Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Get Your Bets in for the First Snow of the Season

Snowfall in AlaskaI hate to bring up such a painful subject but it's that time of year. You see here the picture of the mountains near our home and that stuff on the top is what we call Termination Dust, as in the termination of summer.

We've had a bunch of rain this past week and when it was over the mountains were powdered white and the stuff is inching its way down toward us.

So just as I did last year I'm offering a bit of a game. When do you think we'll get the first official Anchorage snowfall? I think last year it was around the middle of October though some years it goes well into November or even December, you just never know. It's been so warm this year we might be very lucky.

If you come closest to the actual date you'll win a fabulous Alaskan prize. Maybe it will be an authentic bear cub or moose calf--possibly the twins you see eating my crab apple tree here below, maybe a firmly-packed snowball, but it'll be something that shows I care. Here are the rules:

Moose in Alaska1. Pick a date, any date, from September 30th on.

2. Leave me a comment with your day, making sure I have a way to reach you should you win. This could be an email address left in the comment itself or the link to your own blog in your profile, however you want to do it.

3. I will update this post with a list of the days taken with the names of participants as they come in. If you have a blog I'll link to it. That way you can see which dates are popular and which are available.

4. You can pick any one date, with up to three people on one day. Once three people have picked a day that day will be closed. If your date gets filled up I'll just move you to the next available day following.

5. When it does officially snow with a measurable amount of white stuff in our own front yard (that's my measuring stick) I'll give a shout out to everyone who picked the winning day along with the wildlife I mean prize the winners will receive.

Here's the list, fill it up!

Oct 1 Book Journey *CLOSED*
Oct 2 Fortyb4forty, My Inkstand, ArtisticInkspirations *CLOSED*
Oct 3 Homestead Lutheran Academy, Around the Island, Adventures of Howler and Toad *CLOSED*
Oct 4 Heart 2 Heart, Crazyland, I'm a Drama Mama *CLOSED*
Oct 5 Michelle's Family Life, Swellflamingo, An Ordinary Mom *CLOSED*
Oct 6 Mommy, I'm Home!, Seek a Balanced Life, Maricucu *CLOSED*
Oct 7 Reason Enough . . ., The Scrapbook Lady, Allie in Tok *CLOSED*
Oct 8 Erica, Fawn, Bobbie in AK *CLOSED*
Oct 9 What Were We Thinking, We Ride West, Grace *CLOSED*
Oct 10 Planet Nomad, Chocolate on My Cranium, It's Just Me . . . Roo *CLOSED*
Oct 11 Life off the Shelf, 3 Sides of Crazy, Willis' Family *CLOSED*
Oct 12 Patty w, Sheila, The Mommy Machine *CLOSED*
Oct 13 In the Mom Zone, My Neurotic Spot, Anonymous *CLOSED*
Oct 14 Anonymous, A Maui Blog, Susan *CLOSED*
Oct 15 Flip Flop Mama, Kaffee Klatsch, My Cabbage of True Love *CLOSED*
Oct 16 Mary A, ChristyNelson.net Amy *CLOSED*
Oct 17 Family Musings, Mrs. Ohtobe, What's Kookin' *CLOSED*
Oct 18 Owlfan, Born Librarian, Hannah M *CLOSED*
Oct 19 The Second Half of My Life, Diane, The Land of Ren *CLOSED*
Oct 20 Farm Home Life, Simba's Antics, Pat *CLOSED*
Oct 21 Life As Gesamtkunstwerk, Tracy B, Toney Babies *CLOSED*
Oct 22 What Mimi Read, Mother Earth Mender, The Dunns *CLOSED*
Oct 23 Wise Herb's Random Jottings, Illahee's Blog Hendersaurus *CLOSED*
Oct 24 Carolyn, September, Sondra *CLOSED*
Oct 25 Babysteps, No Ordinary Moments, Jackie Blue *CLOSED*
Oct 26 Sunflowers in My Kitchen, Anonymous, Finally Finding Me . . . I Think *CLOSED*
Oct 27 Warm and Fuzzy Thoughts, Susan, Midlife Motherhood *CLOSED*
Oct 28 Fruitful Words, The Ellis Family, Experience Imagination *CLOSED*
Oct 29 Tammy's Times, Not a Significant Source . . . , Biggy-Ziggy *CLOSED*
Oct 30 Nicky, Life with Boys, Katwint *CLOSED*
Oct 31 Kellen, Cool Zebras, branda50 *CLOSED*
Nov 1 4everMom, Sam, Alaskans in Exile *CLOSED*
Nov 2 The Scholastic Scribe, The Howard Family, Oceanmoon *CLOSED*
Nov 3 Mrs. Team S, One, Two, Twenty-Seven - August 2009, *CLOSED*
Nov 4 Four Part Harmony, Tales from Oakbriar Farm, My Maine Baby *CLOSED*
Nov 5 My Creative Life, Karin, Linda *CLOSED*
Nov 6 In the Land of the Nelson Women, Grrace, the flyingacc *CLOSED*
Nov 7 Robin in New Jersey, Lisa Luckey
Nov 8 Cindy
Nov 10 Stephanie Jordan
Nov 11 Crazy Angel, No Place Like It
Nov 12 A Blessed Crazy Life

If you want dates past this just leave it in the comments and I'll add it.


As for other winners . . . congratulations to Vickie of Tishomingo, Oklahoma for winning the Artistry Skin Care Products Giveaway from this weekend. She's won a very nice microdermabrasion system that she's going to love.

Sponsored by Beau-Coup for unique baby shower favors.


Jane Hamilton said...

Hi Michele, this is not about the snow bets. Its actually about the Write-Away Contest. How come we don't have that nowadays?

Even though I never won, I really enjoyed reading the entries of other moms. I really miss the contest.

Could we have it back, plleeeeaaase??

Angel Simba said...

October 20th!

I am posting as my cat since he has a blog.


Diane said...

October 19th.

They're already talking about frost down here (SE Wisconsin) - only 43 at the moment (and I still have a window open - hard to let go of summer!)


Anonymous said...

I'm going to gues Oct 28th. Just like the sound of it. :-) My contact info is susan2009 at gmail.com

owlfan said...

I guessed Halloween last year and was way late, so I'm going to go for Oct 18 this year.

Mom24 said...

My daughter Julianna's birthday--Nov. 1.

Tracy B said...

October 21st.

Hard to believe it's been a year already since the last snow contest... my, how time flies!!! :)

Tracy B.

Mrs. Ohtobe said...

October 17th

I can't imagine snow as it is still in the mid 90's here with a humidity level high enough to make me have Hermione Granger hair every stinkin' day.

Patricia L said...

I'm going to say "lucky" 13. Oct. 13th.

Anonymous said...

October 13th is my guess! rwricci@hotmail.com

Patty Williams said...

How about October 12th !

Jeana said...

I'd rather tell you about the dream I had last night. I dreamed that you lived close, that the kids and I came over for a visit and swam with you and your kids in your indoor pool, and that you told me you were pregnant. Creeped out?

Joanna said...

October 26th.

The last two days here in Indiana have reminded me that, yes, winter is on its way. Until the last couple days, our highs have been 70+ & I've been wearing flip flops!

Carina said...

Alright, my guess is the 25. It's a nice smooth number. It sounds snowy since it's sort of associated with Christmas.

I was griping this morning about getting up to walk because it was so cold outside. I'm seriously considering not walking anymore because I don't like the cold. It's 44 out there right now. =)

Mary A said...

I was going to go with my husband's birthday again but somebody already snagged it, so I will go with Oct. 16 the day before.
This is also the date we have planned for my son's first trip to the zoo here in NC. Hopefully you will get snow and we will get lots of sun.

Sage said...

I think it will be 23rd October.. no reason other than that's when I think it might happen...lol

Jennifer said...

I pick Saturday, October 17th... I hope you wake up to snow on a day off so every one can play!

Sheila said...

I'll go with Oct 12, my birthday. I'm in Colorado, and surprisingly they already had a dusting of snow in the foothills an hour south of me (we are in the foothills as well). I sure hope it's a good long time before we see snow here!

Marie N. said...

I'm feeling the chill air all the way south in Ohio this morning, so I'll take my chances with October 3rd.

Anonymous said...


I know you are probably sick of moose in your yard, but it just seems so weird to think of something SO BIG right outside your window snacking on your tree. (I would be one of those gawking tourists snapping pics of everything, well except for the bears)

I pick the date of October 20th. Happy shoveling.


Kathy G said...

I didn't see that October 19th was taken, so I'll pick that.

I can't believe it's been a year since the last contest!

Chasity said...

October 13th, please. And I'm with Jane, I miss the Write-Away Contest.

Anonymous said...

I'm picking Oct 10th cuz it was my mother's birthday, so if I win it will cheer me up since this is the first one without her. How's THAT for poignant?!

I bet it'll be too early, but still.

Anonymous said...

I'll take October 11...I don't think I see that on the other comments! What a fun little game! :)

Ginna said...

October 21st!!

illahee said...

i guess october 23rd, my younger son's birthday. gah, snow!

Christy said...

I'm going for 10/16.


threesidesofcrazy said...

Based on the cold front moving here this week and the excessive hail and freeze we've been having, I'd say earlier than later. So my vote is for October 11th.

Anonymous said...

October 26th -- a wild guess!

Anonymous said...

I want October 14th because that is the date here where if we get ice it will be a VERY bad winter. Please keep the bear cubs, moose, elk, etc. Let me send you some CATS. They are soooo cute! J

Heart2Heart said...


I will pick October 5th! Thanks for running this contest again. I remember it from last year!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Rudy said...

It just sounds so exciting to live in Alaska with that beautiful scenery and wildlife.
I'm gonna guess Oct 20 your snow will arrive.

flip flop mama said...

I'm going to say Oct 15th.

Harmony said...

Nov. 4th, why not, you never know!

Mimi said...

My guess is October 22.

Roo said...

I'll go for Oct 13. We've actually had snow here in Denver already just not measurable. We got it last week.

Rhonda "Roo"

Montserrat said...

I was going to go for the 13th of Oct. but that's been taken about three times already so I'll go with my daughter's birthday of 10/10. How fun!

Amy said...

Oct. 16th; that still gives us a couple of weeks to soak up fall.

amynico at gmail dot com

cfk said...

I'm choosing Oct. 24. We here in Canada are getting close to our first frost and sometimes we get some snow around the end of Oct.

Scribbit said...

Oh and thanks to those looking for more Write-Away Contest, I'm actually planning on running it in October. Halloween themed of course!

Elisa said...

October 4th-- Conference Sunday seems to be the norm.

Kara said...

Gotta go with October 17th! (but really hoping it holds out longer for you all)

A Maui Blog said...

Oct. 14 is my guess.

Aloha Scribbit, I have not visited for a while but it's great to visit back. That Blogging in Pink free e-book is great - thank you so much, I will pass that on to a couple friends of mine who just started blogging. It's very helpful to me too even though I had been blogging for a while.


A Maui Blog said...

Oct. 14 is my guess.

Aloha Scribbit, I have not visited for a while but it's great to visit back. That Blogging in Pink free e-book is great - thank you so much, I will pass that on to a couple friends of mine who just started blogging. It's very helpful to me too even though I had been blogging for a while.


Stephanie Frieze said...

Don't mention the S word. You all are probably set up to deal with it, but we down in Western WA are not. We had a hard snowy winter last year and it was paralyzing. We don't have the equipment to make roads passable or cars able to navigate them not to mention the fact that no one knows how. My hat is off to you hearty souls who live with the stuff so much of the year. We seldom see even a skiff of the stuff until after Thanksgiving and usually not until after Christmas although we had a very white one in '08.

Robin said...

I was going to say Oct 13th since it's Maya's birthday but since that's taken I'll go for the 9th - the next earliest date that's still free.

Unknown said...

we've had snow here too already, but it didn't stick. ugh.
October 27th

Kim said...

October 12!

Unknown said...

I'll say October 15.

stacief said...

October 9. Snow, wow! It is just seeming to turn in to Fall down here.

Born Librarian said...

I'm going with October 16th.

-Born Librarian


Born Librarian said...

October 16th is closed, I can pay attention, I take October 18th.

Susan said...

I would like to pick October 12th.

Growing up in Alaska, usually we were trick-r-treating in Snow!

Of course, the optimist in me wants to say December 1st. but I don't think that is going to be the case.

Thanks for the photo of the Moose!

Anonymous said...

October 22

Erica said...

I guess Oct. 8 - sign me up for the contest!
dolphinplus at juno.com

Danielle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fawn said...

I'm going to go with October 8th, since the 12th (my wedding anniversary date!) is closed. :)

The neighbourhood up the hill from mine got snow yesterday morning and we were below freezing today. But no snow in our yard yet! I think I just might steal your contest. Although I won't have as many entries as you, of course!

Danielle said...

My youngest son, Asher, is turning 4 on October 26th, so I'll go with that date. ;-)


Scribbit said...

Jane and others who are looking for the Write-Away Contest--Check back on Friday, I'll be announcing the topic for October's contest.

Jeanna--wow. I'm not sure to be flattered or scared.

And those asking about technicalities. It has to snow enough to stick on the grass for the day. Not just a dusting. Measurable. At least as far as my non-scientific means allow.

karen said...

October 7th and, if I win, please send something that eats deer but not hostas or hydrangeas.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm... Well since it's already snowed in the suburbs of Denver, I'll say October 6.

Sam said...

hmmmm - I would like to go for the 1st November please!!

Tammy said...

I'll go for Oct. 29!

A. said...

October 9. My son's 8th birthday.

A. said...

A. would be for Amy...

M said...

I vote for October 20th.

Stephanie said...

October 11.

kellen said...

10/31/09 kapplehead@gmail.com

Jolanthe said...

I'll take the 25th of October...here's hoping for your sake that it's later. :)


Nicky said...

I'm going with Oct 30th. When I lived in Anchorage it was always my own personal challenge to see if we could make it until Halloween without snow. I love your blog and all the fond memories of Anchorage that it brings back to me....yes, even "termination dust"!!! mskmom@gmail.com

fortyb4forty said...

I am going with October 2nd, in the am....

Peggy said...

We are already snowy up in Fairbanks in the hills. My kids took snwo gear to schoo for recess and will do so until May!

Bobbie in AK said...

Everyone here has marked their calendars - I chose October 8 and I am sticking to that date.

Mean Mommy said...

Oct. 24th. :D


Sam said...

hmmmm - that was fortuitous (spelling!?) as for some reason I thought that I would double check my link.....only to discover that my blogs are no longer showing in my profile!!! That was entirely my fault - messing about with the settings when I really shouldn't - they have been reinstated now - thanks for alerting me to this is a very roundabout and utterly unintentional way!! ;-)

Sondra said...

Hi Michelle,
Let's try October 24th.

Melissa said...

I'd like October 30th, please. Thanks!

The Dunns said...

I will put my guess in for Oct 22 (or close to it), although our first snow up here in Fairbanks was last week on Sept 23. Time to hibernate!

Linda said...

So I'd like October 22... I was going to say Oct. 11, but it looks like that date is closed. So...

Jackie Blue said...

I will guess October 22nd ...thanks...Jackie


Swellflamingo said...

Does this contest have a clause... "not open to residents of Alaska"... or something or other:)
I choose Oct 5th!

Melissa B. said...

November 2nd sounds like the day to moi! What a fun contest...quite creative!

mumple said...

I want you to have snow on my birthday (and didn't I say that last year, too? lol)

october 3

Anonymous said...


I pick October 9th

Janelle said...

Well, I'm looking at the Farmer's Almanac, and they've got snow predicted already, but I think I'll go with October 2. If I recall, you got it on October 5 last year?

Shannon said...

I'll take October 6th, only a week away!

liz said...

I'd just like to share that it already snowed in Fairbanks. The first snow was last Wednesday, September 23. Time to get out the snow gear!

The Source said...

I'll pick October 29! That was my hubby's grandfather's b-day.

Heather said...

I'll go with Oct 31!

Anonymous said...

You can put me down for November 4th!

Jane Hamilton said...

Hey Michelle, thanks for bringing the Write-Away Contest back!! I will surely check back on Friday for the topic, Luv ya!

BTW, I had a dream with you in it too! I dreamt that I came back and checked the comments, but you had announced we were not having Write-Away anymore ("NNOOOOOOooooooo.....!)
Anyway, glad that nightmare is not true :)

Sheila (bookjourney) said...

Oh.... snow???? BLAH. I hate to even think of it. Looks like the only date left open is Oct 1 so I will take that. :)

journeythroughbooks@gmail dot com

Katie Nelson said...

I will pick Oct 7th or if that is closed just put me down for the next open one closest to it.

Katie the Scrapbook Lady

Amy said...

I vote for October 27th.

Lori said...

Wow! Look at all these bets! I'm going with a family birthday--October 29th, even if it's not open.

Calves and snowballs huh? I'd settle for a nice Northerly breeze...

Susan said...

I'll have to say October 27th. That's the day my children were born on a cold (ish) day in Anchorage almost 9 years ago. There was no snow that year until a bit later, but we'll see. It may be a lucky number for me (again)!!


branda50 said...

I will say even though it will be a late guess "the 31st"...It snowed here in the northeast on Halloween several years ago and it was also the year I dressed as a Christmas Tree, lights and all....

You should have seen the confused kids when I answered the door saying Merry Christmas, they were saying Trick or Treat and it was snowing!!!

Howard Family said...

I have to say Nov. 2nd.
We are really hoping for the small (or not so small) miracle of not running into a snow storm on our drive up the ALCAN at the end of October!

Jill in MA said...

I'll pick Oct. 27.

SarahHub said...

I pick November 4th - my due date. Maybe we'll both get special deliveries! Snow and babies!

Kelly said...

I'm guessing Oct 27th. The snow we get in Napa Valley is about a teaspoon full, seriously. I hope Alaska has a beautiful winter!

Anonymous said...

october 7th, please, for me. (Allie in Tok)

MommaMari said...

I say October 7th. No good reason whatsoever and being a florida raised gal I've got no experience to use either.

katwint said...

I choose October 30. I hope you don't get a lot though.

The Texas Bakers said...

November 1st (I would definitely have picked October, but guess I am too slow)

Mrs. Team S said...

Nov. 3. :)

My contact email: home@teamsoutherland.com

Thank you!

Robin in New Jersey said...

Oh drats. My first two choices are gone. SO I'll say Nov. 7th.

An Ordinary Mom said...

My first through 20 picks are all taken, so I will settle with October 5th. If that is taken by the time you get this comment, then I will go with November 1st.

Erin said...

Add me on for Nov. 3rd - I betting on a late snow this year! The mountains in my neck of the woods (NH) got their first dusting last night - winter is on the way!

Ayda Sue and Violet Anne said...

i'll be optimistic and say nov. 4th


Nay said...

Not many dates left. I'm sure you'll get snow before this..
Nov 2.

ArtisticInkspirations said...

If it's still open, Oct 2nd and 5th. If not.. how about Oct 6th or 7th. It's supposed to snow HERE in our upper mountains tonight!!

Twinsmom said...

November 3, if it's still open. And my daughter would be thrilled if I won one of those calves!

Ginny said...

Give me Nov 3rd or whatever is the closest to now that is still open.

Anonymous said...

November 5!

Grrace said...

I choose November 6th with absolutely no meteorological evidence whatsoever. I can only hope the the daily temperatures won't be topping 80 around here any earlier than that.

Linda said...

Nov 5th since it's the earliest available date.

Anonymous said...

Nov 11th

Sheila said...

Just sitting here at my house in Colorado watching the snow fall and wondering how your weather is there. Of course, it's 10/8, and I have 10/12 in your little contest, so I GUESS I hope that you aren't having snow. :)

Sheila, who hates snow but lives in Colorado because the summers are perfect.

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

It's snowing hard in Montana today - surely, Alaska can't be far behind! I posted some pictures of the first few flakes, but now there's several inches on the ground, and it's still coming down. Enjoy fall, while you have it.

theflyingacc said...

I pick my birthday>>October 21>>it will be a day to remember!

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear Charlotte, Happy birthday to me>> and let it snow...

JChevais said...

Can one still play?

I'm thinking November 11...

Lisa S. Luckey said...

November 7 or was it the 6th.

Sondra said...

I live in Colorado and woke up to snow this morning, which made me think about your snow contest and the fact that I hadn't heard anything about it lately. Luckily you answered my question on your blog this morning. I can't believe it hasn't snowed there yet!! Although if I remember correctly, accumulation was one condition of the contest....can we put our name in again if our date has already passed?

Blessed said...

I'll pick November 12th, just because... um, well... just because it's my youngest niece's birthday!

Cindy said...

Please put me down for November 8th. Thanks! BTW, love your blog!

Stephanie Jordan said...

I pick November 10th....it's my barfday!!

BTW, it's a barfday, because I'll be 34...ew! =)