Just as we pulled onto the highway the overhead flood lights illuminated, lighting our pathway home like a line of tall candles.
Lillian, in her most excited voice called out, "The beacons are lit! The beacons are lit!"
How does she know that? She's never seen the movie--someone ought to do a study on cultural osmosis and children. I'd pay for that one.
And if you are itching to own your very own bona fide beacon, while looking for a the above pilfered picture I came across this. For the man--or elf--who has everything.
Technorati tags: Alaska, children, motherhood
do you think this is somehow related to the computer chip that disney implants in children's brain at birth so that they have every character memorized by age 2 and by age 3 are asking their parents every 6 hours to go to disney world??
That is funny. She had to have heard someone say it somewhere at some point in time, no?
It's because I snuck into your house and spelled it out with magnet letters. :)
I am absolutely convinced that my kids receive signals from outer space directly into their brains, especially where pop culture is concerned...
If you can figure out why she knew that maybe you can tell me why every kid knows who Elmo is, even if they've never seen the little red freak before.
WOw! Kids just pick stuff up by osmosis, I guess. But then, maybe it was the magnets spelled out by blondie??
That model of the torches is crazy! You've really got to be the uber-fan to do that!
My husband would SO be into that beacon thing!
As far as the osmosis thing -- yes, they are definitely little sponges. Annika this year, who has never seen Star Wars, informed me that she wanted to be "that black man" (a.k.a. Darth Vader) from the movie. Hmmmm....
No, Blondie, I snuck into her house and spelled it out with the magic letters.
Heh! That comment just made me LOL and I had to glom onto it somehow.
Hey, I heard you met my parents! That is so cool! I want to hear all the details. You have an extra room for us when we come up to visit them right???
ha! and, you know you're going to make your own beacon..don't deny. :)
it's amazing what kids do. when my cousin was really young, he used to get really angry and yell, "I AM NOT A KLINK KLINK!!!" And we'd stop him and ask him what the HELL he was talking about b/c before and after he'd say it, he'd be a normal happy boy. But, we had nooooo idea. And he'd say this about 35 times a day for a good long time.
6 months later, my sister was watching Prince of Egypt with him, and one character gets upset and yells, "I AM NOT A WEAK LINK!" in the SAME TONE as Keenan. We absolutely lost it when we found out what he was talking about finally. :)
not especially the same story as yours, but made me think of that. :)
That is so awesome. I am trying to teach Andrew to say, "the way is shut. It was made by the dead and the dead keep it. The way is shut" whenever he encounters a door he can't open, but he is still mastering single syllable words so I guess my expectations are a bit high. I will have to include this phrase in his repertoire, as it is shorter and probably more manageable.
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