I tried to think of a more elegant way to put it but I came up empty and when you get right down to it--plain old "Food" works pretty well. It could be a memory about food, a story where food figures prominently, it could be a mystery story where the victim gets it with a cannoli to the head, it could be an ode to a pair of artichokes, you get to decide.
Food inspires so many memories and emotions that I'm sure you can find something to fit the subject.
This month's guest judge lives in beautiful Italy and knows a thing or two about good food. Michelle from Bleeding Espresso will be judging your entries and selecting the post she deems the best. You can check out her recipe for fried mozzarella if you dare.
This month's prize is a great food treat--the winner will receive a cute little picnic basket with place settings for two plus everything you need for some summer feasting: Swanson chicken, mayonnaise, raisins, Dijon mustard, curry and dill. You'll get recipes for chicken salad and coupons for additional Swanson chicken--all you'll be missing is the picnic partner to join you in your event, though if you're near Alaska anytime soon I'd be happy to take care of that issue as well.
Thank you Swanson Chicken and Campbell's Soup!
To enter please follow the directions below:
1. Write a post or find one in your archives on this month's theme then email your post's permalink to me at scribbit at gmail.com. The permalink is the URL of the individual post--not the URL of your blog--usually found by clicking on the post title or time stamp and copying the URL that appears in the address field. I will accept entries through Sunday June 21st. If you fail to meet that deadline I will still happily publish your link with the list of entries but it will not be judged. I reserve the right to reject submissions if they fail to meet the topic or if they contain objectionable content. Please look for a confirmation email from me within hours saying I received your entry--just to be safe.
2. Publish a link to the contest page here at Scribbit in either your entry post or in a separate post. I'm not picky how you do this, just give the contest a little mention as a courtesy and nod back. Don't stress over it because I won't.
3. Check back here on Tuesday June 23rd when I will post a complete list of the entries along with the Write-Away Winner and three Honorable Mentions.
4. Please remember: I will list the entries along with a small teaser for each. Just the first sentence or two of each post to give people an idea what they might expect if they should be so bold as to click on the entry.
Also, please be aware that while you are welcome to include graphics or photographs with your entries the judge will only see the text of your post. No links, no pictures, no name of your blog, nothing that might identify it to the judge. While visual posts are always beautiful to see on your blog I will only send the text to the judge and your entry will not be able to rely on visuals to influence their judgment.
As always, all featured winners will get to take home this attractive Write-Away Winner button which he or she may display if they wish.

Congratulations to Maria of Dundalk, Maryland who won last weekend's double giveaway from Kimochis and Little Stamp. That ought to make summer sweet!
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Hi, Michelle! I know I've been severely lacking in commenting to you...in fact I haven't been spending much time blog-reading at all lately. I know...I suck. Good be back; I'm prepared to make up for lost time!
Oh, I know just the one - a great post I loved writing. I've always wanted to participate in the Write-Away contest and this will be my first time - yay!! :0)
oh!! fun. the recipe is part of the entire post for the day but the salsa is so delish. thanks so much.
I don't see where to put the link?
I'm working on mine right now and will publish it on my blog next week... I'll email you! Thanks, this will be fun!
Here is mine..
Just emailed you my entry!
Here's my entry! :)
Hi, just found your blog and excited to be entering for the first time.
Here is my post
Ok. How does one really post. I'm so new simply don't understand. I don't have a blog. I don't understand how myself should/can blog.
I can leave a comment. Was goining to tell you about a summer surprise birthday cake! My birthday is July and I don't get cakes because it is too hot to bake. We are cheap. we don't run air much.
New to your blog... lots of great stuff here for a fellow AK mama. I just emailed my entry:)
If you want to enter feel free to email me your post and I can send it to the judge.
just emailed my entry...
Thank you for the opportunity for writing fun!!!
hi, i may be late in submitting my entry due to the time zone difference.
HI! Last minute decision to enter- why not?! Just under the wire. I sent you an email. The post is http://beverlydru.blogspot.com/2009/06/love-smells-just-like-peach-cobbler.html
Thanks for all you do for the blog community.
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