Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Shape-its, Barefoots Books and an American Girl Triple Giveaway

A Week of GiveawaysWelcome to day three of a week of giveaways where I have more than a dozen sponsors with beautiful gifts for you.

Entering is easy, leave a comment on a giveaway post for a chance to win that day's prize. I will leave all the giveaways open for the week through Sunday December 7th then I'll draw all the giveaway winners Monday December 8th and will announce all the winners on Tuesday December 9th.

One entry per person please. I'm sorry but due to shipping costs giveaways are open to those with a U.S. address.

Shape its Holiday KitOh lots of stuff to win today! First I'm off to tell you about Shape-its, a company that makes kits for playing with your food. Giant cookie cutters, food gel, sprinkles, all sorts of fun things that make the kitchen the best room in the house.

The thing I liked about the Shape-its kits is that I gave one to my niece who has Celiac's--to over-simplify, it's an intolerance to gluten--because she often has meals that are specific for her dietary needs. My sister is constantly making gluten-free breads, pancakes, cookies, muffins and crackers and I thought she'd appreciate the ability to make those special foods a little more fun. Suddenly she's not missing out when she's the one getting her own special pizza shaped like a dinosaur, huh?

Just one of the many uses for fun food makers like this.

Shopping with Dad by Matt HarveyI have a holiday Shape-its kit for our first winner today.

The second winner will get a copy of Matt Harvey's book Shopping with Dad, one of the many wonderful books you can find at Barefoot Books. I have reviewed their site before which you may remember and really enjoy the quality books they have to offer.

Kitt Kittredge DVDIf you have a child on your holiday list I would start with Barefoot Books for a gift that will be meaningful for years to come.

And finally (as if this all isn't enough) I have copies of Kit Kittredge, the latest American Girl movie that little girls all over the place were clamoring to see. Two copies on Blu-ray disc to go out to two more winners today--four winners in all. If you have a preference as to which prize you'd like please let me know in your comment.

Technorati tags: product reviews, books, American Girl


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Tiffanie N. said...

My girl loves American Girls!

Jolanthe said...

OOOOOOOOOO!!! My girls would LOVE the Kit Kittredge movie (and truthfully so would I)!

Thanks for hosting all these great giveaways, Michelle!

And love how your house is looking - can't wait to see the completed project and tour.


One Mom said...

All of these sound great! Bound to find a home with one of my 7 grandkids!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

What fun! Another day of give-aways. I think my favorite is the cookie cutter kit.

Thank you, Michelle.


3 Bay B Chicks said...

What fun! Another day of give-aways. I think my favorite is the cookie cutter kit.

Thank you, Michelle.


Stephanie Appleton said...

Any of those would be welcome here!

Edi said...

My dd loves American Girl (and even her younger brother enjoys watching the movies) - so I can't NOT enter this contest. Sounds fun.

Andrea said...

Oh, I know someone who would be perfect for each of those gifts!

Diane said...

what great gifts. Please count me in .

Anonymous said...

Fun! I love the cookie cutter kit!

Anonymous said...

I like the Shape-its & American Girl prizes


Jennifer said...

I like the cookie cutter set the best. Sadly, we have not upgraded to Blu-Ray at this house.

Stacy said...

The cookie cutter set and the book. My kids would love both! Unfortunately we don't have a blu-ray player so leave me out of that one.

Anonymous said...

I would like to enter for the cookie cutter set and the Daddy book!
Thank you!

Stephanie said...

Stephanie Willis
Kit movie please

Robin in New Jersey said...

Great giveaways!

Denese said...

My daughter would love The Kit Kitteredge movie, she's read all the American Girl books over and over!

Thanks for the opportunity. :)

Anonymous said...

I like all of the items so I could definitely find a home for any of them. :)


Anonymous said...

ooh these look great! :) I know a couple of kids who would ooh and ahhh over these!!


Delete said...

We would love to win the Kit Kitteredge movie or the Shape-It kit!

Unknown said...

You are the giveaway queen, huh?
I like playing with my food and so do my kids.


Blessed said...

We would love the shape-its or the book either one!

Thanks for hosting these great giveaways!

Kara said...

No preference... except to see more pictures of the home-renovation!

daysease said...

I will be in the States for a month, please include me in the giveaway... great prizes... Have a great day.

daysease said...

oh, i would love the kit kittredge movie, if possible...

Andria Sommers said...

I will take anything just for a chance to win. :)

SarahHub said...

That Shape-Its kit is so cute! With a picky toddler, I sure could use something to help get her to eat!

Unknown said...

All of these sound great. I'm sure at least one of my kids would like all of these things! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Danielle said...

I Love the Kit Kittredge Movie! But all the prizes look great so put me down for any of them!

Anonymous said...

I thought the shape its kit would be fun to do with grandchildren

Rachel said...

Enter me!

Annette Lyon said...

I've got three girls. Totally need to win. 'Nough said. :)

Tammy said...

How fun! I would love either of the first two...if I win, of course! :-)

Have a great day!

Patois42 said...

My daughter would love the American Girl movie. And we'd all kind of love the Shape-Its.

Great stuff you've got to give away.

The Bertone's said...

Awesome giveaway!
They look great! My kids would be happy with any of them! :)

Anonymous said...

My sister and my aunt both have Celiac’s and that is an awesome idea for the little kids!

Sheri said...

Thanks for these fun giveaways!

Eternal Sunshine said...

What a terrific prize package! My step-daughter loves American Girls. We have a new store closeby, and I'm thinking I will have to take her soon!

Janet said...

We have only recently acquired a Samantha American Girl doll handed down from a cousin (I have to find replacement shoes and socks), and we don't have a Blu-Ray machine, so leave me out of the movie drawing. But the other two would be lovely.

Mom24 said...

I would love the Shape-Its, although any of them would be lovely. What a nice giveaway! Thanks for the chance.

CountessLaurie said...

Hurray! More great giveaways. You are spoiling us! Thanks for the chance to win!

Valerie said...

Since we're doing an American Girl Christmas this year, we'd love the movie! Of course, my kids would just be happy to win any of it :-)

DMK said...

Yay! Thanks for the contest!

Kristen M. said...

I'm sure my daughter would love the Kit Kittredge movie but the Cookie Cutter kit would also be welcomed.

Montserrat said...

We are huge cookie fans over here. We seriously make cookies at least every other day they are gone so fast.

Flea said...

What fun! And I just noticed the pomegranate punch below. Mmm! Too bad I'll be making home made eggnog for our party instead. :)

Holly Crosley said...

American girl, American girl!!! My daughter would love it (ok, me too!)

Anonymous said...

My 10 year old would love it

Kate said...

Thanks for the giveaways! They make the week more exciting!

-Kate (dea_007(at)hotmail(dot)com)

jenny said...

wow this is realy neet and well i think american girls is realy grate i just love every thing thay make in fact the compiney that makes them i think if i'm right is here some place in wi and well that also have a store for them in il that i have not been to yet but i here its a realy neet store and i realy love to try and win this thanks

Anonymous said...

Yea! I love these giveaways!


Mac and Starr said...

Ohhh I like them all!!!*

Anonymous said...

Had to leave a comment for the American Girl movie. My daughter has one that looks like her.

Jolene said...

What a fun giveaway! Hours of entertainment with each prize!

Gene Black said...

Great Prizes!
I would love any of these as I have several children in my extended family that would be thrilled.
In order of preference:
1. Shape-its
2. Shopping with Dad
3. American Girl package

Beth and Glen Bennett said...

I'm new to your blog and love it!! You have some great tips, recipes, and most of all the giveaways!! Hope the days leading up to Christmas are fantastic.

Alaskanchick said...

Pick me!

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun stuff!

Amber M. said... ...stuff...for...Anna...

Rachel said...

Cute Stuff!

mumple said...

The Howler would love any of it, so I must enter!

Mrs. F said...

I LOVE giveaways! My daughter is just getting in to the American Girl phase. Please pick me! She would be so ecstatic!

Anonymous said...

I would love either the movie or the shape-it kit!

Karen B said...

The book or DVD would be perfect for my greatgrands!

Twinsmom said...

Oh I'd love the Shape-Its! Even at nearly 14 years old, my twins like things like that to make ordinary days suddenly a bit more special! Thanks again for another great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! I'd love to enter, thanks!!

The Source said...

Oh...pick me! Pick me!! I need the cutters, I really do!!

Derick and Becky said...

Love the cookie cutter packs!

Rachael said...

cool giveaway! We don't have a blue-ray player, but anything else would be awesome!

annie said...

love it!

Allie said...

These are all great prizes once again! They all sound like fun.

Doug W. said...

My daughter adores Kit!


Kelly said...

Any prize will be all right with me!

PsychMamma said...

Our first choice would be the Shape-its and then the American Girl movie. We LOVE Barefoot books and already have (and love) Shopping with Dad, so if we won another, we'd give it as a gift. Thanks for a great giveaway and the chance to enter!

NGS said...

My husband has Celiac and we totally need cookie cutters. We got a Kitchen Aid mixer for a wedding present (awesome!) and I can't wait to start experimenting with holiday cookies. I have two or three solid recipes and can't wait to add more. And a cookie cutter kit is a must have for this!!

Natalie said...

How awsome!!! Count me in!!!!

Melissa said...

Love these prizes! My boys would love the Shape-its or the Barefoot Books.


An Ordinary Mom said...

A copy of that movie would be lovely to win ... and those cookie cutters look splendid, too :) !!

Ice Cream said...

My daughter would LOVE the shape=its. She is my resident baker. I love all the cookie without all the work.

Alison said...

All of the prizes are lovely, but I really would like the Kit Kittredge movie. I'd love to watch it with my daughter!

Jill in MA said...

I would love to win any of these! My preference order would be: food kit, movie, book.

You're awesome, Michelle. I love reading your blog and I love your give-aways!

stacief said...

I really like the food cutters!

Candid Carrie said...

I will pay you big money if you can make it stop snowing in Wisconsin.

Seriously Big Money!

Anonymous said...

My girls love Kit!

Kathryn said...

I would love to win the Shape-its!

M said...

Yay! Your Giveaway Week is awesome!

Leah said...

what fun. would love any of those giveaways! thanks!

CarrieM said...

Me too! I love stuff that helps my kids bake with me.

Kate said...

Any of them are great although I think the shape-its did get my attention. We don't have a blue-ray player. :0)

Killlashandra said...

Shape it looks awesome! W.W. would love it. He so wants to help out in the kitchen all the time. :)

Heffalump said...

Those all look like fun prizes!

Melissa said...

I would love the shape-its or the barefoot book!!

Unknown said...

They all sound wonderful. I think the Shape-its are my favorite. Though my little girl loves her Itty Bitty Baby, I'm not sure she's ready for the movie...yet.

Daisy said...

American Girl, please. My students would love it -- and so would I!

Shauna said...

My girls would love all of these!

stephanie said...

the cookie cutter kit looks so fun!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the fun blog!!...and the giveaways!

Kate said...

I'd love the shape its to make mealtimes fun for my toddler!

miriama said...

I would be very much interested in the shape-its kit for my granddaughter who is driving my daughter CRAZY with her eating habits. LOL

And the book sounds fun for her, too.


Jen said...

These giveaways are great. Thanks for offering us a chance to win something neat.

Crystal Copeland said...

WoW! All three look awesome!
Thanks for these great giveaways!!

Michaelle said...

Such cool giveaways! I would love to win something!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaways today! I love the Shape Its!

shelcows AT gmail DOT com

Therese said...

Please enter me for these giveaways!

Keeling said...

Those are GREAT PRIZES!!!!!Wow! Would love to win!

Phyllis Sommer said...

ooh i love the shopping with dad....

Trish said...

Love the Shape-Its and the Shopping with Dad. Although I'm sure my niece would go crazy for Kit Kittredge, so I'm open. :)

JessicaRindy said...

Great gifts! Count me in :)

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Thank you the chance to win all these great giveaways. I'd love to keep the Shape-its, or win the book or DVD for all the great children in our homeschool group.

Anonymous said...

I'd be happy with any of these gifts.

Sonja said...

ooh la la1 I have three girls who could put all those gifts to good use!

What a fun week!

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaways! My girls would love the American girl doll movie!!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Love the cutters and the Shopping with Dad book along with the movie we loved that one too! Thanks again for all the wonderful giveaways! Alexis :)

AKkimmie said...

cookie cutters~what a blast!!!!! this is so fun thanks!

Kelly said...

I would also love to win!

Dreamer said...

I would love any of these prizes. My little girl would especially love the American Girl movie!

Sarah said...

I have sons who would love the shape-its or the book, but as a 3rd choice, my niece is a very girly girl who'd love the movie.

Chrissy Galore said...

Great giveaway. Please enter me, thanks!

Anonymous said...

What great stuff you've got there!! Our family would love them!!

Susan P
simplysusan AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

My daughter would love the American Girls movie.

rebbi511 at

StayAtHome_Jen said...

Any of these prizes would be great to win!


Jenn S. said...

Nice giveaway! My kids would love any of the items being offered. Thanks for the chance to win them.

Rozz said...

We have the Kitt Kittredge doll and the accompanying book would be a perfect surprise for Santa to bring.

37 Questions said...

Yet another fabulous giveaway! I'm telling you, between the giveaways and all your wonderful recipes, I'll be fat and happy by the time the new year rolls around.

Steph said...

All three of the prizes sound great. Count me in!

Anonymous said...

I would love to watch Kit Kittredge on Blu-Ray :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

Love the shape-its.I have just discovered that my middle child enjoys cooking and this would be a wonderful gift for xmas..

Sheila Hickmon said...

They all look great! I think the Cookie cutter kit is my fave!

Anonymous said...

these give aways are great!

anr013 said...

I would love to win this!!

Roo said...

Great prizes. Please enter me.

Anonymous said...

I would love the American Girl movie for my daughter.

bandanachick said...

What fun giveaways! My fav is the cookie cutter kit!

purplepassion126 said...

Great goodies--thanks!

til the next thought... said...

Giveaways are always fun! Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

love the shape-its! how cute are they?! what a quick way to jazz up a plain-ole pb&j :)

Anonymous said...

Neat giveaway.

Stephanie said...

All of the giveaways look fantastic today! BUT the Kit Kittredge movie would be my first choice. I have heard that it is a positive and well-done film that is full of heart.

The "Shopping With Daddy" book looks fun too! A child can never have too many books...


they all look great especially the movie mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom

Daisyaday said...

Awsome! I've been making sandwiches for little one with cookie cutters because he's not quite big enough to have a full one yet, so this is a great idea! I'm featuring this in my favorite find of the day on my blog!

Anonymous said...

I would love the Shape-its.

Anonymous said...

My kids would be thrilled to get any of the prizes.

Jennifer said...

I would love the Shape=its set! That's so neat!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

Lori said...

My little one loves American Girl!

idahomom said...

American Girl rocks

nanja said...

Great prizes! Please coount me in

Kelly @ Love Well said...

The Shape-Its set caught my eye first. What a great, versatile idea.

The "Shopping with Dad" book would be second. Corey takes the kids shopping (read: sample noshing) at Sam's Club each weekend. It's a tradition in our household.

mverno said...

i like the barnyard cookie cutter kit

Anonymous said...

What a fun collection of giveaway prizes. Thanks for the opportunity to win one of them!

chromiumman said...

love to win this

Mysharona said...

no preference

Anonymous said...

I really like the cookie cutter kit.


Gabriel S-J. said...

I would love to win a copy of Kit Kittredge's movie.

legab67156 (at) gmail (dot) com

Jaye said...

Love the cookie cutter kit and the Kit movie. I'm trying to get my niece into American Girl since I have all of the original books to give her, so this should help!

liliesrnice said...

I would love to have the cookie cutter set so I could bake with my little one and her half-brother.

Anonymous said...

My kids love to make cookies with me so we would like to win the cookie cutter kit thanks for the great giveaway

pilgrimama said...

I'd be happy to give the Shape-its a home! Thanks for the giveaway!

Lori said...

Kit Kitteredge movie for my 9 year old. Thanks!! :)

Diana said...

Shape-its look like so much fun!!

Anonymous said...

i volunteer for big sisters and my little would LOVE this. she loves american girl! thank you!

Suz said...

Isabel would love the Kit Kittredge movie!

txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com

artmarcia said...

My students would love to see "Kit Kittredge", especially with the financial problems that are going on right now in our country.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stephen Saunders said...

cool movie, cool prizes.

chazvgo said...

My boys and I love to make cookies together, Great Giveaways :)

mar said...

This is a great package - our family could watch the movie while eating our cut out cookies!

Dana+Martin said...

We don't have a blue-ray player yet, so I would prefer one of the other items.

Anonymous said...

azpromoter@yahoo.comI am unemployed and unable to purchase Christmas presents so this would help our family have a Merry Christmas.

toughturtles said...

sounds good we have a kit doll

sweetsue said...

Any of these would be great under my Christmas tree!

vboackle said...

great movie for the grandkids.

Marie said...

These are all wonderful -- my kids would love any of them although I am probably partial to the American Girl movie :-)

Tamara B. said...

What a wonderful prize package, thank-you. My daughter would love for me to win.

Unknown said...

I would love to win either the first or the third prize. We like to make cookies and my girls love American Girl.

Anonymous said...

I would like to give the book away to a girl who would like to read it.


Lara said...

With five kids we would love any of these! What a fun blog you have!

Shelley K. said...

Awesome giveaway...I think that the shape its sound really fun so that is the one I would choose but it was a tough decision...can't wait to see what is up next...

tskrush (at) cox (dot) net

bison61 said...

the holiday Shape-its kit sounds like a lot of fun

tiramisu392 (at)

AllieOop said...

The cookie cutter set is great for the holidays and so are the other prizes -- Thanks for the giveaway.

redron said...

want to win this

Anonymous said...

kittredge looks great! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Anonymous said...

Kit Kittredge please; this was an enjoyable movie!

Ally said...

These are super fun giveaways. The idea about the Celiac cutouts are great. I also have a niece who has it. My SIL would love those.

Carol said...

Everything looks good. My granddaughter would love to help me make cookies with the cutters.

KT said...

My daughter LOVES American Girl....but if I can't get that, the other gifts are fabulous too.


Anonymous said...

The shape-its would be a great win. THanks.

DePro said...

Nice prize. Count me in!

SeahorseLady said...

I would love to win the Kit Kittredge movie for my niece.
Thanks much for another nice giveaway.

Unknown said...

I would love to win the shape-its, because I love to bake and decorate cookies! Thank you for the chance! :)

supercoupongirl AT

Anonymous said...

would love the shape-its

Anonymous said...

I'm most excited about and would prefer a copy of the Kit Kittredge DVD! May your Holiday Season and New Year be filled with Joy and Love!

Anonymous said...

The shape its kit looks like it would entertain the kids

ardy22 at

Jennifer R said...

We love Barefoot Books. Thanks for the chance to win these three great prizes.

Anonymous said...

Enter me please. Love your blog!

Jayfr said...

What a nice selection of prizes.

Anonymous said...

Great Giveaway!

Unknown said...

The cookie cutters are great

Anonymous said...

I have got to win this one for my daughter Kayla!

Beverley said...

Lovely prize package! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win these for my daughter. Thanks for the chance.

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