It's nearly enough to induce me into having another baby.
But not quite.
The good folks at Evenflo sent me their latest Evenflo Symphony model whose amazing claim to fame is that, along with having a Sure-Latch safety feature, it can safely fit a five-pound infant and, as he or she grows, continue to accommodate them until they reach 100 pounds.
Fifteen years ago I had to buy an infant seat, a toddler seat and then a toddler booster chair--those were lean years and I would have loved to have had an all-in-one model such as this. But . . . being that I no longer have a logical way to test it out (Spencer would get kind of tense if I made him sit in it for a test run) I asked some friends of ours who have had quite a bit of experience with car seats to help me out.
After successfully parenting ten--count them TEN--children, the youngest of whom is in high school our friends decided to become foster parents and as a result adopted two beautiful little children, a boy and a girl. It hasn't been easy, both babies have had difficult medical conditions that have made life anything but smooth, but the oldest is now three years old and I was thrilled to hear that they could use a new car seat and were game to help me review it.
You can consider their opinion to be rock solid in judgment and fairness, here's what they liked about the Evenflo Symphony car seat:
- It’s easy to strap in a child, it's very user-friendly.
- The car seat is aesthetically pleasing and looks like a classy piece of furniture. The neutral color allows it to look good into any car.
- The fabric is beautiful and can be easily washed. It feels soft and is gentle to a baby’s skin.
- It’s amazing to have one car seat fit a baby from 5 pounds to a child that weighs up to 100 pounds.
- The safety standards have not only been wonderfully tested, but also exceed the requirements.
- This car seat is easy to wash since re-threading the liner is unnecessary.
- The sliding headrest is an amazing innovation.
- The cup holder made our 3 year-old feel all grown-up.
- She also thinks it’s wonderfully comfortable, it’s her "princess chair."
And thanks to Evenflo I have yet another Evenflo Symphony Carseat to offer to one lucky winner this week so polish up the karma, cross your fingers and follow these simple steps to get your shot at it:
Here's how to win:
Before 12 am Monday go to the giveaway entry form on this page and enter your name and email. I will pick one of the names at random, contact the winner via their email and publish the winner's first name and home town in next Tuesday's post. See the bottom of the entry form for more details.
I'm sorry but this is only open to readers with a U.S. address.
Technorati tags: product reviews, giveaways, Evenflo, car seats
That is a nice car seat. Now that kids have to be in them longer, it makes it hard. I had to buy my son a new one, and now I need to get my daughter one, cause they out grew there other seats! :) Amazing giveaway! Thanks!
This is exactly what I need now that my baby is getting a little chunky for the infant carrier. I'm crossing my fingers!!
We bought an Evenflo Triumph for our son two years ago! My favorite thing about this seat is how EASY it is to change the strap size! And that's just one of the many great features! They are a little more expensive than the other brands, but the benefits extremely outweigh the costs!! We will be using this seat (or whatever newer and better model that they come out with) for the rest of our children. I would even go so far as to say that if you have a different brand you should switch. Michelle, don't count this as an entry...we don't need it. I just wanted to stop by and gush about the love I have for our Evenflo Car Seat!! (Did I mention that my Son loves it too??)
my son really needs this. He's growing out of his old one. thanks
Oh, I'd love to win this!
beautiful car seat
Wow, eight years later? I thought car seats only pass inspection for a couple of years at a time?
Wow Michelle! That is so nice of you to give away this car seat. I think I would have sold it on Ebay. :)-
It looks awesome!
Oh, I would love to win this for my little niece. I have my fingers crossed.
What a nice car seat. I would be so proud to have my son in it.
When we were looking for ours, we wanted to go with an all-in-one at first. But then we decided to go with the infant one for two reasons: to fit with our Bob stroller, and because our little guy gets here in January and I'd hate to be putting him in a frigid seat. Some of the newest infant seats go up to 30 pounds, and while I wouldn't want to tote around that much weight, it does mean I don't have to buy another one for quite awhile.
By the way, while I do have a USA post office box and often enter your contests that require a US address, this one would be off limits for me. Folks in other countries actually aren't allowed to buy carseats from the USA, at least that is true of Canada. Canadians fancy themselves more concerned about safety than Americans. While I disagree and chafe at the idea that my Graco Safe seat just cost me $60 more than it would have in the States, that is a real rule. Just thought you might want to know in case you have other readers living elsewhere who still maintain a USA address.
This Evenflo Triumph Car Seat would be perfect for my grandson's visits to my house. Thanks for a great giveaway. Happy Holidays!
This would be perfect for my granddaughter
This would be wonderful for my greatgranddaughter!
Car seats are mandatory in the US, so this is a very useful giveaway. But here in India, we hardly used them, one possible reason being that the roads are too full of traffic for cars to be driven with any amount od speed (above crawling limit) anyway.
This would be awesome for our growing family!
Great giveaway! We could really use this Car seat.
We have twins so we will need to buy two soon. We have 4 kids under 4 and I have liked Evenflo brand right from the beginning.
Thank you for having this contest
This ia a great carseat!
Since kids have to stay in carseats so much longer it is important to get one that is safe and comfy.
We could definitely use it when the baby outgrows her infant seat!
nice car seat
I have a neighbor who could use this; it would definitely save them some money!
would love to have this for my niece, due next month!
this is a beautiful carseat. i would love to win this for my cousins girlfriend. they have 4 children under the age of 5. last year she had twin boys who will be turning 1 in a few short months. thanks for the giveaway.
i would love to win this for a friend who is having a baby early next year so she would have one less thing to worry about
I would love this for my baby. I am due in May and I am alone. I need all the help I can get. This is wonderful.
We desperately need a new car seat. My little guy is in an old one which he has done a number on. It takes a beating being transferred every day between cars. It sure would bring us peace of mind to have a safer seat in better shape for him. With a death in the family and health issues also we just can't swing the expense of a new one right now. Thanks for the chance to win.
This would be awesome to have. I have a niece and nephew that I would love to have this for instead of swapping seats with my sister-in-law and sister. I am also trying to get pregnant...so this would be useful in soooo many ways! Thanks for the giveaway!
Sometimes a prize comes along that you could really use. With our first little girl due to arrive in late March this car seats arrival would be perfect. Sure hope I win it.
'Boo-boo' would have a chance to ride in style. He's growing too big, too fast...how time flies.
Wow! What a deluxe car seat! My sister just had a baby and I would love to win this for her.
I heard this is the best ther is around and would love to get it for the 2nd time around.
I am expecting, but I have not started shopping for the baby yet. I thought that I had to take a time to choose a car seat, but after reading the product review/video, this prize would be great! If I win, one less shopping I will have to do. ;)
Oh, this would be so nice to have. My toddler could us something this luxurious.
My daughter could really use this. She has outgrown her car seat and they are so expensive.
I would like to win this! Wonderful car seat and giveaway! Thanks...
Could use this for my car for new grandbaby thats due in April
Am I too late to enter? What a cool seat!
I would love to win this for my niece.
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