I now use regularly--talk about your product placement!
Sponsored by Dimples and Dandelions--for the Serena and Lily Bedding Collection for Children.
Technorati tags: hair, style, fashion
Love the video! Great tip for the holidays :)
May have to try that on my girls hair for this weekend. I think mine is too short and might end up not-so-pretty.
This video is reminding me of the duct tape one that you posted - and I had to try. It worked! :)
Fabulous video! Wow, your daughter has gorgeous hair (and an adorable smile when she finally turned around) Are those her natural highlights?
And I thought the video was a professional performance shot while you were at the Suave Seminar (I know that isn't what it was called, but I can't remember). Very nice job!
Love the video!! And of course your hair looks great in the all look great:)
I need help with the top of my hair. I never know how to fix that...can you do a part two? lol
I hope Grace was rewarded for being such a good model!
Great job...Grace has beautiful hair! Wish that I could do something like that on Darling Daughter's hair...unfortunately it's TOO curly to get soft waves. Oh well. Good instructional video!
My first time here and I get a great lesson in hair curling, LOVED IT!! I'm trying this on my daughter too!
You make me want to grow out my hair. I have to say, I just adore how you do your hair and even liked it better than when we went to that fancy salon and had it done ;) You just have a great technique. Thank you for sharing that- I am totally going to do that with Emily when she can be patient enough to sit like that ;)
This is exactly the hairstyle I want. Really.
Now if I could just figure out how to make it work without any effort...
Hmm. Guess I'd better break out the curling iron.
Great idea for a post, Michelle! And who is that stunning woman sitting next to you? ;) LOL! Oh I just crack myself up.
Great visual video. I'm glad you showed it! We're ready to learn some new "modern" tricks at our house. You actually got me to sit and watch this!
This is awesome!! I am always trying to get a more subtle classy curl I use hot roolers and when the come out it is really tight and poofy and by the time I get to the event its barely curled!
I used to be so hip in the hair curling department, but this curl had stumped me. Thanks for posting!!
Thanks for the tip for people who's hair won't keep a curl. Usually I won't even bother curling my hair, but I think I'll give it a try once more.
Thanks! I needed that! My hair is very similiar, straight with a bit of wave, so I have been trying to figure out something different, now I know!
Her hair is gorgeous! Unfortunately, my daughter's hair hate to take a curl. Fortunately, her new flat iron curls even her hair. But thanks for the tips! I might try mine for a more even curl. :)
OH, it looks so beautiful on both of you. I have to tell you that just WATCHING you do that to her hair made ME get all sleepy and relaxed. I love having someone else play with my hair. If I could convince someone to do this for me, I'd probably skip going out for the big party, put on my flannel pajamas and go straight to bed all happy and relaxed. So nice!
You guys look great - thanks for the tip.
Hmm. I might have to let mine grow out again. My hair doesn't usually want to curl at all, but this might work.
Great tips, though I'm usually the tie-up pony-tail type. My hair also is neither-here-nor-there (not too curly, not too straight) so the video will hopefully help it make up it's mind on the curly side for some special occasion. Thanks.
That was really, really helpful! I loved it! I learned a lot and know my daughter will want to watch this too. Great work, as always!
Hey that looks really familiar! *wink*
Nice tutorial, Michelle!
Really nice to know!
...and your daughter is very pretty. :)
That is a neat trick with the curling iron. I'm going to have to try that.
And, I agree, Grace does have beautiful hair!
How pretty. I have the long hair, but I am lacking the patience necessary for this hairstyle. Could you come and do it for me?
Who knew it was called a modern curl?! My hair is much too short for even a curly-q!
I am so impressed!
The video was well done. You have such a nice way of explaining things.
Your daughter is beautiful AND very compliant. Lucky you. :)
I actually have that very same curling iron, but have not used that technique. I look forward to trying it! Thanks for sharing!
Very cute! I have a question. My hair dries in frizz ball fashion. I have to take a flat iron to it to make it look "normal." Do you think I could curl it as you did like that, or would I need to straighten it first??
Your daughter has gorgeous hair.
Melissa, that's a tough one, I'm afraid I have little experience taming curly hair--anyone else with more info have a suggestion?
I have straight hair too! Your video was awesome. I LOVED how easy you made it look too, I can do that. Thank you so much.
Oh you make it look so easy. My hair is just too short, but maybe I'll try....and burn off my scalp...LOL. But I could give my daughter some fun curls if she was up for it. I am not sure if a 6 year old can sit that long.
I want your daughter's hair! Why cant it stay pretty and shiny and healthy for all time?!?
Hey, thanks for the pick of Site of the Week...Im so honored! :)
Your video is so neat MIchelle! I love those waves on your daughter - I'll have to show this to my Cici she would get quite the kick out of the whole thing, since she loves, loves to get her hair curled! Take care and thanks for your doodlebird comment!
I've been using the Suave hairspray and I really like it. And your daughter has great hair.
What a super Cute pic of you and Dawn and the other girls! I love Suave its great to find good products that aren't going to dip into my children's college fund, ok well I guess I don't have one of those saved yet ... so maybe the clothing budget for them? :)
Very sweet daughter. She looks like she enjoyed the beauty treatment. Thanks.
Fun video - I learned a few new things - thank you! :)
I've always wanted to know how to do that!!!!
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