Thursday, April 05, 2007

Why Spiderman Totally Conquers Superman

SpidermanSupermanWe have here today some guest bloggers. My daughter Grace (13), my sons Spencer (10) and David (8) collaborated to produce this week's Thursday Thirteen: Reasons Spiderman is better than Superman.

1. Spiderman has a cooler girlfriend. Mary Jane loves Peter Parker for who he is and not because he's a superhero. Lois only loves Superman because he's big and macho. Plus, Mary Jane found out who Peter is and Lois is too stupid to figure out the Clark Kent/Superman connection. Lois never does what Superman asks her to, like staying somewhere safe, and then she just gets into more trouble. It's like Superman is her own private body guard.

2. Superman's outfit stinks. The underwear on the outside is definitely not a good thing. The huge "S" could mean anything but no one has a problem figuring out what the spider on Spiderman's costume means. Spiderman's outfit covers his whole body--good for a disguise--is lightweight and has a better color combination while Superman's cape just gets in the way.

3. Clark Kent's disguise is the worst. When did glasses make a good disguise? Someone should have figured out by now that with glasses he's Clark Kent, without glasses he's Superman. Even Lois couldn't be that stupid.

4. Peter Parker is cooler than Clark Kent. Being a struggling student and photographer is a lot better than the perfectly buff Kansas-hayseed thing.

5. Superman has too many powers. Super strength, flying, x-ray vision, heat lazars [sic] coming from his eyes. Someone needs to cut back on his powers.

6. Kryptonite is a sad excuse for Superman's weakness. First, there's hardly any kryptonite on earth. Second, if someone happens to come up with some it decreases his strength too much. Spiderman doesn't need a weakness because he has just the right amount of powers and not too many.

7. The whole idea of Superman being a sole survivor of an alien planet doesn't work. Spiderman's story of being bit with a radioactive spider is more realistic and believable. It could happen.

8. Spiderman is more clever than Superman. Spiderman always has cool ideas for using his webbing and powers but all Superman can do is use his super strength. Always the super strength. Webbing is better.

9. Superman has too many powers and then add to that that he's the son of an alien statesman. [here they had to ask me for a word that meant "leader of a government"] Spiderman is a super hero of the people and not some blue-blood.

10. Spiderman has better enemies. You really feel sorry for the innocent scientists who go insane. Lex Luther isn't powerful and if he didn't have his machines and money he'd be lost.

11. Spiderman's acrobatics over the city are better. All Superman can do is fly with the one-hand thing. Just flies straight--anyone can do that.

12. Superman has to have help from the Justice League. Spiderman doesn't need any help.

13. Spiderman only needs 12 reasons why he's better than Superman. Superman would need thirteen.


Have you entered the Write-Away Contest yet? Deadline is April 14th

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Justice Fergie said...


Sharon L. Holland said...


And they are absolutely right about Lois. Woman bugs me.

Durward Discussion said...

fun and funny 13. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

oh that is funny how they said, "11. Spiderman's acrobatics over the city are better. All Superman can do is fly with the one-hand thing. Just flies straight--anyone can do that."

you made me laugh :)


PS. i also enjoyed seeing my "dog biscuit" :) comment in your creative cake comment.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

LOVE it, Michelle! And dead-on right. (in fact, the Tour Manager came up with the whole "cooler girlfriend" before I read more than the title.)

Anonymous said...

FUNNY! I had to read these to my hubby. He's a Superman fan...

Kim said...

What a fun list! I agree with the underwear on the outside thing. Happy TT!!

Anonymous said...

Wicked! Thank you guest bloggers. Absolutely dead on.

Crazy Working Mom said...

What a great list. I laughed the whole way through. Great job to all of you!!

JHS said...

Great idea for a list.

I've never seen any of the Spiderman movies. No interest.

But the old Superman flicks with Christopher Reeve? Classics!

My list is posted.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous Thursday Thirteen! They make a great argument for Spiderman.

Inkling said...

Plus, Superman is from a tiny town in Illinois called Metropolis, of all things. I've been there, and if it's a metropolis, then I'm the tooth fairy.

Great going, guest authors. I'm impressed with your wit and perspective. Obviously, you take after your mother.

L^2 said...

LOL Great list! I definitely agree with #1. Mary Jane is much cooler than Lois Lane (even if her initals are L^2). ;-)
Happy TT!

flip flop mama said...

I totally agree. I love Spiderman. He is WAY cooler than Superman

Heffalump said...

I can't argue with any of it. Its all too true.

Girlplustwo said...

you are brilliant. simply.

13 was hilarious. you are hilarious, and your kids.

nicely done.

An Ordinary Mom said...

Spiderman has always ruled in my world.

Geekwif said...

Sweet. This is one of the best T13s ever.

Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...


Danielle said...

Excellent post. Their arguments are solid as a rock. Great job and great idea.
Happy TT
Thanks for sharing

deedee said...

LOL! They convinced me, long live Spiderman!

la bellina mammina said...

wow! that's a good idea and great contribution. My sons read my so I should get them to contribute something to that effect. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Love it Michelle!

I did my list on 13 More Printables Sites

Jeana said...

I am cracking up!

I never got why Kryptonite makes him weak anyway. It's his home planet! It should make him stronger!

And he's both a hayseed and a blueblood. What a loser.

Love the Scribbit-lets. Great job, guys!


My T13 is up too.

Dayna_Hart said...

omg. I'm laughing so hard I've got tears in my eyes. LOVE this list!!

and I completely agree. Take that, SuperWimp!

Carmen said...

Now that you've made me think about it, I totally agree!

Anonymous said...

What a fun list!

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...


I always wondered how Lois Lane could be an award-winning journalist and yet not pick Clark Kent out of a line-up of possible superdudes.

And when it comes to the recent movies, I LOVE the Spider-man flicks - all the internal struggles to do the right thing. We are looking forward to May 4th!

Portrait of Peter said...

Okay - I'm convinced!!

Your evidence stands up in Court - and is found to be validated!!

I must check out "Spiderman" DVD.

Wonderful post

JAM said...

This is a cool list, even if it's wrong, and Superman is really better than Spiderman.

I have to agree on the Lois Lane thing though. She must be dumb as a rock to be fooled by a pair of horn-rimmed glasses.

But hey, Superman can fly! That trumps anything Spiderman can do.

Scribbit, where did you go wrong with these kids?

(Just kidding, I actually agree and just wanted to stir up controversy. I'm mean like that sometimes.)

J said...

Your kids rock.

Beth said...

'Kay, that's really funny! I, too, loved the "Superman just flies straight -- anyone can do that." Kudos to your kids on that great list!

Robin said...

Truer words were never said. Very clever kids (and yes, Lois is a twit).

Anonymous said...

I always liked how Peter Parker was smart. In the comics he invents his webbing and the shooter.

Superman is a snob. I love this quote about Superman:

“Now, a staple of the superhero mythology is, there's the superhero and there's the alter ego. Batman is actually Bruce Wayne, Spider-Man is actually Peter Parker. When that character wakes up in the morning, he's Peter Parker. He has to put on a costume to become Spider-Man. And it is in that characteristic Superman stands alone. Superman didn't become Superman. Superman was born Superman. When Superman wakes up in the morning, he's Superman. His alter ego is Clark Kent. His outfit with the big red "S", that's the blanket he was wrapped in as a baby when the Kents found him. Those are his clothes. What Kent wears - the glasses, the business suit - that's the costume. That's the costume Superman wears to blend in with us. Clark Kent is how Superman views us. And what are the characteristics of Clark Kent. He's weak... he's unsure of himself... he's a coward. Clark Kent is Superman's critique on the whole human race.” (Bill, Kill Bill)

Mercy's Maid said...

Your list is very cute. Your guest bloggers did a great job!

Mercy's Maid said...

BTW, I've nominated you for the Thinking Blogger Award.

Anonymous said...

OMG! That was awesome and so thought out. I often wondered myself about how Superman got away with just a pair of glasses. Was he surrounded by half blind morons his whole life?

Great list!

my4kids said...

Your kids are very convincing!

Anonymous said...

perfect and delightful and there is not a point that I don't TOTALLY agree with.
What a great post. Way to go kids!

Jen said...

Your kids absolutely rock. That is a great list, one I know my husband would enjoy!

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

The kids are really smart. I agree with them about Lois Lane and about Superman's dumb disguise. I never liked Spiderman though, probably his name and full bod suit.

Anonymous said...

LOVE your post, guys! I agree with you on many of your points - especially the "enemies" one and the "Lois Lane" one. (She's not very bright, is she!) I laughed heartily at #13. Very clever! :-)

Pfingston said...

I don't do TT but this is FUNNY STUFF!!! I'm gonna share it with my hubby . .
Love the last one too!

Macoosh said...

#13 is the best one. lol.

Jenny said...

Love it!!

Jackie said...

Love this. Too funny! Thanks for leaving a comment on my site - I am loving your site!! I'm getting so many good ideas!

Shalee said...

I'm so sending this to Mr. Right. He'd love it!

Anonymous said...

"(Superman) Just flies straight--anyone can do that."

That's my favorite line. This is great. Love those kids. They're very smart.

Anonymous said...

one more point to spiderman: he grew up in his grandmom house but is not a sissy!

Sandy said...

My children would agree with yours wholeheartedly.

Anonymous said...

Awesome gets authors this week.

They make a great argument for Spidey, but I'm not 100% convinced on the GF thing - seems like they're relying a bit too much on Hollywood and not enough on the comics...

Anonymous said...

The Kansas hayseed thing made me laugh out loud. So did number 13. It reminded me of the Chuck Norris facts.

Linda said...

Came over from the Carnival of Humor and I'm glad I did - this was hilarious! Leave it to kids to know what makes a better Superhero and nail it on the very first reason!

Bonnie Staring said...

I will never be able to look at Superman the same way ever again. He's so not...Spiderman!

Here via the Carnival of Humor. I have to link to your site so I come by more often.

The All Seeing Eye said...

Spiderman rocks! Always has... Always will... 'Nuff Said

Comic Store said...

Very interesting post. Before I read it I said to myself, no way! But now I see your many points and do believe you might be right!