Saturday, January 03, 2009

NutriSystem Giveaway

Nutri SystemOh this week's NutriSystem giveaway is the biggest yet and it's so perfectly timed I can't believe it won't have you dancing in the aisles.

Here it is the new year and you know what that means right? No more chocolate, no more toffee, no more butter-cheese-grease laden tasties and eating so much you have to sleep on your side to get through the night. It's officially time for New Year's Resolutions--are you joining the millions of Americans who are vowing to eat better and live healthier during the coming year?

If you too are cutting back and trimming a few of the pounds you've collected over the holidays then you're going to love what NutriSystem is offering.

In 2008, NutriSystem helped Americans lose 9 million pounds for only $3 a meal--that's $55 less a month than what the average American spends on food which works out to be a savings of $660 for the year. According to the company it's the most cost-effective weight loss program around. Cheaper and better for you than the fast food, huh?

The NutriSystem prepared meals are portion-controlled, high fiber, low sodium and have zero trans-fats. Unlike other fad diets you can still eat carbs and keep up your energy while being kind to your heart. With 170 recipes to choose from it makes it easier to lose weight when you can still enjoy foods you love.

If you've wanted to try out the NutriSystem plan here's your chance because NutriSystem has generously provided three winners the chance to try their program for 8 weeks. If you win you'll be able to pick the meals you like and eat smart all for free!

So get exercising and start sweating off those pounds but don't forget to get your name in the pot for this one because it's a great treat. Just follow the directions below--thanks NutriSystem!

Here's how to win:

Before 12 am Monday go to the giveaway entry form on this page and enter your name and email. I will pick one of the names at random, contact the winner via their email and publish the winner's first name and home town in next Tuesday's post. See the bottom of the entry form for more details.

This giveaway is open to all readers so good luck!

Technorati tags: product reviews, giveaways, weight loss, health


Kathryn said...

Thanks for this contest! I sooo need it! I hope I win! :-)

Anonymous said...

I'd like to try this!

vboackle said...

this would be great.

rrshep said...

I could really use this prize!

Anonymous said...

I would love this!

Kim (Randominities) said...

I would love to try Nutri-systems out! Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

wow this is a really great thing to win for the New Year!!

mlminwilm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mlminwilm said...

I've always wanted to try this.

Anonymous said...

how exciting! thanks for the channe to win.

Karen B said...

I would love to win - it would so help with my Type 2 diabetes!

Jan Ross said...

Thanks! I'm willing to try anything.

Rudy said...

This would be a wonderful start to the new year. I so need to start on something!

anny32 said...

wow this would be great! thanx

Maddy said...

Just let me know when you're having an Ensure give away!

Yeah, I hate me.

Holly said...

I went to the contest page and entered there, but want to make sure that I am entered, so am commenting here also. We set our goals, and put together a plan, I am on my way to lose 50 pounds.

Anonymous said...

This is a great giveaway - and I need it so.

Angie L said...

I've been wanting to try this/

Anonymous said...
Would be a great win-would like to try it out
Thanks for the chance

Unknown said...

I've thought about trying this, but the cost always prevented me from doing it. I can handle free!

Montserrat said...

Is it sad when I am no longer embarrassed to admit I need this? Keeping my fingers crossed!

bekka said...

just the jump start I need!

Patois42 said...

That's great that you can do three of these.

julied said...

I would love to try this program, and I really need it. Baby weight is proving so hard to get rid of.

Tamara B. said...

I have been wanting to try their system after seeing the wonderful results in the tv commercials. Would love to win, thank-you for the giveaway.

The Bertone's said...

Awesome giveaway! I am trying to loose weight right now too! :)Thanks!

missdenise said...

I would love to try Nutri-system but I just can not afford it right now. This would be a great win!!!

Suburban Correspondent said...

Bad timing - but maybe you don't realize that you are endangering the health of your readers...

Anonymous said...

I would be so incredibly grateful to win this. I realize that you choose the winners at random, but oh, God of the random number generator, please bestow your blessings upon me! I want to win this like I've never wanted to win one of your giveaways before.

Me + BlogHer Conference (that I'm going to! Wooh!) = I NEED THIS PRIZE.

threesidesofcrazy said...

What a fabulous way to start off January! I've been needing a kick start.

Superdumb Supervillain said...

The food looks pretty good, anyone try it before?

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

This is a really timely giveaway!


Carolyn G said...

WHat a great prize

Gabriella said...

This is a great contest. I need this for my new year's resolution.

vijeli said...

This would be a great prize to win.
I could definately use this for myself.

Joan Elliott said...

I'd love to try NutriSystem!! I want to lose my holiday weight gain and more!! Thanks for the chance!!!

Michelle said...

This would be a good kick in the pants for my New Years Resolution and what an awesome way to start off and get motivated. Thanks for the chance... =)

Anonymous said...

i HAVE 2 weddings and my own 25th anniversary this next year and I sooo need help to get healthy and sexy again!

Amy said...

What a great way to start the New Year!! A fabulous prize!

Jess said...

What a great incentive for one of my New Year's resolutions! Thanks!

jebbica at gmail dot com

jean said...

This one has my name all over it. And how did you know that I've started sleeping on my side? I am usually a back sleeper but the last two weeks have been murder on my poor back!

sk8fancat said...

idahodad7 said...

Please and thank you.

De said...

I could really use this. I want to get healthier and look better for our 25th anniversary this year!

Richard B said...

This is a great contest. I watch the commercials for this all the time. I started an exercise routine this week and having a Nutrisystem food program would be a real help.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'd love to win this! Thanks for the chance.


lfhpueblo said...

I entered on the entry page, but wanted to say that this is more than a fantastic giveaway. Hope I win, but if I don't I hope this program helps another person meet and keep their weight goals.

Anonymous said...

I tried to post before, but looks like it didn't work ~ This would be a great opportunity, and I'd love the chance to kick off my new year this way!


Jennifer Wilson said...

Please enter me! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance. This is the best giveaway. I can't believe the winner will get 8 weeks. I hope I win.

Suzanne said...

I would like to try this. Thanks.

K said...

Please enter me, thank you

Suzalefr said...

I would love this!!1

tracyb107 said...

this would really be a great prize to win to get rid of that stubborn weight i wanted to try it but never did because not sure how it would taste so it would be nice to try before i buy. thanks

Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to try this but I'm unemployed so I can't afford it right now. This would help my blood pressure as well as my weight. My fingers and toes are crossed as I write this. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.

JoAnne said...

I would love to win Fairbanks Moose. He is sooooooo cute!!

JoAnne said...

I could REALLY use this prize... REALLY!

Anonymous said...

I would so love to win this. I always wanted to try this but being a single mom of two. I just don't have the extra money.

Ann On and On... said...

What a great way to start the New Year! There is this square thing in bathrooms that keeps showing numbers, every time I step on it the numbers get higher.... I think that means something bad?!? :D

LLG said...

I could use this..I have tried everything to lose weight. It seems that I have had no success.

Anonymous said...

I want to win this.

Anonymous said...

I was doing really well at getting my exercising in before we got our last snow storms here in Utah. It is harder to get outside and go for a walk with all this snow. Winning 8 weeks of NutriSystem would be a great help along with the exercise DVD's I got for Christmas. I am down 8 pounds of the 50 I want to lose. This would be a good encouragement.

tracey73110 said...

thanks for the great giveaway.

lorides said...

I could really use this,thanks

Jayfr said...

I'd like to try this, it would be good to lose a few. Well....a lot.

Linda P said...

I could really use this. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...


Oh, I'd really like to be the lucky winner. Nutritious, balanced meals to teach me how to eat for a healthy body.

Faith said...

I would love to try the NutriSystem system. Thanks for the contest!


Melissa said...

My clothes are getting too tight after the holidays! This would help alot.

makeetis said...

I am crossing my fingers for this one. I need to really need to lose weight. Thanks for the chance.

theflyingacc said...


Anonymous said...

I would love to have this!!


thescribbler said...

It's a sign I tell ya! Right this very minute on tv is a Nutrisystem commercial! To win this would help me with my New Year's resolutions. At least one of them. Well actually two of them. To lose weight in the coming year and to be less grumpy! LOL

Turgay DoÄŸan said...

That s really cool
Very Nice Site

Tina said...

I want to be fit and 40.. hope I win. Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

This is a great giveaway. One that will work really well with the elipitical machine we got for Christmas. Eating right and exercising is a sure formula for getting in better shape and losing weight.

Anonymous said...

I have seen the commercials for a while but was afraid to try. This would be a great way to try it out. Thanks for the contest!!!

Unknown said...

Its a new year lets start over.

Kit Kat K said...

This would be a great win

Anonymous said...

My weight loss goal for 2009--40 lbs! Ready, set, go!

Anton O'Masia said...

Good timing.

Tracey said...

Would love to lose weight & need some help doing it. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Would love to try it!


KewteePie said...

It would be wonderful to eat nutricious food, lose weight AND not have to COOK!

Anonymous said...

This is a great prize. I had submitted a comment earlier, but did not see it and am trying again. Please pick me. This would be awesome!

Anonymous said...

This is a great prize and I need to lose some pounds. I have been wanting to try this for sometime and have seen the ads on TV. Hope I win and I can lose the pounds that I need too. Thank you.

Laura S. said...

I'd love a diet I don't have to think too hard about!

Helen S said...

I really need this. Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

I could really use this I desperately need to loose 100 Pounds. If I don't get this weight off I'm going to have to knee surgery so I desperately need this. I need to loose around 100pounds at least.

JC said...

Please pick me. This looks really cool. I want to try it.

usopm4031 said...

I have seen the commercials for this for a long time and thought they looked good. I really want to try this. Combined with exercise I bet I can do some good!

mom2nji said...

I could really use this! I need to lose 100+ lbs and this could be the jumpstart I need.
mom2 nji@

Jake said...

Please count me in. This will really help me to kick-start my New Years Resolution. Thank you kindly.

AICORP said...

I wouldn't mind giving this a dry run.

Mindy said...

I've watched the commercials with Marie Osmond and thought I can do it too. Hopefully I will win this contest and can look as good as she does.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this...I need a little extra help on the diet side of life!


Ra Smith said...

Weighed in on my birthday on the 2nd. Very depressing. Then I came home and my husband made me savory blintzes for dinner and blueberry cream cheese blintzes for dessert. Forgot all about it. I really need this giveaway. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

wow, i sure could use all the help i can get !! thanks bunches :)

Anonymous said...

this would be a perfect way to help me kick start me new years resolution to lose 40 pounds. thanks for the giveaway!

Carol said...

A skinner me - Here I come

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs to try these meals.

tinasly said...

hope i win I really need this

cougar44 said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What a great Giveaway to help boost me in the New Year...

Unknown said...

This would be a great thing to win

Tricia316 said...

Thanks for hosting this. I have never been able to afford Nutri-system but I have always wanted to try it!

susan1215 said...

I would love to try this program

blown96cobra said...

I'm having a harder time than ever losing weight. It would be awesome to get to try this.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this. I need it bad, after having two kids. Would love to try it.

rfrakes331k said...

I would love to try this. Thank you for the offer! Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

hey ive been waiting for something like this to come around, maybe ill be a lot happier if these things actually work thank you!!!!!!!!


I would love to try Nutri-systems !

Anonymous said...

This contest is a God Send..I hope I win. Blessing and Happy New Year!

klp1965 said...

i just started a diet new years i could really use this :)

Anonymous said...

I'm on the see food diet! I see food and I eat it!

Anonymous said...

I would really love to try Nutri System and continue after the eight weeks is up.

Anonymous said...

Please pick me!!

ajhall62 said...

got on the scale today. Yuck!

zanvia said...

Oh awesome is this?!?! I've always wanted to try this stuff. I finally quit the chocolate this past week. Can you tell I'm a little growly?

taterbug said...

Thanks for the opportunity to 'jump start' the new year with a great giveaway.

Leslie said...

Awesome giveaway. Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the contest. I'm trying to make better choices and this would be a big help. Thank you.

weight loss pills said...

thanks for this great contest,,,,,

Mini blinds said...

That's really a fantastic post ! I added to my favorite blogs list..
I have been reading your blog last couple of weeks and enjoy every bit. Thanks