The countdown begins. India here we come! We'll be there in less than a month.

Once in India we'll be visiting Hyderabad, Chennai, Visak, Pondicherry, and probably some other places though I could have a few of the details wrong, we're still in the planning stages but one thing is certain, I'll be nice and warm for two whole weeks.
It ought to make for some great blog posts, I can tell you that.
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That sounds amazing! I am more than a little jealous of your up and coming adventure. If for no other reason than you get to leave the cold and snow behind!
What an amazing trip :) I am almost done with your book on blogging and it is really awesome. Thank you for writing it :)
Wow! nice to know you're coming to India. Hope you come all the way down South, to Kanyakumari. That's where I live, and it's a beautiful place, with the sea at the very tip of India, where three different seas meet. Hope you have a great trip! Say Hi to your parents for us. :)
Sounds amazing!
I am looking forward to your posts about India. I would love to visit there someday.
Try explaining that time difference to kids. I can barely figure it out the kids were convinced it was magic.
I am so excited for you! I've never been to that region of the world but hope to one day.
Who needs Amazing Race when you've got an adventure like that on the horizon? It sounds absolutely awesome.
How exciting! Can't wait to hear all about it and see pictures!
Those are some seriously long flights! Hope you're flying on a American-based airline. When we went to China five years ago, we flew on Air China from San Francisco; the movies were all in Chinese and we couldn't understand them.
Wow - this is going to be simply amazing for you all!
Wow! What spurred this trip?
I'm glad to here you get to still go! That makes my day to know you won't miss the chance.
I'm glad you're going! Sounds great. Is it going to be you and the hubby or one of the kids?
It seems weird though that you couldn't fly from Seattle to Bangalore, just for that fact that you have to fly across to continents. I know... you don't set the flight patterns.
Have a wonderful time. Can't wait to see pictures and hear about your adventures.
Sounds so amazing! I'm glad you get to go-I thought you had nixed it when your husband started his company!
Let's see--questions?
Lynn--Well I'm going to visit my parents who live there and will be our hosts for the trip.
Jane, I'd love to see your neck of the woods, sounds amazing.
Glad you like the book Julie, thanks!
Teresa--We've moved the trip back from January and had a horrible time committing to it and we still don't know what the chances of Andrew going too are going to be but since they won't penalize us for him not going and he can decide right up until that day the plane leaves if he doesn't go then we'll just cash the miles back in. I really want him to go too.
Stacia--yea we'd kind of figured we'd be cancelling the trip. But actually things haven't been going so well the job department so the good news is he may be free to travel. If you're trying to be optimistic :)
Oh and I noticed when checking my tickets that I'd made a slight error there--I actually don't get back before we leave. I had the am/pm thing switched. Too bad. That would have been cool.
I'm so excited for you. I remember you saying that you guys had decided to cancel the trip, financially speaking. I can't wait to see pictures and posts.
I hope you have a wonderful time! Can't wait to read your posts and see the pics.
India is on my list of "eeehh I'm a little too nervous to vist" countries so I can't wait to see a first hand view of what it's like.
How fun! What will you be doing there? Can't wait to read about your adventures!!
Fabulous! It could be lifechanging. Seriously.
I left you an award at
Have fun. I hope that you will post a lot of beautiful photos.
Oh my Michelle!!
Yes indeed. I'm looking forward to "visiting" India through you.
Glad you are getting to go! Have fun!!
I've only been following your blog for a little while, but didn't realize you were going to India! GUESS WHAT? My daughter is going there this summer on a mission trip through Royal Servants. That's so cool! Why are you visiting there? She will be there for the entire month of July. She just sent out some of her support letters!
I am so excited to follow your trip. I'm going to have her follow your site so that she can read your posts on your trip.
~Mimi @ Woven by Words
Can't wait to hear all about the trip! One day I hope to make it to India (along with just about everywhere else!). :) Glad the passports came through!
OH I can't wait to see pictures! :) I'm sooo jealous.
I'm incredibly jealous, you will have a fantastic time. I cannot wait to see all the photos you take while away.
I love the whole time change thing. Every time I fly home to Australia I arrive back here before my flight even took off.
I know you will have the best time ever Michelle...until the next time. Some day I want to join you on these incredible trips.
Unfortunatley I knew the time travel thing wasn't realy possible - I would have attempted it much earlier in life
Wow, sounds like quite an adventure -- can't wait to follow along (albeit, virtually) safe travels!
Waw!it sounds soo exciting...I would love to meet you. Don't you have any plans of Delhi, i stay here. Dont miss Delhi and Agra and so many places nearby :)
Oh, how exciting! I can't wait to read more about this AMAZING trip you've planned.
Actually I won't be going to Delhi or anywhere too far north. We'd talked about it but decided there was so many amazing things to see in the closer region that we'll stick around there. Maybe if I had another week or two.
Why are you going to India, any special reason (just curious as to why)...
Sounds like an adventure! If I had more time and money, I'd travel somewhere exotic every other month!
Hi Mitchelle,
I am excited for you guys on your upcoming trip to my country.I am very curios,how would you take the sights and sounds ,the potent smells,the good ones and the people.So interesting to get a completely new perspective.I hope it is a good trip,and one where you take back home good memories.
I would definitely be looking forward to knowing your observations and thoughts.
I'm really looking forward to the trip, now that we've decided Andrew will go with me (that was up in the air for all these months) I can hardly wait. I went out to get some "learning to speak Hindi" stuff and started memorizing phrases like crazy until I did more research and realized that not only do they not speak Hindi in Bangalore, that in Pondicherry and Tamil Nandu, where we will be going, it can even be offensive because of the political implications.
So now I'm hoping for just getting down a "hello" in Kannada, Telagu and Tamil and remembering which is which since we'll be going to Anna Pradesh, Tamil Nandu and Karnataka. Maybe even Kerala if the weather won't kill a cold-weather woman like me.
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