The only downside to the event was that a local radio station had given out tickets as well so that though I'd been told that seating began at 6:30pm, when we got there at 6:20 the theater was already full and bouncing with expectation. We ended up on the very end of the third row from the front so that the 3D effects were rather freakish--I found myself having to turn my whole head to follow the action on screen I guess you could say we were so close.
Nonetheless, the movie was great. As in a dozen enthusiastic thumbs up all around. As Grace put it, it was "Pixar funny," which is the greatest compliment she can bestow on an animated movie. Though the theater was so packed many were turned away the size of the audience made it all the more fun to watch (every time one of the minions did something silly the kids would shriek with laughter).
The effects were fun (stay through the credits, you'll want to see all the fun 3D stuff they give you at the end), the Bond-villain stunts were too funny, Steve Carell is a hoot, the three little girls are adorable and there is a surprisingly sweet message woven throughout that, while predictable, is still appealing. Best line? "He's SO FLUFFY!" which the kids have gone around quoting all day.
So if you were disappointed by the latest Shrek installment I would suggest giving this one a try--and in 3D if you're feeling rich. I've also heard that How to Train Your Dragon is surprisingly good and it's playing at the bargain theater here in town so you can make it an animated double header this weekend. Anything has got to be better than Eclipse, right? Sorry Twilight fans but I still can't drag myself in to see that one. Even if they do use a liberal amount of Muse for the soundtrack.
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Oh Michelle! Eclipse was GREAT. (Or would have been if KStew could act just a teensy bit better. I guess you just aren't a complete and total Twifreak like me...I'll try to forgive you for this.)
Thanks for the review. Is it appropriate for the little ones, ie 4 to 6 year olds?
Hey Michelle, you're pickin' a fight with that Twilight comment...
Love that you reviewed this one as we were wondering 3D or not. I guess we will pick 3D for this one.
I love Eclipse and it's by far the best one so far. You truly learn all the backstory behind the Cullens.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Oh, goodie! Thanks for the review. I wanted to see this. So far this summer we have seen Toy Story 3, Karate Kid, and How to Train your Dragon. I loved all of them! And I'm picky about the movies I pay for, for my kids especially. Great to hear its worth seeing!
Oh I was wondering if this one would be as good as it looks! I'm not sure my 3 and 5 yo are ready for 3d yet, but we'll see it in 2d at least. We did see How to Train your Dragon with our 3 yo boy, and it was very good, also with a good message. Kinda made me want a pet dragon!
How to Train Your Dragon was good, however, when I took my daycare kids to see it I think 20 other groups were there too. We ended up in the front row - not good for a 3D movie. I would like to go back and see it in the back of the theatre.
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