Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Cheesy Little Valentines

The Winter BazaarIf you're like me, panic attacks like "Oh my gosh! Tomorrow's Valentine's Day and Lillian's supposed to take cards to school!" happen on a regular basis so last minute ideas that save you a trip to the store are the stuff that heaven is made of.

Cheesy Mice ValentinesLast year it was butterflies, this year it's cute little mice that make for easy and fun valentines. These are so easy that with construction paper, stickers, some suckers for tails and some yarn for whiskers you too can have a kindergartener that is master of her own Valentine's Day destiny. And that's a great thing.

1. Trace a large heart on construction paper, cut it out and fold it in half lengthwise.

2. Sign it and tape a sucker inside so the stick sticks out as the mouse's tale.

3. On the outside, glue a googly eye on either side and stick tiny heart stickers in place for ears.

Cheesy Mice Valentines4. Punch a tiny hole (I used a mini hole punch) through both sides of the heart where the nose should be and tie a ribbon in a bow to hold it slightly closed and to serve as the mouse's whiskers.

Your valentine rodent is now finished! Pat yourself on the back, you've just created a mini masterpiece. Any other fun ideas you've come across lately? Leave the link below.


Updated to add: Congratulations to Kimberly from Kunkletown, Pennsylvania for winning this week's Saturday Giveaway. Sorry it's late but I had a hard time with the notification process this week--had to draw a second name. Anyway, better late than never, hope everyone got a chance to check out the terrific skin and bath products at SudsMuffin. Oh they smell good!

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Amber M. said...

OH MY GOODNESS! Those mice are so cute. I may have to file this idea away for next year.

Anonymous said...

This is too adorable! My daughter will love this. I'm going to buy materials on my way home! Thanks for the idea.

Claremont First Ward said...

What cute, fun, easy little mice!

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Michelle,
That's a fun way to do mice. They look so easy and enjoyable to make. And it is also relevant since this is the year of the rat in the Chinese Lunar calendar. Thanks for the practical post. God bless you and your family always.

my4kids said...

now those are really cute!

Anonymous said...

How cute! I don't think Austin will let me use those over his super cool Transformer valentines, but Lydia will love them next year. :)

Beth Cotell said...

So sweet and cute and best of all, simple.

luvmy4sons said...

Beautiful. My boys won't have anything to do with Valentine's Day. You are so creative!

Stephanie Appleton said...

My girls would love those....The boys though like the airplanes and aliens! :)

Melissa Markham said...

Those are so cute!

Anonymous said...

Too cute! Totally the year of the Rat too!

Peggie said...

What a great idea!!

Melissa said...


Kelly @ Love Well said...

Now see? This is why I love you, Michelle.

I was going to Google "Valentine's card crafts" this weekend so my daughter and I could make some cards together. (She loves projects!) And now, I don't need to! These will be PERFECT for a six-year-old, and they're adorable to boot.

Once again, you're bookmarked.

Tamara said...

These are absolutely adorable. Love them! Monica at The Homespun Heart has cute Valentine's Lollipop flowers. I didn't post her link above, because it's not my website, but they're very cute:

Hillary said...

Those are too cute. I was just informed that my daughters school is a NO CANDY school, so no candy for Valentines day! Can you imagine!!

sweetlifeinthevalley said...

This morning I have been searching for just such crafts. I am over the class parties for my 6th graders (twins). It just dawned on me today that this will be their last real class Valentines Day Party since next year is Jr. High. It also inspired me to make it an extra great party. Thanks for the ideas!

Jenny said...

So cute!! You are too perfect, you know that?!

MommyTime said...

I love this idea. Sadly, Son is devoted to all things Spiderman and Monsters and not at all into cute mice. So, I think our Valentines will be boring red hearts with monster stickers on them. -sigh- How did he turn so BOY despite my best efforts?

Candlestring said...

Love your blog. Very cute mice!

Candlestring said...

Oops. I put my blog name instead of the craft name in the link list. Sorry.

ewe are here said...

These are darling!

I'll have to think how ambitious I need to be for a 2 1/2 year old this year... maybe next year. ;-)

Monica Wilkinson said...

We made the mice last year too! Thanks for the links - I didn't know about your bazaar and am excited to check out the other entries!

Heather said...

I Love these!!! My son is too young to be giving out valentines at school, but I totally remember my mom panicking as she tried to assemble cards for 4 classrooms worth of kids...great link list too!

Amber M. said...

Me again...I'm loving "The Foutainhead"... I should be finished by the weekend and then I'm off to get "Atlus Shrugged."

Montserrat said...

These are the only kind of mice I want in my house!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love these! They're adorable! We actually made the butterflies from last year at playgroup this week - we're giving them out at our local nursing home next week.

You have such great ideas!

Daisy said...

That is so cute! I wonder if I could do this with my class? Sure. They can handle it.

Pieces said...

Ohmigosh, those are the cutest little mice I have ever seen! I just love the little bow for whiskers. Thanks for posting my link too--I'm thrilled to check out the other links now that I am finally home today.

Sheila said...

Your crafts are the bomb!

Jenna said...

Very cute! Our kids did these mice a few years ago. They are great for big batches to go to kids' classrooms.

Melissa Stover said...

thanks for this great idea. we tried it and they turned out pretty cute. not as cute as yours, but cute enough.

Unknown said...

They're lovely!!!

Feel welcome to visit my blog

Ask Laane

Have a great week!!!

Anonymous said...

These are so cute. I'm gonna email my daughter with this post. She's a preschool teacher and will love this idea.
Good job as usually!!

luckyzmom said...

Too cute!

Anonymous said...

These are SO cute. So are the butterflies from last year. I absolutely lost the battle though; my 4 year old refuses to send Valentine's love via any means other than Nascar (yuck!) valentines from Walgreens. Fortunately, they are doing a 'community helpers' theme at preschool and I think I can work this into a 'sanitation worker' craft when I am Snack Mom in a few weeks.

Jody said...

This is so adorable.

You have such fun ideas!

Alyson and Ford said...

Rats! (sorry, I couln't help myself)!!
I could have used this for our China themed New Year celebrations...(CNY). I should be able to tailor it for other Year of the Rat fun. We are all about China with our pending adoption!!

LID 01/27/06