Here are the favorites and if you happen to live somewhere where these aren't available . . . all I can say is "I'm really sorry. Really sorry. Have you thought about moving?"
1. Life. Cinnamon variety to be specific. Otherwise you have to dump too much sugar on it to be worth your while. Lovely stuff.
2. Frosted Flakes. Andrew doesn't like these, he says they stick in his teeth too much (and isn't that a pleasant thought?) I disagree and think they're . . . grrrrrrreat!
3. Chex. Rice or corn, not so much Wheat Chex, it just tastes a little too healthy for me. You could include Crispix in this entry as it's pretty much the same thing. Make that exactly the same thing--still good though.
4. Apple Jacks. Better than Fruit Loops, Trix and Fruity Pebbles combined. Love that fake cinnamon and apple combo.
5. Shredded Wheat. I prefer the bite-sized version but will take the Giant Biscuits as well. I love it with fresh fruit on top though will sometimes throw on Craisins in a pinch. I'd never had it until I met Andrew and he introduced me to this yummy stuff. He's more of a Frosted Mini Wheats Man himself though.
6. Cranberry Macadamia Nut. You know, the Kirkland brand that Costco carries? That stuff is good. But then have you ever tasted anything with macadamias that wasn't great?

8. Cracklin' Oat Bran. I know, I know, pass the prune juice. But despite the fiber/bran thing this stuff is wonderful. I think it's the oatmeal and coconut combo but I could eat much more than would be healthy for me or my system.
9. Oatmeal Crisp. Yum. It was a standard at my house while growing up and it was hard keeping a box around--at least a full box.

11. Cheerios. Plain, simple, yummy with strawberries (my favorite way). Perhaps it goes back to my childhood when I ate some in my high chair, climbed up, fell out and smashed a Cheerio into my forehead. Word is I had a Cheerio-shaped blood blister for many a day after as a result.
12. granola. My homemade stuff is my favorite, though I remember good ol' Smith's generic brand for $1.35 a box back in the college years that I treasured so.
13. Cinnamon Toast Crunch. All I can say is FABULOUS. Love this stuff, I'd eat it all day, every day until I was one big piece of cinnamon. If you haven't had some of this tasty goodness get some quick. I try not to let on when I've opened a box because it'll be gone before I get a second bowl.

What ever happened to Franken Berry or Count Chocula? I don't think I've seen them for years. . .
Technorati tags: Thursday Thirteen, cereal, breakfast, Cheerios
My ultimate favorite—Crispix. It's the only non-pre-sweetened cereal I'll eat without sugar.
Ooooo... I love Frosted Flakes and Apple Jacks.
Have you tried Basic 4? It is so yummy and probably a lot healthier than Frosted Flakes.
How can you say Apple Cinnamon Cheerios aren't good? They are my fave-fave-favorite. I even make a special trip to a store that carries them (our local Walmart and Albertson's do not... bah!).
Great TT.
Look around at Halloween time for Franken Berry or Count Chocula. At least we get them in Utah. I do have to say that my favorites are the fruity cereals: Trix, Fruit Loops, etc. I have to disagree with you there.
Great list! Of the ones you like, I also like Oatmeal Crisp, though I like it best with raisins, and Cheeries, though I like 'em in Honey Nut flavor.
But I also love Captain Crunch, especially peanut butter flavor! ;)
My TT is up, too.
You would probably be jealous to know I can get Oh's here for normally $1.99 a box because they are always on sale.
Honey Bunches of Oats, Grape Nut Flakes and Wheat Chex are some good ones, too - guess I have a healthier taste bud sometimes :) !!
And can I get your homemade Granola recipe? My husband eats this by the bucket loads!
hehe I am a Honey Nut Cheerio girl myself ...
I love Cheerios too. The original ones.
And have a soft spot for Rice Krispies - as I love to make the squares when I need some comfort food.
My husband brought home the Chocolate Special K - it was gross.
What no Franken Berry or Count Chocula up there? Hmm I may have to rethink the move. haha. just kidding...sorta. We still have them here and I love my Franken Berry cereal. Also I love Frosted Flakes and Apple Jacks mmm love those to. I'm not sure about the OH'S though. I can't remember if I've seen those lately.. I do have to say I love grapenuts though especially heated up with butter, sugar and warm milk! Not so good for you once I'm done with them but the don't remind me of rat killer so much any more either and they are great for a warm cereal on a cold morning.
Only homemade granola is allowed in our house but I do love those big shredded wheat biscuits!
Special K was never one of my faves either until Katrina (Callapider Days) clued me into Special K Chocolatey Delight! Tiny chocolate pieces in there, like little chocolate bars. Turns the milk chocolate too (just like Count Chocula did!) Other than that Honey Nut Cheerios of Cinnamon Life! Yum~
Golden Grahms and cracklin' oat bran are so darn yummy out of the box to just munch on.
I also HEART Lucky Charms, but they are so sugary I don't eat them often
Yum, Oatmeal Crisp. I can't eat cereals anymore that are pre-sweetened but I do love them. My favorite are by Quaker and are squares of oat cereal a bit like Life. Can't remember what they're called.
Oh dear, now I'm craving cold cereal.
My husband was thrilled to see this post since he usually dines on night cap cereal bowls and he pointed out that Kirtland should be Kirkland - of course he asked if you were LDS :) !! Not that it matters, I just thought it was funny.
He is disappointed Fruity Pebbles didn't make the list.
Hurray for cereal. My all-time favorite food staple. Even better when I'm pregnant.
Yum! I could eat bowls and bowls of all of them. My very favorite though is frosted mini-wheats, sadly unavailable in Israel. I always make sure to have them when I'm back in the States for a visit.
My daughter will only eat cheerios, and heaven forbid i buy generic!!! She knows in an instant I guess they puff up different in milk, but at 4 dollars a box i learned the hard way that saving a buck during purchase is no bargain when the whole box goes in the trash. My son is a rice crispies fan!!!
Oooh I love the Kashi cereals. I eat the vanilla graham probiotic one a lot! The rest of the family are HUGE cheerio fans. The kids love the new fruit one. :)
What happened to Snap, Crackle, and Pop? I think I ate a bowl of Rice Krispies with strawberries every morning for my entire 4 years of high school. I've never has Frosted Flakes; I hope this means we can still be friends.;)
Peanut butter Cap'n Crunch is my favorite. :)
I love cereals, too. They're my favorite snacks. Unfortunately, my kids do not share my love of them. We have "cereal breakfast day" once a week, and it's always greeted with groans.
LOVE Cracklin' Oat Bran when it first came out. Way back in the late '80s. And then one day I bought a box and realized they'd changed it, and not for the better. The old box was still in my recycling and I compared. They ADDED fat to it. I was so mad. It's even higher in fat now than that first change. I still like it, but I don't love it like I did.
Love Apple Cinnamon Cheerios. Hate Kix. And am rather indifferent to all other cereals. Seems like something I should have a stronger opinion on, but I don't.
I love, love, love Golden Grahams! I'd eat them every day if I wasn't afraid of overdosing on sugar.
As for the the FrankenBerry/Count Chocula/Boo Berry? We got 'em right here in Minnesota! (We are the home of General Mills, you know)
I love Wheat Chex. And regular Raisin Bran (never tried the Crunch kind) and Mini Shredded Wheat. We've got some similar tastes!
And, we've got Franken Berry and Count Chocula down here! I'll think of you the next time I go down my grocery's cereal isle. Franken Berry used to be my absolute fave growing up!! Maybe I'll get a box in your honor this week.
Or better yet, I could ship you some-hmmm.....;)
Only tried some of these, but my Dad used to have Shredded Wheat every day [available in the UK] He called it 'shredded tweet' = only fit for the birds, or 'knitted straw.'
I love Basic 4, but it is expensive.
I like Muffets, Crispex, AlphaBits, CornPops, Golden Grahams, Life, Post has a good one with pecans, raisins and dates that I adore, Shreddies, Frosted Flakes, Capn' Crunch, Froot Loops and so many more! Great list.
I'm the cereal queen - but in my house I am really the only one that really loves cereal. My DD hates it and barely eats it, with the exception of plain cheerios.
Hey, I could go for some cereal right now!
Oh no, you've insulted a grape-nut lover!
Just kidding, about being insulted but not about loving grape-nuts :)
I, too, love a good bowl a cereal before I go to bed. I started that habit during my pregnancies! We regularly have Frosted Flakes and Cinnamon Life and Lucky Charms!! They're magically delicious!!
Lexi and I are big mouse poison pellet fans. It's the crunching/grinding I can't stand. I don't buy it all the time, but sometimes she begs (!) for them. Go figure.
My all-time favorite is Frosted Flakes. And I'm old enough to remember when they were officially named Sugar Frosted Flakes, back before sugar became non-politically correct.
I do love me some Cinnamon Toast Crunch though.
Cranberry Macadamia Nut sounds great, but no Costco near me. I used to love Cracklin' Oat Bran, but haven't seen it in ages - I thought it had been discontinued.
My favorite - Basic 4. Follwed closely by Raisin Nut Bran and Post Select Pecan (double pecan?) I stock up when they are BOGO or at my salvage grocery.
I'm all for frosted mini-wheats, but the dry biscuit kind sans frosting? No thanks! Oh and when I was a kid my mom wouldn't let us have cookie crisp, so guess what's on my fridge right now - Yup. Cookie Crisp. She was right. It's really not very good, but it caught my eye, and it's the principal of the thing.
I love Crackin Oat Bran and everyone makes fun of me for eating it and I like shredded wheat and love the frosted mini wheat my mom says it looks like bales of hay..I agree with you on grape nuts feels like your eating pebbles or something
I think FrankenBerry and the others are still around. I know I've seen Count Chocula!
I'm an original Life girl, myself. My kids and the Tour Manager like the sugary stuff, but as I've gotten older, it's gotten too sweet.
Happy TT!
Oh man! I haven't had Frosted Flakes in YEARS! Just the thought of that makes my teeth hurt! lol
I cannot belive Cap'n Crunch CRUNCHBERRIES isn't anyones favorite...My ducks won't eat it(but they eat everything else)
I should try to make granola. We all love granola. Frosted Mini Wheats are probably the current favorite around here. Kellen wants it for snacks!
I'll eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch for dessert sometimes!
Great list! I am a fellow breakfast fan and have never met a bowl of cereal I didn't like! I especially *have* to have it when I am pregnant - like now! I can easily eat three bowls a day. Is that bad? I even like Kashi Go Lean. ;)
I'm a wheat chex fan myself...with a drizzle of honey on it.
A new favorite is the generic fruity rice crisps. They make the best rice crispy treats.
funny you should mention count chocula! we still have that down here but i have to really look to find it. my favorite!! cold cereal seems to be a great pregnancy food for me, i've been on a fruity pebbles kick for about a month. totally agree with pretty much your whole list! (except for the bran one). happy tt!
Oh - I miss Frankenberry. That stuff was SO GOOD. At least I remember it being good. I haven't had it since I was...9 or so.
I like making cookies or muffins with bran cereals like raisin bran crunch or shredded wheat. Ranger cookies with holiday Rice Krispies (green and red) are the best.
But you missed the best one of all -- Honey Bunches of Oats!
Umm... yeah. You're killing me here. We get NONE of those over here. Not even cheerios. Waaaaagh!
But we do get chocolate Cruesli. That makes up for it just a little.
I guess.
I miss Apple Jacks.
i found some Boo Berry last October, near Halloween! my all-time favorite cereal is Lucky Charms.
happy belated TT!
My husband starts and ends the day with a bowl of Cinnamon Life ~ Heaven forbid if I forget to pick up a box (or five) from the store and we are all out ~ the man goes insane!
Me? I was raised on boring and bland cereal and can't stand anything that makes the milk all pink and sugary. Yeah, I'm partial to Kashi ;-) I'll make sure to bring my own box if I ever visit you in Alaska ~ LOL!
I was getting worried and then someone finally mentioned Honey Bunches of Oats. And how about Sugar Smacks? Those plus Corn Pops, Golden Grahams, Fruity Pebbles, Cracklin' Oat Bran and Frosted Flakes(mixed about half and half with cornflakes) are my favorite.
But, I actually eat Frosted Mini Wheats, Wheat Chex, Raisin Bran and Grapenuts.
hey scribbs, visiting from the inn :) Great cereal recommendations for this innkeeper!
GP in Montana who loves anything with raisins!
Count Chocula is my all-time favorite!! I could eat it every day, and I'm 30-something!
We do have it here in our neck of the woods. Every once in a while I skip the Special K (with berries and yogurt), and get a box. They also have Franken Berry and Boo Berry.
I also like to put Golden Crisp on chocolate ice cream. YUMMY!
Great list! I was making a shopping list and just tired of what we normally purchase. Thanks for some new ideas. Oh, my favorite cereal is missing from your list: Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds. We love to toss in some craisons. Yum!
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