Sunday, August 05, 2007

Asian Flank Steak

Asian Flank SteakThis is Andrew's Most Requested Birthday Meal. Officially. It's perfect for serving to company because it marinates overnight and you just grill it briefly, let it set a few minutes then slice and serve. Couldn't be easier.

¼ cup soy
¼ cup Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons chopped cilantro
1 tablespoon fresh chopped ginger
1 ¼ pound flank steak

Combine everything except the steak in a Ziploc bag and mix thoroughly then add the steak and let it marinate overnight. Heat the grill on high for eight to ten minutes then grill the steak for three or four minutes on each side. Let it stand for 15 minutes before slicing it thinly on the bias and enjoy. If you wish to serve it with a bit of the marinade, bring the mix to a gentle boil then serve.

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Mrs. O said...

We have a similar favorite, but I haven't tried it on the grill. Instead of cilantro and ginger, we add a smidge of thyme and some sauteed onions.

I'll have to try it with a flank steak. Your photo makes it look so good.

la bellina mammina said...

That looks so yummy!!!! We don't have a grill so can I put it in the oven or in the pan over the fire?

Anonymous said...

My mom is making this at least once a week now that she is staying with us. Makes me remember of my childhood. =)

She adds sauteed garlic and lots of onions. Thanks for sharing!! I'm hungry now.

Amy said...

This looks delicious!

Megan Cobb said...

We've been cutting the meat around here for awhile and I haven't had any red meat in three weeks. I thought I was doing okay without it until I saw this picture/recipe. Think it might be time for a little reward for my efforts! :) Great looking recipe!

Gill said...

That looks absolutley delicious. Summer is on its waym, down this end of the world and we will be doing the South African thing and braaing often, I will definitely give this a try on the braai. Thanks!

Heather said...

This looks FABULOUS!!!

Anonymous said...

My husband is a steak freak! He will love this recipe!

Julie Pippert said...


Hey my friend OmegaMom just moved to your neck of the woods. I sent her direction to your blog and hope she finds you!

Oh her blog is Ravin' Picture Maven

Ravin' Picture Maven

Scribbit said...

If you don't have a grill you could probably broil it.

Anonymous said...

there's only one fatal flaw that I can detect in this recipe.......barbeque.

Daisy said...

Yum. This looks imple enough that I could do it!

my4kids said...

That looks too good!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my gosh. This looks delish! And low carb. Add organic veggies and a piece of fruit from Denver's great Sunflower Market, and I'm good to go!! MOMM

Deb (aka bobo) said...

Mmmmm I have to try this. I love grilling in the summertime =)
Visit My Website

Lisa said...

Oh my GOSH. That looks so amazing. My mouth is watering...

someone else said...

This looks and sounds mouth-watering. I'm going to have to try this one.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great recipe! Thanks!

M said...

We have this recipe...for some reason its called Firemeat in our family. I'm not sure why exactly, as it isn't spicy...but it is a more interesting name. :)

Jenn @ Frugal Upstate said...

Wow, this sounds delicious!

Trenting said...

Oooo.. this looks so good.. I just got back from walking 5 miles and I'm starving! This looks great!

Amy W said...

Totally stealing this recipe!!

Deb (aka bobo) said...

I've heard of this one and there's lots of onions and a ketchup gravy. Sounds yummy and homestyle.
the Alaskan Mom

Melissa Angert {All Things Chic} said...

We tried this for dinner tonight. SOOOOOOOOOOO yummy!! Thanks!!

TexasHeart said...

found your site thru marthastewart... will be trying some of the recipes. Thanks for taking the time to post them!