I've written a book.
Or at least a short one. If you're interested in starting a blog or in improving your existing blog this 24-chapter guide gives you tips for organizing yourself, getting started, focusing your efforts and taking things to the next level. Plus you get some pret-ty darn spiffy illustrations to boot.
I call it a woman's guide because it addresses a couple things that are unique to blogs by women but in general the information applies to most blogs no matter who is writing or what the subject matter is.
If you'd like to download the pdf file to your computer please click here.
If you'd like to download the book on Amazon.com for reading in a digital reader (such as a Kindle) you can click here.
If you download the book via Amazon it will cost you $.80 because that's the minimum amount Amazon will allow me to charge. In the interest of full disclosure be aware that I get approximately $.33 for every book purchased--just so you're aware that I'm completely paving my road with gold over here. I'm figuring that by Wednesday I'll have enough to pay for that pack of gum I splurged on last week.
Thank you to those who have sent me kind words about the book after seeing it in the newsletter last week, maybe I'll get busy and write that other book that's been hanging around my dusty thoughts . . .
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I'll be reading your e-book while sipping my morning coffee.
Just wanted to thank you for the book! And congrats. It looks really interesting. I started reading it the other day.
Just came back to tell you that the schedule you created for yourself has inspired me to finally create one for myself. Thanks. :-)
Thank you for offering your book! Happy Day! ;-)
Holy cow—175 pages? Now that is an eBook! Awesome job, Michelle!
Congrats! I downloaded it from the newsletter last week and have read some of it. Great info and well-written of course.
Thanks for all the great info. I can't wait to read it & implement your ideas. I think I'm still in the "if I write it, people will flock to it & read it" stage, but that's just not happening.
How exciting- I just downloaded it! :) Looking forward to learning & applying your tips to my blogging! :)
This is PURE GOLD to me. Thank you so much!! I've read a few chapters and this is so practical and helpful. Thank you!!
I put a dent in the world's forests by not only downloading, but printing out your missive. I'm already at Page 63, and I've learned so much. Thanks in advance...it's a great & informative read! Highlighting all the way, and I'm taking much to heart!
I'm hoping to discover how to save my entire blog to a cd or jump drive. I would SO hate to lose the 500 plus posts I have written. Thank you for the book! I'm proud of you!
Congrats! Very cool. Don't spend all of your money in one place. Invest it. *LOL* :)
Congrats! This sounds like something I definitely need to read - so thank you for offering it.
COngrats Michelle on it. I'm excited for you. It was fun to look it up on Amazon just to see you for sale on Amazon. I got all proud that it was my sister! Cool. I know that you put it up on Amazon, but still. It's cool.
just started reading through it. great job! i'll recommend it to all beginning bloggers.
you say you use blogger but you also mention using bluehost. why do you need a host with blogger?
Wow! A book and .33? Quite the accomplishment (and though it sounds snarky, I'm serious, that's wonderful!)
Thanks, and nice job!
This is awesome!!! I've always appreciated your posts with blogging advice, so I'm thrilled you wrote a book! I've only read the first few chapters so far, but had to tell my readers about it on my blog so they, too, could benefit from your wisdom! :)
Woohoo! So exciting! I've downloaded and can't wait to read it. The part I've glanced at looks great!
This is so great! Thank you!!
Thank-you so much for sharing this!
Great work...XXxx
This is absolutely wonderful - exactly what I need! Thank you so, so much for all the time you took to write it and for making it free. I love that you go into specifics (like with your schedule) instead of the vague "I find time around my household duties" sort of thing! I can't wait to finish reading this!
I've just begun to read your eBook and it is great. Thanks so much for sharing your blogging insight!
I'm reading your ebook now and it's really helping me. Thanks so much for writing the book and making it easily available!
Thank you for the ebook - I can't wait to start it!
I'm reading too! Thanks so much.
Thank you for the book! I'm looking forward to reading and learning!
Thank you for the book.
This is going to be a great help. I've often wondered if I was doing okay. You have a lot of good advice. Haven't read the whole thing yet, but will soon. Will place your button on my blog as well.
I'm only a couple chapters in and I already need to thank you several times. Thanks so much for your generosity and advice, I'm sure it's going to be the go-to blogging reference for the foreseeable future. I've recommended to another friend of mine who is planning on starting her own blog soon and it will answer all her questions so much better than I have been able to.
Thank you for writing this ebook..We are just starting a blog in Ireland and it has lots of useful information and advise!
Eilis and Helen
I am printing your book as I write and as a relatively new blogger Iam grateful for any advice to imorove my blog and encourage folk to look and come back....thanks for sharing:-)
I've downloaded the ebook and looks like i will be learning a lot. Thanks so much for your time in writing this. I appreciate it.
Thanks so much! I can't wait to read this.
I can't wait to get started reading it. Thank you so much.
Thanks for such a wonderful FREE gift!
Gotta love that!!!
I'm posting you on my blogs..
the ladies will love it!
thanks a million!!
I just read it and it's awesome! I can't wait to put some of those techniques to use.
Thanks for the ebook. It's looks like it will be very helpful. So good of you to do this!
Firstly, well done you for writing the book.
And secondly, I hope the road is paved with gold and more lovely things as well xx
Hi, wanted to thank you for the ebook! How generous of you! =) I'm going to begin reading it right away!
Take care! Donna
Thank you! I can't wait to read this. Blessings to your family.
I found your website and your ebook from Metropolitian Mama. Thank you. I have been reading a little bit every day and i have learned a lot. Thanks again for doing this.
Thank you so much for the ebook! I'm here from Organizing Junkie. I so appreciate the information - I admit it, there's lots about the blogosphere that I'm clueless about!
Wow, that is an amazing e-book! Great info...I've already started reading it!
Congrats on your e-book!!! Wow!
hosting a giveaway at...
family blog...
Wow, thanks so much for providing such valuable information ~ for FREE!
I'm still a newbie and this will help me tremendously!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
This couldn't have come at a better time. I have been an avid reader of blogs for a couple of years but never had one myself. Just this month I started one and am in need of getting myself organized (i.e. making a blogging schedule). Your book is just what I need. I can't wait to read it! Thanks so much for offering it for FREE!!
Michelle, thanks so much for the fabulous book. I've linked to it on my own blog.
Best, Megan.
I downloaded your e-book "Blogging in Pink" this afternoon,thinking I'll use it as a reference and just read the chapters that I find useful to me. 2 hours later (and in between taking care of my son and a few household chores), I've read pages 1 thru 65 and still going. I'm a new blogger and I find your e-book very helpful and well-written. Thanks for sharing all this wonderful information.
Woo-Hoo! CONGRATULATIONS, Michelle! I'm certain that you poured quite a bit of time and research into this e-book.
Thank you for providing such an excellent resource for women everywhere. I know I'll be sending new bloggers over to this post again and again in the coming months...
Thank you - I've been reading the book and the information is so useful. It answers the questions I was only just beginning to ask as a new blogger. I'm going to recommend it to everyone I know who's blogging.
Oh my, that is QUITE the book. As a new blogger I am excited to sit down and read through this. I can't beleive how much work it must have been and that you are offering it for free!
Your ebook is fabulous! Recommended it to my husband, too!
I've only just started my blog and when I started reading your book last night (it kept me up until the small hours) my mind started racing with the possibilities. I had no idea there was so much involved and so much that you can do. Thanks for the insights - I'll be making some changes slowly but surely.
wow! 175 pages ebook..simple great...
m gonna download right now and start reading...thax for sharing
Lovely book to read as a new blogger but long time reader. I found you via zakka craft and am glad to have stumbled on your blog.
Michelle, I'd love to download this, but the link isn't working. :-( I don't have a kindle or I'd gladly pay the 80 cents. ;-)
Michelle - thank you so much for the link to the ebook. It is fabulous! As a newbie blogger, I am eating it up. Thanks for being so generous.
Your Ebook was listed on SITS on Sunday. I just wanted to find it on your website and say thanks for sharing this info. I have been reading it in bits and think it is a great read. Love your blog too, so glad I found it.
Thank you for your eBook. I read it online last night and have already implemented a few of your useful tips. I also found it so useful that I downloaded it from Amazon for future reference. Thanks you for making available.
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