That, my friends, is what a well-feed moose looks like. He'd made a meal of our neighbors' trees and I watched him carefully lest he should develop a hankering for my crab apples. I've wrapped the tree so carefully, trying to preserve it from the ravages of the stupid quadrupeds but it's like we've got
Chuck-a-Rama in blinking lights on our front lawn as far as the local moose are concerned. I'm really thinking that this year is the year that I'm able to outsmart them.
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Wordless Wednesday, Anchorage, Alaska, moose
oh my goodness!! what a cool sighting!!
Heh! Where I live that would be a sight to behold. I guess they aren't very welcome when they keep destroying your plants. :-)
Apparently moose are really yummy to eat. Well, I suppose they would be if they keep eating all your vegetation.
Oh, it's YOU. I thought I'd somehow clicked my way into an old syndicated episode of Northern Exposure!
wow!!! and my kids get excited when they see a squirrel!!
I hate to say this, but I would give almost anything to see a moose in my yard. All we have are deer, wild turkey, and the occasional coyote and bear.
Okay - so I've never had a bear in MY yard, but they're around . . .
Crazy! And I thought it was bad here when I had to worry about snakes!
All right, you win. You put our deer and wild turkeys to shame.
The moose- er..leavings, would concern me more than the moose-takings.
Having done my fair share of driving in New Hampshire, I am petrified of meeting a moose on the open road while doing 70. {shudders} I did not realize they could be such pests, too.
I'm just laughing, because my nickname is Moose (I won't bore you with the story, but it is not a reference to my size, thank you), and we went out of our way to find moose when we were in Colorado. And we had to go way out of our way. I guess they're getting braver. Good luck with the crabapples.
I am sure they can be pests....but it still think it is would be way cool to see one!
We are in the country and see bear, lots of deer, occasional coyote, lots of critters. I am a nature lover - big time! I really want to visit Alaska someday!
GREAT photo!!
That's an awesome picture! How many people can say they've ever even SEEN a moose, much less one in their front yard... just trying to give you something positive to say about it. :) Good luck outsmarting the moose. ha ha
Wow, that is something I have never seen roaming around the neighborhood.
So are they afraid of anything? Can you "shoo" them away with sound?
Good luck on protecting your turf!
Love the Moose! We had a Mama and her two calves in our backyard earlier this summer. The next door neighbors were throwing rocks at the babies and it got me so mad! I know they can be a pain for most, especially my Mother who prides herself on her gorgeous flower beds, but I do love to look at them. They are good eatin' too.
PS Thanks for the kind words on my "blog in progress." Still haven't done anything with it yet. I am hoping to have a fresh start at the beginning of the year.
OH-MY-GOSH...i thought you only saw that kind of stuff on the TV show Northern Exposure...no...wait...you ARE Northern Exposure...luv it!
are you kidding me? do they wander around like that often? that's just crazy!
Oh that's great - at first glance it could be any neighborhood around here - except for the moose wandering through! I love it! Happy WW :)
Supposedly the neighborhood moose is always using my yard to go between woods and woods. The neighbors tell me this all the time. They say they can tell because my dog barks up a storm and they can hear him inside their houses from inside mine.
I however have yet to see one. And they haven't bothered my crab apple trees at all. Huh.
When in Denali we came face to face with a Mama Moose, with her baby not to far...I decided then that I was not the Biggest Moose fan...then we had a run in with the bears of Denali (the grizzli kind), THEN i realized that the Moose was NOT soo bad!
But then again, I don't live near them. WE have deer and coyotes, and bunnies (oh but wait, we HAVE rattlers....not a fan of those!)
Good luck with moose problem this year. I suppose that could be one thing for me to be happy that we didn't get all the way to Anchorage. Of course Ketchikan has bears and other people complain but so far we haven't had any problems...yet.
When I was little my dad used to tell me that if I didn't stay in bed and go to sleep a moose would come bite my ears.
I was terrified.
Later, of course, it became a joke and I have a stuffed moose he gave me when I moved out.
now, if I had lived there where moose really walked around, well I think I may have had panic attacks.
That's not a sight one would see around here. Deer, yes. Moose, no. But I suppose no matter where one lives, one has to battle pesky creatures.
To think you can look out your window and see a moose - you are a lucky girl! Very cool picture - of course, I know it's different for you than me, since the only wild animal I get in my back yard are large dog-sized racoons trying to tip our garbage over!
My son, who lives in Spokane, WA has had such visits too. Good luck controlling.
Moose are one of my favorite things to see when I visit my parents up there! I would love to have a moose or two visit my yard! I miss them like crazy!!!
It just cracks me up that a moose is just walking around your neighborhood. But I also see that there is NO snow on the ground. I imagine that Anchorage is covered in snow by now. Kind of lame, I know, but that is how I think of Alaska.
Good luck outsmarting the moose!
A moose!
Where's Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Green Jeans?
I've never seen a moose. I think it's cool you've got them in the neighborhood. I do hope, though, that he doesn't eat your crab apples. :)
My brother lives in Soldotna, and before I visited him I thought there was something SOOOO sweet about moose. Now I realize they are just like the deer we try to shoo away here in Michigan; and hope we don't crash into with our cars.
Haha! We never get an animal that big in our neighborhood. Not even an alligator.
Looks like the pics my grandma and aunt are always sending down from Anchorage. Too wild.
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