You can line the box lid with contact paper or construction paper for a background if you wish but it's not necessary. Just cut the straws to different lengths and glue them on their side to make the tracks for the marble to follow.
As an added gimmick you could make the whole thing like a Magic Eight Ball by writing phrases at different pit stops in the maze such as "You'll be lucky today," "Good dinners ahead," "Watch out for Falling Brothers" or other quirky predictions. You might also seal the whole thing with plastic wrap to keep the marble from getting lost or falling into little hands and being swallowed.
The maze you see here is the one Spencer made and in typical Spencer fashion he made it BIG. He liked the holes along the sides of the bottom because he thought it gave an added element of danger and excitement. David's maze was smaller, the size of a shirt-box lid, and more easily managed.
Make the maze as big and as complex as you want, but you've only got a few more weeks until school starts . . . just a few more weeks I promise.
Check in with Rocks in My Dryer every Wednesday for other good tips.
Have you entered the Write-Away Contest? The topic this month is Collecting.
Technorati tags: WFMW, crafts, children, summer vacation
Cool idea!
Fantastic! I wish I had saved the Family Fun issues I had when it first started and I ran an after school program. That magazine is truly the best. Now I know where to come for the archives!
Great idea! This sounds like something Matthew could definitely get into making! Thanks. :o)
Looks like fun. Zaya loves those types of mazes, but couldn't successfully navigate one to save his life.
School here starts today (enrollment) and classes are tomorrow. We are not involved, though, in any way, for maybe the first time in our lives. Weird.
Fun idea!! Love all those old Family Fun magazines.
This is absolutely too cool, thanks for sharing.
this is a craft that lasts and lasts because they can play with it when they're done. What a great idea!
Pablo is going to love this idea. He loves mazes and marbles. And since it is raining here the craft idea is very welcome.
You truly are a goddess ... I am in awe of all the projects you have completed with your kids!
Oh my goodness! This is so much like a thing my cousin and I created when we were young. We decided if we ever could patent it and sell it, we'd call it "Kontrol" because you have to control the marble. We used the K because that's how we roll. This just brought back that memory. I think I have to call my cousin...
I swear, you're super mom. I don't even have kids yet, and I read some of the stuff you do (and successfully pull off) and I just think, Gawsh that woman's Super Mom.
Wow, that's an awesome idea! I'll have to try this one.
What a smart idea - I know what I'm going to do with my kids today!
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