Forget kindergarten, everything I really needed to know came from being a mother. I ought to offer a home study program: Motherhood 101.
1. Human beings can be happy with only three things: a story, a blanket and a bowl of cold cereal.
2. The answer to "What were you thinking?" is "I wasn't."
3. Sleep is for sissies.
4. Never go grocery shopping hungry.
5. Having your child load the dishwasher, though beneficial for their growth, will always end up costing you money.
6. The word "done" has different meanings to someone before and after the age of 20.
7. Everything is better with either peanut butter or ketchup.
8. Husbands are simple creatures. Plenty of kisses, plenty of food and they're good to go.
9. It will always be easier to do it yourself. Always. Though not always better.
10. Potty training is the worst job on the planet. I'd go through childbirth again if I could avoid this step in child rearing.
11. Dating is more important the longer you are married.
12. Your likelihood of acquiring chicken pox, the flu or Plague rises exponentially with the occurrence of a vacation or other important family event.
13. Always check pockets before doing the wash. The time you forget will be the time someone's packing orange crayons and silly putty.
14. If it can be broken, it will break. Including but not limited to VCRs, garbage disposals, arms and garage doors.
15. No one has children for the tax benefits.
Technorati tags: Thursday Thirteen, parenting, motherhood, moms
Amen! Especially to #10...that's my current nightmare! My TT is up
#12 is a given in our house. If we've got plane tickets, someone will be sick the week we leave, with the distinct possibility of being too sick to be let on a plane, ensuring full panic mode for days. I shudder just thinking about it.
Happy Thanksgiving Michelle.
They all were so spot on darling....I can't choose a fav. Great list.
#4 is so true. As I know to my cost!
those are some pretty valuable lessons. "Husbands are simple creatures," I just said smugly to my husband (though mine needs an instruction booklet really).
I can so relate to #13! Yikes!
You nailed almost everything about motherhood. You deserve a pat in the back for going through childbirth and potty training 4 times!
Happy Thanksgiving Michelle.
2, 5 and 11 especially but what an on target list! Funny and true!!
Plus GORGEOUS children...great photo. :)
Using My Words
you are cute!!!! :) Happy TT and happy thanksgviving!!! :)
Very funny!
I am procrastinating with potty training my 2 yo, she has no interest and I have no interest in the mess.
I really can relate to #11. I was lucky enough to find an orange crayon in my wash a few weeks ago. Luckily, sort of, it was when I washed my sheets. I got a nice orange splotch on the corner which I can luckily hide. I initially blamed my 6 yo - "Did you put a crayon in washing machine?". "No!" She exclaimed. Then my 2 yo piped up proudly "I did it!!".
Oh, #11 is so true--it's my one piece of advice whenever I'm talking to new parents.
Great list!
I'm totally feeling you on #7 & 10!! Ha-ha! Hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
My children will whole heartedly agree with #7 and my husband will agree with #8 with no shame.
Great list.
I agree to all of these:) Happy Thanksgiving!
Ha! So true.
Happy Thanksgiving, M!
Much better than the original kindergarten one. Love it.
Truer words have never been spoken.
Wow great list...and very true:) Happy TT and thanks for stopping by.
LOL because it's all soooooo very true!
This would make a great meme.
Love it. Happy Thanksgiving! I'm off to make your artichoke dip.
Happy Thanksgiving! My husband would agree with n°8!
EVERYTHING breaks - that's life. It's too bad we have no way to insure it won't happen.
Great TT list!
Happy TT!
Love it! How funny. And true.
Wait: there are tax benefits for having children in America?
Maybe I could move my three offshore and leverage them?
(ps - #3 has been my motto since the Pea Princess was a month old!)
Couldn't agree more with # 9! Great list!!
Great and very funny list!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Excellent - so that would be a Thursday fifteen?
Happy thanksgiving
I couldn't agree more. Parenthood (or motherhood) is a good teacher. It's certainly an endless learning journey, one that is daunting yet satisfying all the same.
Here's a toast to parenthood/motherhood. Happy Thanksgiving!
BTW, I'm sharing my 30 items. ;D
What lovely words of wisdom. The check pockets suggestion reminds me of a Thanksgiving meal we had in a restaurant in Massachusetts. I forgot we colored on the tablecloth before the meal and ended up washing and drying the crayons in some once very beautiful pockets!
Ooo. I'm still learning. Especially number 11. Happy Turkey Day.
4,8,12 agreed with you totally! Somebody packed chocolates in their pocket and we got melted chocolates ALL OVER the dryer!
I'm not a mother, except of the four-legged variety of children, but I've picked up a few of those lessons from watching my own mom. ;) Great list!
My TT is up, too.
Hah! I love this list. :)
Thanks for the laughs and Happy Thanksgiving.
So so true!
Every single one of them!
Considering I slept on the couch last night because I was so sick, I'm totally with you on #3...
And #1 made me laugh out loud. As I sit here and eat my bowl of Rice Krispies and Cheerios.
Yes, the variations on the definition of "done" has been an astounding motherhood lesson for me!
And cute kids!
I am petrified to potty train my little man ... who will be 3 in February. He is showing no signs of wanting to learn, he has yet to even use the toilet successfully. I am not willing to fight this battle until he is ready :) !!
Oh! I am laughing till the snot is flying here! This is FABULOUS. Simply fabulous.
I'd go through the potty training over and over if I could skip the teenage years! It's a really good thing this stage isn't the first. There would never be multiple children households!
Too true. All of it.
The other day my husband was pouring strawberry syrup into his milk, which Zaya had never seen before. (the syrup, not the milk). Zaya said, "Daddy! I like ketchup in my milk too! Please!"
Awesome ... I think this is my favorite list so far!
I'm sitting here chuckling away. What words of wisdom. :)
My TTs are here:
Thank you for this. :)
Haha Oh this was good.....
I do not agree with #3. Naps are necessary. They are one of the few true joys of life.
Naps are good. :)
Your children are so are so blessed with four.
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