If you'd like to participate here are the rules, and please note the part about linking back to the contest here at Scribbit, the last couple months entrants have been forgetful about doing this but please remember:
1. Write a post or find one in your archives on the topic, "My Favorite Day" and email your post's permalink to me at: scribbit at gmail.com any time through Friday December 21st. If you fail to meet the December 21st deadline I will still happily publish the link to your post and include it in the list of entries but it will not be judged. I reserve the right to reject submissions if they fail to meet the topic or if they contain objectionable content.
I always respond to each submission once I have received it, just to let you know I've got it but I've had terrible trouble lately with gmail throwing legitimate mail into my spam box. I'm sifting through it daily (and let me tell you how pleasant that is) to make sure I don't miss anything, but just to be sure please look for my responding email to know that I have received your entry.
2. Publish a link to the contest page here at Scribbit in either your entry post or in a separate post.
3. Check back here on Tuesday December 25th (yes, I know that's Christmas but it'll make it easy on me this way) when I will post a complete list of the entries along with the Write-Away Winner and any honorable mentions our judge sees fit to award.
Our guest judge this month is Kailani from An Island Life who blogs from the beautiful land of Hawaii. Sigh. It's my favorite place on earth and I think my favorite day may be one of the many I've spent there.
The prize you're writing for is a set of Alaskan Christmas tree ornaments in green, white and brown leather--the cutest little mittens and boots your tree has ever seen.
But besides this the winner and all runners-up or honorable mentions (I leave that up to the judge to award them) will also get to take home this attractive Write-Away Winner button which he or she may display in their sidebar if they wish.

Technorati tags: Write-Away Contest, contests, blogging, writing
The ornaments are so cute. I may have to enter this contest!
Here's my submission:
sounds like fun. I need to think about this one.
Looking forward to reading the others posts. Its a nice subject.
Here's my submission:
I'm in! Here's the link:
I hope you will consider entering the Group Writing Project that I am hosting at Babylune too.
I don't have a favorite day actually. But good luck to those who enter. :)
Here's mine:
How fortunate that this was already rattling around my brain!
My story is here:
My Favorite Day! January 9, 2007
Read about it here:
I've e-mailed you mine:
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