Oh yes I've been productive this week. We picked two gallons of wild blueberries at Tangle Lakes in July and I promised Grace we'd make jam. It is best with half wild, half domestic berries to get the most of both varieties. There's just nothing prettier than seeing jars of jam lined up and there's nothing better than tasting the results of your labors.
Blueberry Jam:
4-1/2 cups prepared fruit (buy about 4 pt. fully ripe blueberries)
2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
7 cups sugar, measured into separate bowl
1/2 tsp. butter or margarine
2 pouches Certo Fruit Pectin
Crush blueberries and measure exactly 4-1/2 cups prepared blueberries into 6- or 8-qt. saucepan. Stir in lemon juice.
Stir sugar into prepared blueberries in saucepan. Add butter to reduce foaming. Bring to full rolling boil (a boil that doesn't stop bubbling when stirred) on high heat, stirring constantly. Stir in pectin. Return to full rolling boil and boil exactly 1 min., stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Skim off any foam with metal spoon.
Ladle jam immediately into prepared jars, filling to within 1/8 inch of tops. Wipe jar rims and threads. Cover with two-piece lids. Screw bands tightly. Invert jars on top of a towel for five minutes then tip right side up once again. This causes the jam to seal properly.
Have you entered the Write-Away Contest? The topic this month is Collecting.
If you have a recipe you make with your own children you can enter the VegCooking "Cooking with Kids" contest for your chance at some fun prizes.
Technorati tags: Wordless Wednesday, blueberry jam, canning, Tangle Lakes, Alaska
I love that picture, with her peeking over the Jam.
That's some hard work! What a great photo.
Wow, it has been so long since my daughter and I used to make strawberry jam and strawberry-apple jelly. We picked them at a place called Davey-Joans when we lived in New York. They bought a train from an amusement park to take people to the fields for self-pick. Such great memories.
beautiful!! You have been really busy--that is something to be proud of!
Preserves bring sunshine into the depth of winter! Enjoy!
That jam is truly beautiful. Just the picture brought back memories of being in the kitchen with my grandma, measuring out sugar and lining up jars when we were through...ahhhh. Summer in a bottle, for sure. Delectable.
We need to go and pick blueberries before they are all gone...only $.99 a pound here!
I've always wanted to make jam, but never paid attention to my mum when I was young and haven't gotten around to it now! Sounds very good! And good for you!
oh I"m jelous! I didn't get my jams canned.... :(
Hyperventilating! This looks so good! The sight of homemade jam reminds me of home several seas away. :( My mouth is watering too...oh, be still my saliva...
I had no idea that making jam was so easy.
That's a lot of jam! I don't think the blueberries are ready for picking here yet.
Great post and pics. You have been busy!!! Great!
What a great picture, but boy am I interested in getting my hands on some of that jam. Happy WW
Oh wow. That looks delicious, Michelle! I'm bringing a loaf of bread over later to sample it. *grin*
Even though the jam looks de-lish? I like the little eyes peeking over the tops. lol
Wonderful photo. If we ever got enough blueberries I might give that a try. :) Our bush only produces enough for one pie or so.
Oh wild blueberries are the best...the jam turns out so intense! We used to make wild elderberry and wild gooseberry jellies growing up...I only wish store-bought stuff tasted as good.
HMMMMM that and apricots are my favorite jams! I never made my own, as my mom always made some for me!!
I might have to start making them now
hmmm I am salivating just thinking about your jam!
Holy Moses, that looks good. Am I getting a sneak peek at September's Write Away prize?
I sure hope so...
Why is it Alaskan girls are so cool? I have a friend in Glacier Bay and she positively is the most awesome seamstress, cook, and over-all creative person I know...and now it appears there are two of her. :))
Very nice! Those would make great Christmas gifts.
Thanks for participating in the Make if from Scratch carnival.
Why don't we live closer?! I want to be your taste tester!
Oh, my goodness, I googled in wild blueberry jam and you, my old friend, popped up! Thanks for the suggestion of using 1/2 wild and 1/2 domestic...you answered my question perfectly! I'm going to make some jam VERY soon, so come visit in a couple days to view my jam! I'm going to give your recipe a try!
I love the picture! I just returned from picking blueberries in Canturbury, NH along the power lines. Last year I used lime juice instead of lemon juice and what a delicious sweet-tart jam!
June Dussault, Tilton, NH
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