And while plain old pancakes are heavenly (I've eaten more than my fair share, thank you very much) you must never, ever, ever partake of them with store-bought syrup. Ever. Are we clear on that point?
The only time I'll allow you to do so is if you're camping or staying in a Red Cross shelter. Then, and only then, is it permissible to desecrate your pancakes with Aunt Jemima.
I grew up with my mom making the homemade syrup recipe off of the Mapeleine box and while for 15 years I thought it was very good (even posted it) I was quickly called to task from those of you who know what real syrup tastes like. I was sent this fabulous buttermilk syrup recipe which I tried on panettone and lapped it up like a puppy. It was like a whole new world had opened up for me.
But I recently saw Tracy's recipe at Dandelion Mama and it's even better--probably because it doesn't use corn syrup--and I've switched over for good.
Here's my own version with a few tiny modifications. I promise you it will make your mornings pure bliss.
1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
dash of nutmeg
Melt the butter, sugar, buttermilk and vanilla together in a medium sized saucepan and bring to a boil. Make sure you use a pan that is about twice as big as your mixture because it will foam up later and you'll need the extra space.
Let it boil for about a minute then remove it from the heat and add the baking soda and nutmeg. The mixture will foam up to about twice its size but once it's died down serve over your favorite pancakes or waffles. If you store it for later it can be reheated.
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Will be trying this one soon. I love real maple syrup but sadly that is not available in Malawi. I am glad to find a substitute. Although my husband has already purchased a case of the fake stuff to take with up to Africa.
Hanging my head in shame. Should I just hang a white cross over my door? ;-).
Whoops, I meant a red cross.
Perfect timing!!! How did you know I have a bunch a company coming for brunch. You are amazing.
Shannon - forget the fake bottled stuff. Use Michelle's maple syrup recipe. No, it ain't the real stuff but my husband, born and bred on the real stuff, hasn't noticed the difference. Just let it cool down or warm up to room temperature.
Haha! I grew up with the maple extract syrup too. Once I tasted real maple syrup, I never looked back. Now I make homemade blueberry, strawberry, peach and blackberry syrup. Love them all! Can't wait to try this one.
My kids love the Mapeleine syrup! But I prefer the real stuff! I have a similar recipe that you posted - we like that one too - of course, with all that butter, who wouldn't :)?
Definitely trying this. I must admit to Aunt Jemima in the fridge (for the kids). But I also have a bottle of the real mccoy in there as well (for me). Real maple syrup is so pricey, I'm afraid the kids are going without. lol Kind of like good chocolate. They get Hersheys. I...don't. mwahaha
This sounds so comforting, that if I had all the ingredients, I might just make a heap of pancakes to try it on. Until then, I will capture this recipe to try next weekend. I'll let you know how it goes. I like that there is no corn syrup!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Maybe I didn't read closely enough, but I assume the vanilla goes in after the syrup boils along with the soda and nutmeg?
Just checking!
What a funny thing that on the same day I read your post about buttermilk syrup, my friend Kara posts a recipe for dandelion syrup, also to be used on pancakes, etc. It takes a lot longer to make, but isn't it lovely to have something useful and tasty out of those dandelions we all love to hate?
Oh, yes -- we love this recipe. Although my version uses more buttermilk (yum) and doesn't include nutmeg (which I simply must try!) It's also great with 1/2 teaspoon of mapleine.
Alrighty, I've bookmarked this recipe. I think I will experiment by replacing the nutmeg with cardamon.
I think the kids would like the foaming part especially. We'll definitely give this a shot--though that means they'll be having to part with pumpkin butter on their waffles and pancakes.
I love this buttermilk syrup. I got the recipe about a year ago, and it is divine! I just want to know what else I can pour it on besides pancakes. Ice cream? Brownies? I don't feel real good about myself when I'm eating it straight out of the jar.
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