And yes, there is a story attached.
You see last week the family decided that we wanted to enjoy the nice sunny evening and take a bit of a walk. We went down to our neighborhood schoolyard and were having a great time together until Lillian informed us she needed to get to the bathroom. Fast.
Great. We don't have that happen around here too much anymore and I'm really out of the habit of asking everyone if they've used the bathroom before we go anywhere (I figure it's their own business) so I sighed and figured it was my fault for not being more vigilant.
"I'll take her back" I said.
"No, we'll all go," Andrew said. He was trying to be nice.
So we headed back and took the shortcut through the "woods," which is just a little bike path through a wooded area in between the school and the subdivision where we live. However, as we came to the top of a hill and turned a corner Lillian let out a scream.
"MOOSE!!" she yelled. And I mean yelled. Then she went all crazy on me.
You see, apparently the good folks at the Anchorage School District figure that children today don't have enough to worry about. Global warming, nuclear holocaust, terrorism, AIDS, swine flu, drugs and domestic violence are all fine and dandy but our children today really need to be warned about the dangers of moose. Yes moose.
So in an effort to reinforce to the children of Anchorage how horribly dangerous these quadrupeds are the school district apparently showed a public service video on the dangers, complete with a reenactment of a boy being terrorized, and the effect was to scare the you-know-what out of my daughter.
I didn't realize this until we turned that corner and came face-to-face with Bullwinkle but when Lillian went all to pieces on me (seriously, she was hysterical) one of the boys said in this disgusted older-brother voice, "They showed this video at school about how moose are dangerous. It kind of scared her."
Kind of scared her? Really? You think? My child couldn't have been more upset if her parents had just been turned inside out by roving bands of alien marauders. Upset was an understatement.
So I was a little irritated that my taxes had paid for this full-blown psychotic episode that I now had to deal with. Then on top of that while I dislike having moose around (and they're all over the place) I have never really understood people's fear of them. Yes, they're big and anything big or wild (or both) should be taken seriously but really people, isn't a moose just a big wild cow?
I hear all the time about how dangerous they are and how you can be trampled by them but I sat in a class several years back where the state medical examiner himself said (I swear on a stack of Bibles) that there had only been one death recorded in the entire state of Alaska where someone was killed by a moose. And even then it was an elderly lady who was found dead in her back yard and they think that she got trampled by a moose trying to defend her little dog but there was no proof--just speculation based on her injuries. In short, I find the dangers over rated and moose habits quite annoying.
So to make my story short, here we were trying to get home to get my child to a toilet in time and there is this moose, 40 feet away blocking the path. I don't like moose and their lilac-chomping habits and the fact that this one was going to cause a large inconvenience didn't set well with me.
Andrew said, "Let's just go another way."
I said, "What? It'll be fifteen minutes out of our way to go around and she's got to get to a bathroom--it's just a moose."
"What do you mean? What are you going to do?"
"Throw things at it to make it go away."
"You're crazy."
I suppose I should mention here that it was a mother moose with two brand new babies. She'd probably given birth within the last week if not the past day or two.
"It's no big deal" I said and to prove my point and to get the job done quickly I walked closer to where she was standing on the path with her babies on the other side of her.
The boys by this time must have felt rather sheepish about their mother acting so brave and not to be outdone one picked up a small stick and threw it her direction. She was far enough away that it didn't hit her, it just kind of landed in front of her where she could look at it and wonder why we were bothering her.
Lillian calmed down a bit at this point as the action in the scene picked up and Andrew and the boys half-heartedly lobbed a few other items (they were obviously still skeptical about my moose-eradication techniques) but being so far away it didn't do anything to scare her off. I'd chased so many moose out of my yard that I just didn't see her as a threat the way they did and knew that if I could just hit her with something to startle her she'd bolt off and let us go by. I wasn't about to hurt her--just get her to move.
So I marched toward her, picking up a small stick along the way, determined to clear the path.
I walked to where I was about ten feet away and I threw the stick at her. It wasn't very big and it was pretty rotten so it just kind of pelted her in this annoying way and bounced off her side. She turned to look at me and stood, face-on, eying me with her babies behind her.
That's when things got interesting.
She took a step or two toward me and suddenly I heard this funny noise. A low rumbling sound and I kind of thought in this back-of-my-mind way "That's an odd sound to make. I don't think I've ever heard a moose make that kind of sound before . . . " and I realized she was actually growling at me. It startled me, I'd never heard a moose get angry before, they're really pretty docile (as long as they have a steady diet of my crab apples on hand) and will usually, eventually run off if you make some noise and chase them away but this one was facing me down and making angry sounds. I could be wrong but it even looked to me as if her hair was bristling and I remember thinking, "That's the look a dog gives you when it's mad at you and wants you to back down."
I took another step forward but about the time my thoughts continued on and said, "She's not happy with me. Maybe I'll change my mind and just leave her alone," she charged.
She did this little hop-step to get some momentum and then she ran at me.
I heard Andrew yell and I heard all the kids yell and I heard Lillian flip out with this scream of terror that you only hear in movies as she went all to pieces. They were all yelling and running and the moose was still growling as it came at me and it all happened so fast it was all rather a blur. But I definitely decided right then and there that bravery was completely overrated, that this specimen of wildlife was bigger and meaner than I had previously imagined and that now it was time to run.
I was wearing a long cottom skirt but it didn't matter, I made a dash for it and ran off the path into the woods to duck behind a tree. It wasn't a big tree, maybe two inches in diameter, and it wasn't like I thought it would hide me or anything but I figured that if she was going to stomple me that at least the tree would slow her down before she could actually crush me to pulp.
I vaguely remember closing my eyes and waiting for impact then after a few seconds opening them to realize she'd stopped and turned away to go back to her babies. At which point I jumped out from behind my scrawny hiding place and ran far, far away.
I caught up with the kids (who had scattered for their lives) and Andrew gave me the what-for. Lillian was completely gone (I'm sure she'll require therapy for this one) and if you too would like to shake a finger go ahead. I deserve it. If you'd like I'll even take an oath. "I hereby do solemnly swear that I will never again attempt to run off a mother moose. Not even for the sake of convenience on a family outing."
I would have looked pretty stupid, all mushed into the pavement right there after all my tough talk. As it was I looked stupid enough running behind the tree but at least I lived to tell the tale.
I guess I'm not exactly ready for a running of the bulls.
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I'm glad you're safe. I always thought moose were daunting animals, but I wasn't scared of them when I saw them in Big Cottonwood Canyon. I guess the only question now is, did Lillian make it to the bathroom?
Not to rub salt in the wound, but I think it's important to also think about the message you deliver to your children when you decide that your convenience is justification for harassing an animal that wasn't in your space. Remember that YOU were the original aggressor. The cow just responded. I'm not trying to hurt feelings, here - just trying to focus on a larger picture. Cheers - and I'm glad that everyone, human and moose, is alright.
I guess you don't remember about the poor man who was trampled to death at UAA back in 1994 (or 1995?)? The moose had been harassd by several students who had been throwing sticks and rocks at it and when the poor innocent man came along on the path, the moose was in a bit of a "corner" over by the Tanaina CDC, so he kicked his way out. I believe Fish & Game had to put the moose down after that.
The ASD moose video mostly emphasizes that moose get irrate when they are harassed and caution should be given around them....and to never ever ever throw anything at them.
Sorry for laughing through your story and also wishing there was video....I'm with you 15 minutes out of your way, Lillian did have to go to the bathroom!....I would have gone as soon as I started to run.....
My goodness thats a great story! I live in Maine, and moose are common here, but I think you have very well trumped us! I'm glad your family is safe...
I'm laughing so hard I can't barely see to type. I don't mean to sound like I didn't care that you weren't hurt but since you were telling the story I figured it all came out alright.
That was great!
The part of Lillian needing therapy also set me off laughing.
Yep. If it were me instead of Lillian, I'd say "Mom, no need to hurry to the bathroom anymore."
I've got another horrible week at work facing me and if I can just think of that Moose charging you I might just make it through with my sense of humor intact.
Whew !
As with most Mothers, you know how aggressive we can be when we feel our babies our in danger!
Glad you are safe!
I'm glad you're ok, but curious - are you.still angry about your tax dollars going toward that moose movie in school?
The story is funny, in a, mom got caught sort of way... I am sure you'll catch lots of flack for it though. But you've got a tough skin, blogging does that to us.
OMG! That is soooooo not funny, but it was sooooooo funny! I'm glad everyone is ok and I hope no one had to deal with soiled pants ('cause I would if a moose charged at me!)
I am so glad you are all okay, and I am sorry about Lillian's tremendous fear. How uncomfortable... I guess now she feels her fear was well founded? poor thing. I was always taught to respect wild animals. that they are just that, wild. admire them from a distance but do not dare try to think you can approach them like a tame, house pet. Not such an easy lesson to teach each of my curious kidlets. They can't resist. I hope you do not mind, but I have an insane imagination. I could totallly imagine what happened, with me in your place, of course, since I have not seen you or your family in motion before. I just had to THANK YOU!!! I was nearly ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING!!! Not because you were in possible danger, and certainly not because of Lillian... I have reacted similarly in other situations. and I have walked away sheepishly and feeling so silly, and immensely grateful that it worked out okay. Oh, life... sure is full. :-) what an adventure, huh?
Poor Lillian!! I am surprised she didn't have an accident just from the fright of seeing the moose chase her mommy. Although as a mom does it surprise you at all that the moose got a little ticked when she thought you might be coming after her babies? Us mamas are a ferocious bunch :) Glad everyone is ok!!
I'm with Lillian. While at my SIL's house, I was so afraid of a moose momma with twins, I wouldn't walk out the front door. Everyone laughed at me, but all I could think of was that moose scene in the movie Wild America.
ROFL!! What an awesome story! You are never going to live that one down.
I'm with you--I would so have done exactly what you did. Poor Lilian! Why didn't you just let her pee in the woods...or have I been living in Africa too long?
My brother and I accidentally ran into one in the Idaho mountains with her newly born baby. We froze and she glared. Nope. I don't want to bother a very protective mom moose or anything and babies. I give them lots of space. So glad you're all okay.
Oh - that's not funny, but that is FUNNY! :) This is one story you all will be talking about for YEARS to come.
"Mom, tell the story again about the time grandma got chased by a moose!"
Ah, after dealing with crying, whining kids this morning who got up MUCH too early, I needed that! Thanks for the story that will live in my memory for a long time. ;) I am sure that it will be a favorite in your family forever, as others have said.
This is soooo funny and poor Lillian. We don't have moose in either Michigan or Texas, but I've had my share of encounters with raccoons, geese (who are the meanest) and deer. I guess this means you learned your lesson. Did Lillian ever get to sleep that night? Holy Cow!!
It's so hard to strike the right balance with kids between caution and irrational fear. My 2-year-old has already been taught to fear bees at her day care, which makes me so mad. But then again, she needs to know that they can indeed sting. In your position, I probably would have been so angry at the school for showing that video that I would have done the same thing you did, just to show my daughter that moose are not monsters. Well, that backfired, didn't it? I guess all of our life lessons can't be perfect, can they?
Between this and the car accident, you must have the willies. Hope you can keep up your go-get-em attitude!
Another thing that will never happen in my neighborhood...
The "mama protective drive" is obviously instilled in ALL creatures.
Great story-telling. Such suspence. I won't be meeting a moose in my neighborhood either. Sometimes I'm really glad I live in the city. Glad veryone is okay - including the tree. :-)
Glad you and everyone are safe. I'm curious though -- that sounds like enough to make some people pee their pants. Did Lillian make it to the bathroom in time?
I felt pretty bad about laughing while reading this post, until I saw that I wasn't alone. I am sure this is one that will be funny in time and the story will be retold for generations.
"Hey Dad, can you tell me again about the time Grandma went all Rambo on that Moose."
I'm so glad you're alright and that it ended well. Sounds like moms, animal and human, look out for their kiddos with gusto.
Don't get many moose in this neck of the woods, but I have come head to head with some rather protective homo sapien mothers that had me wanting to crouch behind a tree.
Seriously, Southern women without teeth or a shower might be just as scary as a moose. :)
Glad you all survived.
Don't you love how the public education institutions traumatize our kids?
It's not a moose, it's a MOOSE WITH BABIES. Biiiggg difference.
Oddly enough Lillian did not complain about having to use the bathroom after the incident.
I kind of forgot all about the whole thing with all the plans for getting out of town last week but then once we got back I remembered and realized how stupid/funny it all had been.
I've heard about Moose. Heard they can be mean! Glad you and your family is okay!
That was hilarious!!! You probably didn't think it was at the time, but the picture you painted with words was priceless.......
Oh, my, that was hilarious. In light of the fact that no one was hurt, this is a story your children will talk about forever.
We remind my mom constantly about the time she ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere on a family vacation and my father about how he almost got us killed by having the window rolled down in a wildlife park so he could smoke a cigarette until a wolf stuck its entire upper body in the window. Ah. Childhood memories.
I'm glad you are all safe!
I can not EVEN believe you did that! Yikes...didn't you ever see this story?,654288
When I was growing up in Homer, I used to live right behind the high school and walked a short trail through the woods to school every day.
Like you, one day I met with a mama moose and her twins. I had heard enough stories at that point that I was terrified to see them, because I knew the mama would do anything to protect her I climbed a tree as she charged me. Have you ever tried to climb a spruce with a 1200 lb moose charging you?
Glad you all made it home okay...and maybe you'll think twice about going after a moose again. ;)
I don't think I know what else to say. Part of me thinks poor Moose just being a Mom! And I am so glad you are ok!!!
I'm glad you're all ok. Just wait until poor Lillian tells the tale back at school the next time they show the movie!
That said? I'm chuckling at the scene of your family scattering and you hiding behind a two inch tree. What a sight!
Glad you didn't get stomped...that hurts. Your story made me think of the tourists in Banff National Park in Alberta Canada who get out of their cars on the side of the road to get CLOSER to that big scary grizzly bear/moose/ram/mountain goat etc. so they can get a picture. It is a sight to see, the photographer yelling out "get a little closer and put your hand out to see if you can touch it"(!!) Oh right they say later, this is the WILD and not a zoo with fences.
And I will never, ever flush chicken rice soup down the toliet again either!
Lessons learned.
The description of this was so funny I actually laughed out loud...although I am quite sure it was not funny to experience! Glad everybody is OK...
Awesome story. Melanie and I bonded over a moose story our freshman year of college (she told me about some girl named Honey who got her legs broken by a moose who ran her over--I was rolling on the floor crying with laughter). Ever since I have really wanted to see one . . . I'm glad you ended up okay! I hope Lillian made it to the bathroom.
I am so glad nothing happened! I had a slight encounter but the moment the Moose stepped toward me, even though it was just interest I ran for my life.
Well, what a story! I think you learned your lesson! Very brave of you to post this story and get all the lectures.
You're still Super Woman, don't worry. You're just humbler now is all.
Sorry to miss you last week! Hope you had a great time. I loved at least knowing you were in town.
Next time just let Lillian pee in the woods! :)
I've yet to meet a species of mama that isn't sometimes aggressive when they have little ones. Even our rabbits will sometimes go after you if you try to look at the babies.
I've had encounters with a mad mama goose, and an even angrier mama mockingbird, but never with a moose. Coincidentally, I posted a picture of a bull statue at my place yesterday, and half the commentors seem to think it was a moose! Glad everything turned out OK for y'all...
Oh my gosh. I'm thankful you are all safe, and who's to point/shake fingers. We all make mistakes. I have to say it is funny in a way. Since no one was hurt that is. After living in northern MN all my childhood days, we had plenty of happenings ourselves and can laugh at it now.
I guess my biggest question is, did your daughter make it to the bathroom. ;) Poor baby. Why in the world did the school do that anyhow? I can see warning children not to bother a mother and her babies, as they do protect their young, but come on.
Anyway, just happy to hear you all retreated safely.
Oh, my goodness! I guess you learned your lesson about moose! :)
Moose and now earthquakes! What is going on up there?
I had to laugh at this story, since if anyone had been badly hurt, you probably wouldn't have posted it.
I remember when we lived outside of Fairbanks, there was a moose and her twins that decided to take up residence in our yard, and even our team of sled dogs didn't phase them in the least. We were pretty late for work/school once because the mom was on one side of our driveway, and the babies were dozing on the other side, and my mom didn't want to get in between them. It was a long, unpaved, uneven driveway (1/4 mile), so she couldn't go fast, and she had heard stories of bull moose charging moving trains in season.
I was a bit sad that I didn't see any moose when I was in Anchorage last year. Their poop? Yes. But no real sightings.
Wow, glad you're okay. You're a braver woman than I for sure. I'd never have attempted it!
Its not just a mother moose with babies that you have to worry about. Regular mommas can get pretty fiesty to.
Oh dear me. You've brought on a flashback for me. Hubby and I were visiting the Yellowstone/Jackson Hole area in '98; we'd stopped somewhere outside of Jackson Hole where there were willow thickets. I'd captured most of what I'd wanted (other than grizzly or wolves.. but I did get black bear) in photos, but no moose. And then, there was one laying in a willow thicket, and even though I'd read the warnings, I WANTED that pic. I crept up on her... closer.. closer... til a guide leading a group of Japanese tourists yelled at me. "Stupid.. STUPID woman! Don't you know that moose will charge you? Haven't you read anything since you got here? GET BACK!!!" Yeah, I slunk away.. licked my wounds... cursed (under my breath) that loudmouth imbecile. Until I saw a show on Animal Planet that showed a guy getting tossed like a ragdoll by a charging moose; I suppose I felt at least a twinge of gratitude at that point. Now? I feel a whole flood... what a story!
I'm happy you're alive to give me some great blog fodder to laugh over.
But throwing things at a moose? Haha! Honestly, you had a charging coming, but I'm so glad none of you were hurt.
Now I was charged once, by a cow! And I was only walking across an open field!
Oh my! You make me laugh all the time, but this had me rolling. Silly girl, provoking a mama moose! ;) I'm so glad she didn't run you down.
This post gives new meaning to LOL! At least you didn't try to load the moose babies into the back of your car... :)
OMGoodness! Funny but not funny!
Glad you are okay!
My sister and i had a good laugh at this post. No offense.
Hehe! Scary but terribly funny!! Momma's of any species sure can get mean!
I really enjoyed your post, since all turned out well - particularly because it is brave and humble of you to serve it up as a cautionary tale for others!
My personal thoughts: wild animals = always use caution, no matter the species. Particularly here in the city, because the resident critters get used to people and can be singularly unimpressed by your presence.
My husband has been charged at least twice on the Hillside ski trails by bull moose, and once a big bull charged our *SUV* because we honked our horn at him to get him to move out of the road.
My kids are homeschooled, so we don't have to worry about terror-inducing videos. (Good grief! Lillian probably wasn't the only kid affected that way either.) However, even though we've gently tried to instill respect for the wild creatures around us without a single graphic depiction of horrible outcomes, my 6-yr-old daughter STILL goes into a panic every time she sees a moose. Maybe (looking on the bright side?) it shows a vivid and compelling imagination...
Thanks for the laugh today. I had to forward to my family to read ;)
ihnta, ijlts "stomple"
Michelle, I was disturbed by your blog that displays ignorance of what you should know about how to act with respect to moose. They do not eat people, have never known one to bite people, but if harassed and agitated, they react defensively and stomp to kill menacing "wolves/dogs" or people not avoiding an encounter.
Your information about moose killing people in Anchorage is wrong. I do not remember any in the old days when folks were taught in school how to behave with wild life. However more recently, a woman was stomped to death in 1993 in her back yard near Jewel Lake, and in 1995 at the UAA sports facility (where my children daily swam on swim team) an elderly man en route to a sauna walked too close to an agitated moose with calf that were tormented and pelted for hours by students, as you demonstrated; mom charged this innocent old man and repeatedly stomped him with severe injuries so he died.
Shame on your disrespectful behavior to a mom with baby, and a wild one at that!
As a child attending school in the territory, we were taught not to harass animals and to keep our distance and leave them alone! When you didn't learn to behave, next you taught your children, husband, and now this blog incorrectly.
Two recent mother moose and calf incidents here this month reveal the first did exactly correct, but the next guy was ignorant and irresponsible, did not prevent his aggressive dog from harassing a tired mother moose with twins, who finally reacted to the menacing dog (may seem like a wolf), stomped it, and the big man with his big gun, shot the mother moose, creating newborn orphan twins! Next a do-gooder illegally tried to “rescue” calves to feed them through the summer before turning them loose without mother's teaching and training. It is cruel since orphans lack the mother from which they learn where to go, what to eat and how to survive. MOM is vital to baby moose! That big, brave, man with his big trusty gun and ignorant brain needlessly created a big problem instead of preventing it! A mother moose with a newborn calf needs space, may need to rest, and one with twins is apt to be even more nervous trying to protect them from prowling bears who eat fresh calves!
Generations of moose have bedded in my yard without causing great trouble, yes leaving calling cards like malt balls and eating my trees as browse when starving but in typical native way, I need to be happy to share, trees recover! Inside is mine but outside we can agree to share. They need browse. Best regards.
Heheheehehe you are AWESOME!
Agghh! We, your reading public, do not want to lose you to a mother moose. Please be careful. It's a bit selfish of me to say so, but I would miss your blog. You are, indeed, one of the best bloggers out there. If you are ever in Honduras . . . I will treat to you some apple bananas that are way better than the ones you toted home to your children earlier this year. BTW, I hope Lillian make it safely to a bathroom.
You took on a mother moose??? You can't imagine how totally out there that sounds to someone who was treed (staircased) by a plain old ordinary cow!
Glad all ended well.
PS I had to laugh when I read Elizabeth's comment. My first thought too was "why doesn't she just pee in the woods? Oh wait, they don't do that there."
That was such a funny story, although I'm sure it didn't feel funny when you were being chased. I can see myself doing the same thing. I'm glad you are okay - and hey - you taught your children that sometimes Mother does not know best... a valuable lesson. ;)
OMG!! The moose might have left you all alone had it not been for the babies. Mothers of all species, as you know, are really protective.
Oh my. I am so sorry, but maybe it'll be one of the family memories that come up every Christmas and Thanksgiving and you'll all be able to laugh. Even Lillian.
Well, you've caught a lot of flack for posting this story... But I'd have to say I think you made a clear point that you learned a lesson and that maybe the ASD was acting in Lillian's best interest by scaring her straight on moose. Who knows, if she HADN'T seen the video she might have emulated her own mama's "bravery" while out on a solo neighborhood walk. Yikes.
And in my opinion, I think it's great that you're admitting to enjoying a little slice of humble pie while the moose are eating your lilacs and crabapples. :)
I'm a bit late to the moose party - What a life story! I love it. Thankfully all are fine (except maybe your little one!)
I still remember that moose video that they showed in school 20 years ago (yes, I went to the same school as Lillian, but it was when it was in the old building). It scared me silly, but the film about the little girl who gets run over by a bus after making a valentine for her mother was worse. I am surprised they are still showing those films, they must be over thirty years old.
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