Thanks also to The Moose's Tooth for providing this month's prize of a genuine, cool-Alaskan, Moose's Tooth t-shirt. One more reason for me to love the restaurant--as if the cheese bread and wild-mushroom pizza weren't enough.
. . . And the winner is:
The (French) Mountain Dweller with Making Little Saints
Living in rural France for the last 14 years, the French Mountain Dweller has two children and lives on the same farm which has belonged to her husband’s family for generations. There, they look after 270 sheep and 1,000 apple trees. When not blogging or helping out on the farm, she works on various business ventures and has a part-time job. Busy? Undoubtedly, but the rustic life she describes in her posts seems beautifully quaint and simple.
Second place:
Mommyk at The Great Walls of Baltimore with August Write-Away Contest: Collecting
Honorable Mention:
Patois at Whee! All the Way Home with The Collection
Here are a list of the entries in the order they were received, there are quite a few "first timers" here that are worth your time:
Babystepper at Babysteps with Daddy Dearest
Rebecca Laklem with A Pot of Gold [no permalink]
Daisy at Compost Happens with Mother-Daughter Bonding at the Outlet Mall
Suz at The World According to Suz with Take a Good Look: One Day This Will All Be Mine
So Grateful to Be Mormon with Collecting Butterflies--Collecting Good Moments--"Warriors" for Good
Laura Williams at Laura Williams' Musings with Collecting Dust?
Lainey at Blog in My Eye with Egg Carton Car
Stephanie at Bad Mom with Collective Mentality
M at Toneybabies with "Oh, I See . . . Your Collection"
SabineM at "Life Isn't about Finding Yourself. It's about Creating Yourself" with Collections
Makita at Starfish and Coffee with Collections
Deb at Mom of 3 Girls with Things I Collect Whether I Want to or Not
Homestyle Living with My Stamp Collection I and II
Daydream Believer at Inside My Head with Collection Contest
MamaSpud169 with My Bad Habit
Kim at The Bitter Ball with Do You Remember Beanie Babies?
Kendra from Tales From a Former Michgander with August 2007's Write-Away Contest
Dorit Sasson at Pieces of Me with A Collection of Memories
Patois at Whee! All the Way Home with The Collection
Lisa at A Backstage Pass with Let's Talk Pooh
Sarah at The Hollywood Flakes with Old Letters
Fiveberries in Texas with On Collecting
. . . Time with Shelby with Sea of Coffee Cups
Thea at I'm a Drama Mama with What's Left
Lei from My Many Colored Days with What Memories Are Made Of
Subarctic Mama with Berrypicking in Fairbanks, Alaska with Kids
The (French) Mountain Dweller with Making Little Saints
Mary Lofthus at Wide Margins with Too Much of a Good Thing
Mommyk at The Great Walls of Baltimore with August Write-Away Contest: Collecting
My Ice Cream Diary with Collecting Ideals
Tiffany at Nature Moms with Friday Favorite: Bento Boxes
Lucy at Life Is a Spasm Who Flow with Even Better Than a Ceramic Raccoon . . . Or Two
Next month's Write-Away Contest topic and guest judge will be posted on Tuesday September 4th. There won't be quite as much time given to enter so I'll give you an early hint about the topic: think school.
Technorati tags: Write-Away Contest, collecting, blogging, writing
270 sheep and a French Mountain Dweller? That would be tough to beat.
Makes my life seem positively bland.
(You don't have to send the prize by pack mule, right??)
Congrats to the winner!!
I'll have to pop over and read.
Congrats to the winner(s)! Looks like a great group of posts to check out. :)
Yay - this was soo fun!! Can't wait to do it again - and now to go read all these great posts :)
take care and happy happy day!
This really was a lot of fun, and I can highly recommend the reading! I really enjoyed the perspectives, views and details on collecting in life.
Wonderful reads...
Congrats to all! :)
Think "school"???!!
If only I wasn't always thinking 'school'. LOL :)
hi michelle: congrats to your winners! thanks for doing this. i really had fun getting to participate/enter your contest (for my first time).
you rock, kathleen
Thanks for hosting these. One of the joys and benefits of blogging is honing and crafting writing skills. It's nice to have some additional encouragement in this area. Now to actually get some writing done. :)
Duckabush Blog
WOW! I am amazed at The French M D.... Congrats to her!
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