Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Killer Snowmen

Killer Alaskan SnowmenNo wonder our neighbors won't speak to us. Get a good look at it--see the moaning mouth complete with fangs as he flaunts his victim's head? I wouldn't speak to me either.

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Anonymous said...

Hahahaha...that's great. Reminds me of Calvin and Hobbes.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh! :) Happy WW

Anonymous said...

Hee, hee - I had the same thought as Tundratantrum... and anyone with a Calvin and Hobbes sense of humor is A-OK in my book!

Caffienated Cowgirl said...

LOL! I agree with's so Calvin and Hobbes :)

Bunny B said...

LOL! Very creative kids!

The Source said...

What...your neightbors don't appreciate curb-side displays of fine sculpture? Your kids have wonderful imaginations!

Anonymous said...

Between this and "Bucket Boffing", I'm really beginning to wonder about you...

Anonymous said...

Ha! Great minds!! I thought Calvin & Hobbes, too! I'm sure we have that strip in one of the books we own...If I find it, I'll pass it along (maybe I should put my kids on the investigation...they love 'em, too!).

What imaginations y'all have! Snowmen with fangs??? Too funny!

Chrisbookarama said...

Love it! You got to do something with that snow, right?

Joyful Days said...

Must say that "Calvin" was the first word that came to my mind also. And then I thought, "Hey! My kids really did run away to live with Michelle!"

Checked their beds--nope, still here. They think the same way though.

Good one.

Unknown said...

Yeah but my family would have been there helping buidl these. Great shots :)

Hope you have a wonderful week, until the next WW, may your days be filled with happiness. Pop by The Cafe if interested in my WW entry for 3/26/08.

Jenny said...

I love it!

Anonymous said...

This is very funny. I especially like his teeth!

Bonnie B. said...

Who needs a guard dog when you've got attack snowmen, right?

Janet said...

Yep, I thought the same thing, Calvin and Hobbes come to life. I'm impressed that they managed it. The stick arms were an inspiration. If I were your neighbor I'd want to come over and play.

Kelly @ Love Well said...

That's what winter does to a person. It fosters creativity -- warped creativity, but creativity nonetheless.

(Did you know the masterminds behind Mystery Science Theater 3000 started in a basement in Minnesota? It's all because of winter, man.)

Montserrat said...

Definitely a Calvin and Hobbes moment. That is soooo funny!

Ice Cream said...

I have always wanted to make Calvin and Hobbs snowmen. Sadly we never get the snow. Hmmm, maybe I should just start adapting it to my Halloween pumpkins.

Amy said...

Rock ON :) You are some scary neighbors, for sure :) I love it!

Beck said...

HAHAHAH! I wish you WERE my neighbour.

Bonnie said...

Oh my gosh!! That's just hilarious. Thanks for sharing.

Melissa Markham said...

LOL! I love it!

Daisy said...

Really, looks just like the Calvin and Hobbes snowmen! Right down to the beheaded one!

Anonymous said...

Love the fangs!!! No snow here... :~D

John and Laura said...

ha ha--The problem with your neighbors, is that they don't recognize good art when they see it. Ü That's pretty creative!

J said...

I've always seen the ones in C & H, and thought that they just wouldn't work in real life. You have no idea how thrilled I am to have been proven wrong.

Anonymous said...

haha - did you tell the neighbors you were doing a portrait of them? that really would've set them off.

happy ww. :)

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Beautiful I ♥ snow men - kewl!

thanks for visiting me
My Little Drummer boys

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. Gawd.

Are you sure my husband didn't come over and do that? That's his sort of thing...

Great post!

ter@waaoms said...

Me too! Thought of Calvin and Hobbes.... I love the snowman cartoons!!

Anonymous said...

hahahaha michelle! this is hilarious!!! love it! reminds me exactly of a calvin and hobbs book!

thanks for the giggle!

so creative! impressed.

great day, kathleen

jubilee said...

While I can understand the slightly disturbing aspect for a mother, I think it is wonderfully creative! Better expressed with snow than with, well, anything else, right?!

AlaneM said...

I want you as a neighbor - Calvin & Hobbes all the way!

Kaye said...

So very reminiscent of Calvin and Hobbes. Love it!

MommyTime said...

I totally love these snowmen and would be very happy to have neighbors with such a sense of humor!

Terri said...

Ooooo, the horror! I love it!

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Love it! I thought of Calvin & Hobbes too--and that's always a good thing :)

Damselfly said...

*I love this!!!*

Damselfly said...

Not to mention, they are cannibals.

email said...

My first thought (OBVIOUSLY an original one) was the Calvin & Hobbes strip. LOVE it and have always wanted to reproduce it myself. GREAT JOB!

Nadine said...

Damselfly sent me over. Too funny.

Anonymous said...

I think it's pretty cool! :)