I've had requests for pictures so I'm going to take the chance that maybe not all of you are going to fall asleep if I bring it up again and here are a few final shots.
Above you see us on the red carpet--or rather what it all looked like from behind the photographers. Our driver pulled up in front of the Director's Guild of America building and the crowd was partitioned off on both sides, straining to see if anyone famous was going to get out of that tinted-window vehicle. Nope, it was just some mombloggers--though the crowd didn't know that. We felt famous--at least until I nearly biffed it when I caught my high heel getting out of the car. It was very close to being a catastrophic disaster but luckily gravity was kind and I remained vertical. Barely. That would have been a fine entrance.
"I'm ready for my close up Mr. DeMille."
Here's what those photographers were shooting:
Anyway, we walked up the red carpet (yes, it's red) and into the building where the photographers started snapping away, this is the picture they took of us. Starting with Beth Feldman from Role Mommy in her hot red dress, next is Amy Clark of MomAdvice.com, then Dawn Meehan of Because I Said So, Nadine Haobsh of Jolie Nadine, me in the back (I'm always in the back--I wonder why? I'm actually scrunched down an inch or two), then Liane Farbes from The Makeup Girl, Liz Thompson from This Full House and Cindy Bokma from Hello Dollface.
I can't say enough nice things about these women, in particular the wonderful Liz and Amy (with whom I've fallen in love and have plans to adopt them both) plus Dawn and Beth with whom I had the privilege of hanging out with as we matched wits against the finest expert on Forest Gump trivia this side of Alabama. Quick: Forest fishes up three items in his net at the end of the movie, one is a can of soda (or pop, depending on your lingo) WHAT IS THAT SODA? Liz knows.
And as for my dress--here's a picture of me at the party at Chateau Marmont wearing the beautiful 24K dress sent to me from Shabby Apple. It was wonderful! (The dress and the party). I felt so glamorous in the bronze satin and the great thing is that because the style is a shirt dress it can be dressed up or down depending on the accessories. I went with a pair of burgundy patent leather Anne Klein D'orsay pumps which you can see peeking out below. Sorry, the peep toe Via Spigas hurt too much so I had to return them. But that makes--what?--FOUR Shabby Apple dresses in my closet and I love every one of them. Are you sick of me singing their praises because they're terrific. In fact, Demi Moore herself came up and asked me where I got my dress and if she could borrow it some time. Kidding. But wouldn't that make a good story?

That spot where Liane is sitting in the corner of the couch in the picture above? Kirsten Dunst was parked there for quite a while. Yup, it was that crazy. You can see a video clip Beth made of the evening here.
Next I have pictures from our Tuesday morning brunch with Leslie Russo and Bill Wackerman from Glamour, Francesca Silvestri of Freestyle Productions and Kirsten "Kiwi" Smith. Or more specifically, here's a picture of Kiwi and I after the brunch was over. I'm a real chicken about asking for autographs or pictures--it was easier to just hang around with Amy who'd ask for a picture and then I could kind of just act real cool and say "Yea, me too!" and sneak it in that way. Yea, I'm sly like that.
You remember my supermodel story? We were at dinner at Nobu when Cindy noticed May Anderson at the table next to us? Well considering I thought she looked quite unremarkable in her au natural look of no-make up and very little hair fuss this picture Cindy took of Amy and May gives you some idea of the star power May has with the camera. That's in a dark room. With a flash, people! I couldn't get that good of a shot of me if you had the greatest photographer and the best lighting on the planet. I think Amy was standing on the table to reach up to her. (Again, I'm kidding--but not by much).

And finally, because I'm not above a little humiliation, here's a picture of Liz and me sitting in the courtyard at Lukaro Salon waiting for our Big Reveal. We were meeting the Suave team who had treated us so wonderfully and really, I'm not trying to look that goofy, I think I was trying to protect my new manicure and had been blowing on my nails before being surprised with a handshake. I look like a cast member from The Sound of Music, like I could burst into song at any moment or something.

But at least it gives you an idea of the wonderful time they created for us--thank you Suave and Glamour for making us feel so special and to the wonderful team of women that gave us a week we'll not soon forget. Thanks to them and Lukaro I'm officially hooked on Suave's exfoliating body scrub and their Freeze Hold Shaping and Finishing Spray. This could be the start of a beautiful thing!
Beth from New Berlin, Wisconsin has had the good fortune to be this week's giveaway winner and has won a set of personalize paper dolls from Anklebiters.
Sponsored by Dimples and Dandelions--for the Serena and Lily Bedding Collection for Children.
Technorati tags: Suave, Glamour, Glamour Reel Moments, Hollywood
Hi. I'm new to your blog. What a cool post to have as an introduction to you! Looks like to had loads of fun.
That dress looks fabulous, by the way! Thanks for sharing the wonderment...
That supermodel looks possessed...very evil looking.
I love these photos- you all look fabulous!
You are a doll ! So happy you enjoyed yourself and had such a good time!
You wear that dress very well. I love the golden color.
So, assuming you could have your family with you, do you think you'd want to live that kind of life? (I guess we'd better assume you have the money to pay for Lucaro et al. too. That would be a necessity on my part anyway.)
Those of us who generally ONLY have macaroni and cheese to talk about look forward to living vicariously through our blogger friends. I'll read anything about Hollywood you care to impart. The dress is gorgeous. I checked out Shabby Apple when you first mentioned it, but I didn't really need anything at the time (still don't actually), but if I ever get an invitation to Hollywood I'll be ordering from them.
Nope, not at all sick of hearing about your glamourous Hollywood life :) I love it. And I love that dress on you. And don't complain about always GETTING to be in the back. One of my lifetime goals is to make it to the second row in group photos.
I noticed you are always the tallest one in every picture. I have that blessing (or curse, depending on how you look at it) too. I'm 5' 11 1/2" inches. So do I lie and round up because saying six feet is easier, or do I round down because 5'11" sounds less gargantuan?
Anyway, you looked beautiful in these pictures!
Sounds wonderful...I love dressing up! Your dress was great by the way!
Looks like you had a FABULOUS time, and you rocked that dress. ;)
Dang on the paper doll. Now I have to find something to get my niece.
Ahhhh, Ive been reading everyone's recap of the event. It was fantastic, wasnt it?
I loved meeting you and the other girls and you looked so beautiful on the premiere night.
And I am now reading Scribbit daily!
It's so nice to see a smiling picture of you. :) It looks like you had a really good time. What a treat to walk down the red carpet itself. I'm so glad you didn't trip. It would have been a hilarious story to tell later, but awful in the moment.
Looks fabulous - and I love your dress.
I love your dress!!! So beautiful! Looks like you guys had a fabulous time!
Oh, look at you! So glamorous! I am definitely going to give the Shabby Apple site a "2nd look."
What a great recap- you have a way of bringing things all together so well! LOVED it!
Oh, and you can TOTALLY adopt me- I would love it! I haven't been to Alaska yet, but maybe I will wait until that house remodel is done ;)
Thanks so much for the link!!
I love the dress but I need a better shot of those shoes! It really sounds like you guys had a great time. I went out and bought some Suave shampoo this week. I'll let you know how it works.
The hills are alive....
That dress looks amazing! (and so does that tall, sleek specimen in it)
It looks like you had the BEST time and I can't think of anyone who deserves it more.
BTW, just saw your tweet...YOU DO NOT HAVE THE VOICE OF A MAN.
Thanks for the peek, I enjoyed it! That model is beautiful.
I don't get tired of your Hollywood stories- I live vicariously through them! If only I looked as cute as you in that dress and the fabulous shoes. Wow! Must have been a blast!
Sure, you can adopt me - heck, my kids and the hubs were discussing, just the other day at dinner, what they would buy with all that insurance money they would get, if I hadn't made it home - SERIOUSLY!
Wow, you look great in the dress. I hope to have a red carpet moment too. My hubby just bought me a pair of gorgeous diamond earrings from www.idonowidont.com for our anniversary and we're going to an opera on Friday to celebrate. So that will be my own red carpet style glamour moment with my new earrings, hopefully someday a real red carpet event though! We gotta look good and you do!
Ohmygosh! This all sounds so fantastic. You look mahvelous! What a fabulous time to be treated like the celebrity you really are! Thanks for sharing your pictures. Maybe someday I will have a red-carpet moment, sigh....
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