Sunday, March 29, 2009

Volcanoes on the Side

Redoubt EruptingFor those who have been asking, yes Mt. Redoubt has been erupting all over the place and causing problems here in Anchorage (that's a picture that was in the Anchorage Daily News of lightning around the eruption--very impressive no?)

Earlier this week it erupted but being that we're 200 miles away and the wind was favoring Homer instead of Anchorage we were clear of any problems but Saturday the winds shifted after four quick eruptions and now we've got ash.

You think snow in March is depressing well be glad you don't have snow covered in ash. It's not pretty though it should be good for the grass and garden this spring (if you want to look on the bright side).

So we're rather quarantined inside until things blow over. Church was canceled today and Lillian is very worried that we'll be covered in lava. David wanted to know if we'd be buried in a "pyroclastic cloud." Yes, he said that.

I keep explaining that we're going to be fine but after a day being inside with kids going crazy I've considered telling her the lava will be coming if they don't behave.

On with my regularly scheduled post . . .


Allysha said...

I can see that I need to move to a volcanic area. That threat may just be the thing to make my kids behave better!

Mrs. O said...

Volcanos as parenting aides, who knew they were so versatile?

Mandy said...

So what are volanoes? Hee hee! :-)

RoeH said...

Been wondering how you were doing up there. That's a bit close! Here's the bright can mix that ash up with water and whatever else and make a mighty fine clay to make things with. If you have that moment in time when..."thar she blows". Beautiful picture though.

Amber M. said...

My mom was supposed to fly home last night and since the ash is so bad she is stuck in Seattle until Tuesday at least.

I remember when it blew when I was in high school.

Serena said...

Wow. Are you sure that's not a picture from Mordor?

Suburban Correspondent said...

Wow - now that's a pretty cool threat!

Heather of the EO said...

The lava threat. I'm going to have to try that. :)

Hang in there, lady!

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

That picture is incredible!

Yes, you're right to look on the bright side, your garden will be wonderful this year :)

Madeline said...

Yikes! Hope y'all are out of volcano quarantine soon.

Kelley said...

Every time I hear of Mt. R on the news I think of you! I understand about being stuck inside with crazy kids. My 10yo daughter is now on her 7th day of a crazy-island fever. She's fine until mid-afternoon then the fever spikes to 101,102 or even 103. Rigth now we're holding at 101, but since she does have fever - no school for her tomorrow...she is so ready to be well!!!
I'm going to the library for books on CD's - anything to keep them entertained, right!

Abby said...

Your son is such a crack up! Is he the same one with the funny Spongebob antidote?

Anonymous said...

My daughter, husband and I made a hasty exit from Anchorage this morning trying to escape the ash. It's no fun with kids. Not that it would be fun without them. Here's to thinking that Redoubt calms down SOON. It's ash free in the Copper Valley.

Robin said...

I'm so using lava invasions as a threat for my own kids LOL.

Hope the ash isn't too awful and the winds shift it back away soon.

vessel sink said...

lava threat - that is something. And all that ash!

Janet said...

Just don't watch that godawful Tommy Lee Jones movie. (What was he thinking?)
I had no idea volcano ash would be good for the lawn.

Anonymous said...

"Are we going to be buried in a pyroclastic cloud?" It's not funny mannequin, stop laughing. I'm assuming he was confident of his well being yet seeking a little "controlled chaos?

CountessLaurie said...

Thank you. I was very concerned (and a bit nosy too I suppose). I love that picture from a gazillion miles away. (I am not sure I would like it up close).

Mary@notbefore7 said...

A proclaystic cloud? WOW! That's one bright guy!

LOVE that shot! Course, I am on the east coast so it all sounds so fascinating to me, from over here :)

glad you all are save and hope that wind changes.

Pencil Writer said...

That was one of the most fantastic pictures I've ever seen! Thank you for sharin' it!