Since 1996 Denise Austin has been a part of my life. While pregnant with Spencer I picked up a copy of her Pregnancy Plus Workout and enjoyed her perky pregnant self as I sweated away those baby pounds (or at least I thought that's what I was doing, turns out they were more stubborn than I'd originally thought).

Then, after baby I picked up a copy of her Fat Burning Blast at the local public library and fantasized about sand in my toes as I did aerobics on the beach with Denise during those long, cold North Dakota winters. I was hooked enough to buy my own copy--those law school years were lean so it gives you an idea of my devotion--and used it until all that was visually left was a haze of snowy static.

Upon moving back to Anchorage I decided to try the latest rage: Pilates, and of course Denise had a video to suit my interest. For six years I've used this video and have loved it. It's not strict Pilates but rather a yoga-Pilates mix (hey! Yogates! No, I guess that sounds like the latest taco creation from Taco Bell, "Try our new yogates taco with our special yogates sauce.")
Denise makes me feel strong, toned and eclectic--all I need is a chai-latte-ginseng frappe and a tie-dye shirt and I'm ready to go--go ahead, hit me in the abs and be impressed. I'm all over Downward Facing Dog and Cobra and Balancing Stick and with Denise by my side I can almost forget that I'm approaching . . . ahem . . . 32.

But it
has been six years and I'm starting to feel stagnant. I need room to grow and so I naturally turn to Denise for help. I'm thinking of buying her latest Pilates DVD--and this will be my first Denise DVD purchase, I have only VHS to date--if nothing else to see her latest haircut and exercise wear.
I like her videos because she's in amazing shape (she
talks while doing The Teaser. TALKS! And in a normal, non-grunting voice, mind you.) but not so skinny that she reminds you of famine victims.
In this month of fitness and resolutions, do you have a favorite workout video that you've loved into magnetic oblivion? Do you have a suggestion that will guarantee a slimmer, trimmer me?
Oh, and get this: she's turning 50 this year.
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product reviews exercise, videos, Denise Austin
I love Denise too. She's become a new part of my morning routine after being a part of my pregnancy routine for each one of my four children.
She is not turning 50! Is she? Holy cow.
Kathy Smith is the one I go for. I have her fat burning workout (awesome, btw) and her pilates (also very good, I think). She's not as perky as Denise, but that's much more my style.
I used to have the original, very first Buns of Steel. The little guy who did it was obviously playing for the other team and at one point he looked at the camera and said, "ooooo, preeeessss" and I would just lose it every time. If I wanted to actually finish the workout I had to FF through that part or I would never make it. I still giggle just thinking about it.
i also have several kathy smith. including a HILARIOUS pregnancy workout from about 1985. great outfits. awesome hair. worth a watch.
i heart winsor pilates. they have a deal where you got 2 workouts on a dvd and a pilates circle for $10. that circle really gives the pilates workout an extra kick - helps tone up your arms and legs while you work your core. i love it!!
I can't believe she is that old!! 50 is just getting so much younger!! That's good news for us girls still in our early 30's. Right?
I have never used any of her new stuff. If you find someone that you really motivates you, that is AWESOME and I say get all her DVDs.
50??? That face is 50? My god!!!!!!!!!!
My brush with fame: my cousin Jessica once took gymnastics lessons from Denise when she lived in California. (The same family has also been on Oprah and were the original models for the Sunshine Family dolls. Maybe they need their own blog).
Anyway, I agree that Denise is appealing because she has a normal (but very toned) body-type. I love that about her.
"She's turning 50 this year"
Obviously she is a mutant alien life form that must be destroyed immediately.
Ok, fine. We don't have to blow her up, but can I hate her with sheer envy for awhile anyway????
My workout involves lifting a no frills, no fun, nonfat Starbucks to my lips throughout the day and running 3 miles three times a week ... uh, on a good week.
I've been thinking I could use something like this since it's too cold for me to go outside...but I dunno. Denise has never really appealed to me. But then again, I don't really know her.
Also, know I'd love to enter your write-away contest, but my mind is so blocking anything goal oriented it's crazy. Maybe I'll have a release this next week.
Oooh! Another vitness vidiot!
I never liked Denise's videos as much as I liked the old Firm videos. Those were amazing! Susan Harris! She's the best! Last I heard she was doing videos for Tracie Long.
In recent years my favorite workouts have been by Cathe Friedrich, though. Unfortunately, I've fallen off the fitness wagon and haven't done one in a while, but in my prime I was lifting pretty heavy with Cathe.
I have to admit, I have 2 of her video's but I don't like her so much. I really like Leslie Sansone, and Tae Bo-- those are the ones I do all the time. And, as a family we do Richard Simmons- my sons loves it! :)
The Christian bookstores carried a video by Leslie Sangsun or something like that. It mostly walking in place with other activities. I would love to try a new video that might be fun!
I like my Chinese Broadsword video the best.
I think Denise is hilarious. I love when she says things like "burn that butter". Windsor Pilates are really good. And if you want to try someone new, TurboJam is pretty fun.
I've never tried a Denise Austin workout, but dang she looks good for 50! Much better than I do at 35!
I just bought a Winsor Pilates set of DVDs. I haven't had it long enough to testify to its effectiveness, but I do like it so far. She has one person who always demonstrates a modification so if you aren't able to do a particular exercise at first you can do a modification that still works those muscles, and eventually work to the point where you can do it without modification.
If you try Denise's pilates workout let us know how you like it!
Fifty????? OK, I give- I'll start exercising!
I'm only a few years over half her age, and I'm the one that looks fatter and older!
Many, many moons ago, I used to spend some quality time with a Denise Austin ab video. Ah, back when I had the energy and motivation to work out! (If these leftover baby pounds can't motivate me to get off my bum, I don't think anything will ever again!)
I think I still have a video of her from the 80s, Hips Thighs and Buttocks. I should probably pull that sucker out and try it. I'm sure it's lame by today's standards, but so are my hips, thighs, and buttocks!
There was a Cindy Crawford one I loved! Not the one where she had the giant hair and the red bathing suit on...the other one. Watched it so much it broke.
Wow, I can't believe she's turning 50. I don't use her DVDs, but maybe now I'll check them out...
thanks for stopping by my blog! a little late on this one, but i had to share. i actually love gilad's bodies in motion, that's on FitTV at 10:30 am est. i tape it on my dvr and do them the next day. he kicks my butt! it's a lot of toning and it usually requires a couple of 5 lb weights. it rocks! i curse him while i'm doing it. but i love him afterward.
I'm trying Calisthenics now but I've known about Denise from my cousin. And yes, she is perky. Maybe that's why she doesn't look her age!
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