But it's all good stuff right? It's not as if I've got funerals, surgeries, root canals or tax audits scheduled so it should be busy but it should also be pretty fun. So maybe you'll understand why this month's topic appealed to me and maybe it will appeal to you. How about writing a post on "Wonder Woman"? This could be your own idea of what a hero is, your own take on parenthood and its expectations or you could write about the Wonder Woman in your life. Take whatever tone you wish but this ought to provoke some thoughts out there. If you'd like to take the same angle but focus on the male view of things feel free to do so--Super Man is perfectly acceptable as well.
If you'd like to participate here are the rules:
1. Write a post or find one in your archives on the topic, "Wonder Woman" and email your post's permalink (that's the URL of your individual post--not the URL of your blog--usually found by clicking on the post title and copying the URL that appears) to me at: scribbit at gmail.com any time through Wednesday July 16th. If you fail to meet the July 16th deadline I will still happily publish your link with the list of entries but it will not be judged. I reserve the right to reject submissions if they fail to meet the topic or if they contain objectionable content.
2. Publish a link to the contest page here at Scribbit in either your entry post or in a separate post. I'm not picky how you do this, just give the contest a little mention as a courtesy and nod back. Don't stress over it or anything.
3. Check back here on Friday July 18th when I will post a complete list of the entries along with the Write-Away Winner and any honorable mentions our judge sees fit to award. I'll be at BlogHer that week living it up but I'll still be posting.
Our guest judge this month is Damselfly from the wonderful blog Growing a Life who has captured my blogging heart for the last two years as I've read about her life and her son's growth. You'll love her I promise.
And to go along with our superhero theme, the prize this month is the best one yet--ladies and gentlement you're writing for a Zune. Yes, a Zune "Action Bundle" which includes a 30 GB MP3 player complete with arm band holster (or "DLO Action Jacket") courtesy of Best Buy. It's a hot hot red and oh so sexy. All it needs are little gold and blue accents and you'll be a regular Diana Prince or Clark Kent on the jogging trail.
But besides this the winner and all runners-up or honorable mentions (I leave that up to the judge to award them) will also get to take home this attractive Write-Away Winner button which he or she may display in their sidebar if they wish.

Congratulations to Jo-Anne for winning this week's giveaway of three educational toys courtesy of Education.com. But please check your email Jo-Anne--I haven't heard back from you for you to claim your prize! Go quick! Check!
Sponsored by jaC Jewelry--beautiful custom-crafted accessories you'll love.
Technorati tags: Write-Away Contest, contests, blogging, writing
Ooh, I like this theme. I've already got an idea percolating...
i entered! woot!
Sounds like fun! I've used the term SuperMom, but Wonder Woman sounds even better. Do I get to wear the bustier? It'll need stronger support than it did when I was younger.
I haven't participated in a few months, so I'm going to put my thinking cap on.
I do love Damselfly. Her "What I'd Wear Wednesday" column is so fun!
Guess I'll have to get out my lasso of truth! ;) What a great topic idea!
Oh, I'm sure I can come up with something, and would love to give that prize to my hubby!
I can't remember, but are we allowed to submit more than one entry?
Yes you can, as many posts as you wish.
I've posted. Vacation was good for the brain but I still struggle with being original. Oh well.
I'm nervous, never done anything like this before, but my entry is in! Have fun reading!
I just posted this follow-up:
Apparently, Wonder Woman (Lynda Carter) just gave an interview with The Insider. She fought alcoholism and has stayed clean for 10 years and just admitted it this weekend. What a real hero and what timing!
Hey Michelle, here is my post for this month:
I loved this theme. There were so many ways I could have gone with it. It was hard to decide.
here is my entry... it really was a great theme and difficult to choose which way to go... should be fun reads. have a great day.
Thanks for the great topic- I haven't felt inspired to write anything remotely coherent in years (not that I'm promising that my submission will be coherent :) and it felt great to write for something again.
Why oh why do I subject myself to public humiliation in an attempt to procure consumer goods?
Here's my post and thank you again!
I love this theme. As usual, I'm using an old post - about to email it to you.
And thanks for hosting this each month. I always really enjoy participating when I do it.
I'm going to enter. Sounds like just the thing.
I'm so glad my friend told me about this. Thanks for giving an inspiring topic.
Ok, here is my entry. A little different I think. And I don't know, it may not exactly qualify.
i'm going out on limb to enter here. i'm sure i'm way out of my league. (it's best that i haven't read any of the other great entries because i'm sure i would otherwise chicken out.)
emailing my submission off now. looking forward to reading all the entries on friday!
I felt a little bit silly this time, but decided to have some fun and enter anyway, just before deadline.
Good luck everyone.
Well here is my first entry ever and it just so happens I had something that had some relation to this month's topic.
That is it. My heart and soul for the world to see. Two of the people I hold nearest and dearest in my life and all the things I hope I can provide them.
Since we're on the brink of August [well, near enough] I was wondering when you'd be announcing August's topic as I really think I should get my act together and have a go?
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