But I digress . . . Andrew recently decided he needed a new computer and treated himself to a Macbook. Having received a new Gateway laptop last summer, I've been used to owning the coolest piece of technology in the house and am having a hard time accepting the Stranger Amongst Us.
All I hear about is "my Macbook does this" and "my Macbook does that" until I'm ready for desperate measures. I may have to buy one too. As you read the post listen for the "dueling banjos" song that should be playing in the background (but of course isn't--my Gateway doesn't do that).
Here are highlights from our somewhat bitter debate:
1. "My Macbook is lighter." To which I say: So what? Maybe if computers weren't quite so light computer geeks wouldn't have such a reputation for tiny muscles. Maybe big and clunky could be a good thing.
2. "My Macbook is easier to use." Yes, yes, I know. And when I want to know how to use my Gateway who is it hurting in the end? Me or my I.T. (information technologies) specialist--i.e. you?
3. "My Macbook's battery lasts longer than your Gateway battery ever could." Bring it on. Maybe so, but my Gateway can outblog your Macbook any day, any place, any time. Maybe.

5. "My Macbook makes funky sounds when it performs certain functions." My Gateway makes sounds alright, and some that could be considered funky, but not sounds it's supposed to be making.
6. "My Macbook never crashes." Yes I know the only stories you'll ever hear of Macbooks crashing are apocryphal--rather like Bigfoot sightings--but if it happens, I'm there with my video camera and I'm going to capture that moment on film for the entire internet to see.
7. "My Macbook never gets viruses." See number 6 above.
8. "My Macbook's keyboard feels better--smoother and sleeker--than your Gateway keyboard." *Sigh* Yea, and we know all about how men love the curves and lines.
9. "My Macbook has a special bullet-proof bag to go with it." For that alone I am completely and totally jealous. It deserved an entire post.
10. "My Macbook shuts down as quick as I can blink." No, really, it does. He's right, it's like the thing has a built in clapper--or responds to the "I Dream of Jeanie" blink thing.
11. "My Macbook has a cool glowing apple on the cover." *Another sigh* What does my Gateway have? The Gateway logo. And it doesn't light up.

13. "My Macbook was used in the last space shuttle launch." Okay maybe he's making this one up but it wouldn't surprise me if it were true. It is one cool machine.
Technorati tags: Thursday Thirteen, Macbook, Gateway, computers, laptops
Oh man.... Well, my computer can beat up YOUR computer... heehee. (Did you tell him that? Cause I wonder what he'd say.)
I am absolutely blown away, so to speak, by the fact that Andrew's MacBook has a bullet-proof bag. My favorite thing about my laptop is its blue lights; I always wanted blue lights.
I've ignored Thursday 13 for a few weeks (teaching overload) but now I'm back with a quiz for all takers.
I still have an old school iBook, but even my 1.5 year old iBook is pretty stinkin' cool.
You should definitely get a mac, Michelle. Then instead of being bitter, you can focus all your energy on gloating. It's really, really hard not to gloat when you have a Mac.
The coolest thing about Macs is a snazzy little program call QuickSilver. If Andrew hasn't installed it yet, tell him he needs to do so pronto. It's definitely my favorite thing about my Mac.
He's looking it up right now, thanks for the tip.
I hear ya. My hubby has 3 Apple laptops, so yaaaah... you get the picture, I commiserate with you. But man that little light in the front that "breathes" when the laptop is in sleep mode, that's awesome, I could just watch that, pretty cool. The one thing I like better on my Dell than his Apples. The trackpad has buttons above and below the pad.
I'm also not keen on the apple control key, it confuses me.
Yes! MacBooks are all that and much more! (She types on her beautiful white MacBook.)
I'm getting the sense that I'm the only non-Mac user out there and I'm feeling pretty alone.
I wish I had video footage of Andrew watching his "breathing" light while the computer's in sleep mode. He's breathing with it, staring at it mesmerized. It's classic.
You're not alone. I have an HP. I call it "The Beast."
We like our HP laptop, but when my mom decided to get a Mac a few months ago and I saw how cool it was I said to my husband, "Why didn't we get an Macbook?" He wondered the same thing...next time, next time.
I love, love, love my Mac. The lights that come up under the keyboard so I can type in the dark while my hubby snoozes are quite a fun option. I also like how intuitive it is, in other words, how easy it is for a non-computer-geek like me to use. If the rest of the world were run by Macs, it would be a better place. =) Okay, just being a little over-imaginative there....
It is hard to say - I have a Mac and my husband has a Gateway. My Mac is really pretty, and very cool. But husband's Gateway has Windows Vista and a huge screen. I think I prefer the Mac though!
Typing from my Gateway and I still enjoy it. Sometimes I enjoy the simplicity in life :)!!
always.. MAC the best.
Macs are cool, but like cool cars, having one doesn't make the user cool. They just wish it were so.
I used macs for years and they've always had certain advantages over windows machines, but I never understood the whole PC vs Mac thing. Maybe I'm just too lazy to care one way or the other.
I never got into those Nikon vs Canon, Ford vs Chevy vs Chrysler, type arguments either, so what do I know?
Macs are definitely nice though. Next time he spouts the virtues of his Mac over your Gateway, have a printed photo of him with that lawyer coloring book, and hold it up and show him his true self.
Great Post.
After reading the marvelous posting - I have decided to lying low for a while - perhaps becoming a hermit for life - with my oldie laptop!!
Thanks for the laugh, particularly that picture. I'd never get my boys away from the laptop if they knew they could take funky pictures like that. I had a Mac years ago. It was so easy to use. My husband uses a PC for work and so when we moved we got rid of the Mac which was old and bought a PC. It's just not as user friendly or "intuitive" as someone else mentioned. So count me in as another person suffering from Mac envy. ;-)
I have some software I use on a regular basis that is not made for Macs. So, it's a VAIO for me.
Macbooks rock! I LOVE mine. And that power cord is amazing. The magnetic thing? SO stinkin' cool.
Four years ago I bought a PC laptop and returned it the same day. I bought a Mac instead. My very simple reason was that I spent all day in a library that was silent as a tomb, the operating noise of a Mac was almost non-existent, while the PC whirred constantly. I hated it.
So there's another reason.
It doesn't get better than the cord. I think I'd buy a mac JUST for the cord. It's magnetic for goodness sakes!
I must vote for the MacBook Pro - 15 inch. I am retiring from the corporate world where I had Thinkpads since they were made. I have been in the Windows world for so long I feel like a freed prisoner to have a computer I don't have to feed and care for every day instead of getting useful work from. I have used Windows for more than 10 years and there is nothing I can't do with my Mac. There's lots of bloggers with Macs - Christine Kane comes to mind. You can always ask her!
..this comment written on a Mac :-)
I don't know about the whole Macbook v. Gateway thing, but what I do know is that my daughter used that "versing" word too!! When I read that, I just smiled. Since I coach basketball, we play alot and talk alot about it. In the thick of the season, she comes in the room, and out of the blue, asks "Who are we versing today?" It caught me off-guard until I realized what she was talking about. I had to do the 3rd degree thing to understand, but understand I did, and I didn't correct her for it. I just loved it!
On another note, I mentioned your blog in my post for today. I'm not expecting any reaction on your part, but I am extending an invitation to you to come and check it out.
Oh last night Mr. Right was just trying to give me the song and dance about why Macbook is better than any other product out there.
Of course he just brought me chocolate creme brulee, so I was going to agree to ANYTHING he said...
Me? I just need a laptop. I don't care who makes it or what it does. I just need to know that I can blog!
I don't even have a laptop! :(
I guess that bullet proof bag is important eh?
Terrific Thursday Thirteen!
My TT is posted.
Have a wonderful day!
Happy TT'ing!
(")_ (")Š
My cousin just got a macbook too, and I've been hearing from her on it's relative coolness. Someday..someday
I hate to do this to you, since truly I adore you but ... Apples ROCK!
Once you go Apple you never go back (your husband may appreciate the pic of the day at my blog! hehe)
A bullet proof bag...what's he doing to draw fire?
My TT is up, with new techno-phrases I'm learning now that I'm a blogger. And now that I'm blogging, I've decided I need a new laptop, so you TT is very helpful to me! grins!
Unless the MacBook writes for you, creating content is still the important part.
My TT is up.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I want a Mac!
This reminds me of the Mac/PC commercials on TV. I am not a Mac lover they are snooty because they have to have programs especially for them. That's my theory anyways.
My 9 year-old uses the word 'versing', too. I thought he was the only one.
Thanks for the new vocab word shibboleth. I will use it often... as often as you can use the word shibboleth that is. :o)
Apart for #13 (is that true!), I agree with Andrew and much more! I received one for my birthday this year.....and I'm still gloating about it!
I got a Macbook January and love it so much. Your son is right on the money with this one. The cord is a thing of beauty with it's magnetic connection.
I think it is so cool you blog as a family.
Be well and enjoy the day and buy a Macbook you won't regret it.
This is funny! My hubby just got his MAC last month and he seems to be very impressed about it. Nevertheless I'm still using HP and I've done cool stuff with it too (but is i still wish for a MAC :) )
Macs rule. ;)
i am such a PC user but sometimes I am tempted to get a Mac.
Maybe someday...
I showed this post to Mr. Right. He kept laughing and then saying, "See! This is what I'm talking about!"
Thanks scribbit.
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