Each season I do a post about inexpensive and family-friendly activities in the Anchorage area and I want to supplement this with other first-hand accounts of great things to do in other towns.
So if you'd like to take a stab at guest posting here at Scribbit (with all the fame, riches and glory thereunto appertaining) here's what I'm looking for:
Write a short piece describing one or more activities available in your area from a first-hand perspective. Let us know why it's fun, give us tips on happily navigating the tourist traps, give us your hometown secrets--this could be a terrific list of restaurants, a review on a quaint bed-and-breakfast your family enjoyed, places where kids can play for free on weekends, the best beach for finding seashells, anything that may not be readily apparent to the rest of us that will make us jealous that we don't live where you do.
If you're wondering what kinds of things I'm talking about you can always view my own posts on Activities for Kids in Winter in Anchorage, Alaska and Twenty Free Activities for Kids in Anchorage, Alaska and get a feel of what I'm looking for though I am quite flexible on the subject and would be willing to see variations on my theme. If you want to thoroughly discuss one particular place or activity then that is fine or you could briefly mention a list such as I do in my posts, either is quite acceptable, though the only thing I'm hesitant to accept is a play-by-play about an entire vacation or a lengthy travelogue. I'd like to focus on the activities, not the sunsets.
I'd like pictures to accompany the post if at all possible, though if not it's not a life-or-death situation, then email me at scribbit at gmail.com to see when I can fit the post in. I'm hoping to get enough budding travel writers that I can do this regularly and share some of the fun things to do around your neighborhoods.
If nothing else it will help me to live vicariously through your own adventures and help me through the long months of winter (it's hovering at nine below zero as I type on this Alaskan winter evening).
I look forward to hearing from you--bon voyage!
Sponsored by Best Dressed Tables--For beautiful tables any time of year.
Technorati tags: activities, parenting, family
wow, this sounds like fun!
i did something similar for 'blog around the world' a couple of months ago.
This is genius! I'll come up with something. I'll send you warmth and sunshine from Dubai!
Do you want the articles emailed to you, or posted on our site and then send a link?
What a wonderful, fabulous idea! Can't wait!
Oh you know I can't resist this idea. I would love to do a little something on Rabat, Morocco, my current hometown.
Good question Beth--email me with them. I would like to have the first shot at them here at Scribbit but wouldn't be opposed to you republishing them at your own site a bit later.
Also, just because you may not think you live in any place exotic doesn't mean people wouldn't love to hear about your town. Africa and Indonesia are exotic and fun but the chances are much greater that I'll find myself in Texas rather than Tanzania.
I'd love to do something from Portland Oregon and/or my favorite Oregon Coast Beach town where we have a home - Manzanita. Lots of fun things to see and do!!
Oops - hit publish before I put in my name - above comment about Portland, Oregon is from me! Sorry!
Michelle this sounds great - what a wonderful way to live vicariously through blogging and maybe make a real life visit too! I'd love to do a piece regarding the U.P. For a remote rural area we have some awesome things to do like Picture Rocks on Lake Superior, Underground mine tours, Mackinaw Island and Tahquanemon Falls as well as so many regional seasonal things. Do you have a specific format you'd like to use? I ask since Word adds so much code I don't like to publish from there.
This is a fabulous idea! I can't wait to read the posts!
You are a genius! Looking forward to reading the posts.
That does sound fun. A couple of our main family-friendly attractions are being renovated right now, but when the dust settles, I'd enjoy doing something like this.
Great idea!
I love this idea. My husband and I just launched a site called www.beyondthezoo.com to highlight fun (mostly non-commercial) things to do in San Diego. I could use one of those posts or write a new one for you to publish here first. Let me know!
Seriously, we have had 10 consecutive days or -40 or colder here in "Fair"banks. There ain't nuttin' to do!
This sounds really funny!
Sounds great! I'd love to contribute something. I wonder if I could get something written any time soon?? ha ha.
This should be a great feature. I'm looking forward to reading them.
Sounds great, I can't wait to write down all the ideas I have going on in my head!
That sounds like fun. I'm still new to the Sacramento area so I am uncertain if I could write a good piece for you, but I'd love to read what others say about where they live. Sending you lots of warmth from the California sun!
Guest post? Could we talk actual visiting? Heh.
These will be so fun to read! After playing tour guide to the Tampa Bay, FL area for all our family and friends the past 5 years, I have quite a list. I'll write something up!
I may work on this for Nyack, NY. Do you want photos too? If so what would be the ideal number? This is the kind of thing I'd love to have for every city we visit.
Check out the post for guidelines about length, content and photos--I look forward to seeing your work!
I may have something for you! I will email you with it.
What a fantastic idea Michelle! I'll send some stuff your way for this area soon! Take care and how was your CHristmas?
Great idea!
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