David, always open-minded and liberal in his views offers a resounding "Yes!" but Lillian, who believes princess=blonde says, "No way Jose."
They've come to me for mediation and I'm having a hard time handing down a decision on this one.
Pardon my blurry photo. If only she'd hold still.
Technorati tags: Pocahontas, princess, motherhood, children
I consulted my daughter who is somewhat of an expert on princesses and she noted that Pocoahontas is included in Disney's Princess Story collection (and you know Disney is the ultimate authority on the subject). So, here's our vote: Pocahontas is a princess.
See here: http://www.apva.org/history/pocahont.html
I use this site in my fourth grade "settlers" study unit...she is indeed a princess.
According to my daughter, Pocahontas is an indian princess.
i say, her dad was the chief, so that makes her an indian princess.
and disney says so.
I think your daughter is going to lose this battle. Remind her that Snow White has dark hair too.
Pocahontas is definately an Indian princess.
You are all obviously wise beyond your years and I agree, Pocahontas must be a princess given her Dad's spot in the tribe. But whether or not it's true makes little difference to a rather bossy four year-old who likes her princesses pink with jewels and glass slippers. Logic isn't her strong point.
Not sure blurry at all. You should spy some of my fuzzy photos. Try to keep a 5-year-old boy, 3-year-old boy and a 2-year-old girl still and not sticking their tongues out while snapping a pic. It's crazy. I don't trust blonde princesses!
LOL! So, what's he picking for dinner? ;)
Well, my daughter just told me she knows Pocahontas, and she told me she's an Indian Princess. That's that.
Heck yeah she's a princess. Tell your daughter princesses don't have to be blonde. I'm convined Cinderella had a good dye job.
Google says YES, an Indian princess...so no way could she be blonde. This one is pretty in pink no matter what credentials she has.
Well, I think she shows just as much cleavage as all the other princesses so she must be one too.
My parents are working in the mission office now so unless they're in your ward you wouldn't know them. If I remember correctly they just took a drive to Homer as well. Go check out the photos my Dad has taken since they've been in Alaska. They're amazing! Robbins Roost In Alaska
Ariel is a princess, too, and she's a redhead. I don't think Belle is a princess, until she marries the prince, and she's brunette. So I think your daughter is out of luck on this one. (Thank god...say those of us sick to death of barbie and all the blondies...and I'm blonde, so don't be offended!)
So, apparently Pocahontas IS a princess. Since the question has been answered, I'll just say that you have a very cute princess of your own there. :)
As a teacher of 4 yr olds, I can tell you right off...you need proof! Find photos of many princesses (ones of real-life princesses will help) and show her the many different types. Finding pictures in other books will help also. Make a game out of it like, "Let's make a princess rainbow!" Find as many color-variety princesses you can!
(I have many little girls who will grow up to be princesses...they informed me of this today.)
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