Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dance Dance Revolution

Dance Dance RevolutionNo wonder my electronics never work--Apparently my CD player doubles as a dance floor. This would explain the tiny shoes jammed in the tray.


Don't forget, Wednesday is the final day for submitting an entry into this month's Write-Away Contest. Just a couple days left!

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Anonymous said...

That is so funny! Well, unless I was the one replacing the CD player. I will never, ever, show my girls this picture. Polly Pocket gets in enough trouble around here.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Funny & Cute LOL moment - my little guy and his twin have discovered they can reach the VCR & DVD player so I won't show them this either.

My WW is up
My Little Drummer boys

Scribbit said...

Yea, we find Pollys everywhere here too. In the cookie jar, in the fish bowl, hiding on the book shelves, even in the Nalgene bottles that were sitting on my counter the other day.

They're sneaky.

Anonymous said...

wait until you find where they hid the dwarfs. ;)

happy ww.

Carletta said...

Too funny!

Jan Parrish said...

I shouldn't laugh. But, it's too cute. Enjoy it now!

Happy WW, Happy Spring, Happy Easter!

Caffienated Cowgirl said...

That is hilarious! Hey, a princess has to groove too :)

Anonymous said...

happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle!!!
So funny!!! My DVD player broke just one week ago.

Emanuele from Alba - Piemomte Italy

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Oh hilarious. I tried to watch a vhs of our boys when they were babies and found two DINNER FORKS inside the vcr.


Cheerio said...


Carina said...

Or maybe a, they aren't skinny enough.

Deb said...

Oh that's too cute! Polly Pockets are restricted to Abby and Hannah's room so that at least the tiny shoes are confined in there... Every so often one manages to escape however.

Happy WW! :)

Melissa Markham said...

LOL! Well, not about the broken part...but I love the DDR title! Brings a whole new image with the name!

Janet said...

My children can't see this picture either. Not 5 minutes ago DeBoy was trying to stuff his watch into the VCR. With the movie going.

L said...

Ahahahaha that's adorable!

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

That's so cute! What a funny site to come upon. :D

Christine said...


You would be amazed at what I find in my VCR and DVD players!!

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! At least tiny shoes in the tray are probably better than the peanut butter and jelly sandwich that someone in my family pushed into a VCR slot.

Daisy said...

So, so cute!!

~ej said... i know why i have removed all the shoes thus far....
and we have finally been able to unlock the dvd player drawer (the cd player is way out of reach)....
we haven't graduated to polly pockets yet. i'm being obsessive about the tininess of the stuff for now.

Beck said...

Ha! Silly.

Enzie Shahmiri said...

Michelle, this brought back fond memories, from when my kids where still little!

Thanks for the upload, it looks great!Today is Persian New Year and I am short in time I will catch base with you tomorrow.

All the best,


Anonymous said...

I had seen this the other day and wasn't able to comment at the time. Don't you LOVE the way your children "see" things? The uncommon uses they find for ordinary things?

Glad you had the presence of mind to snap this brings with it warm smiles :).

Mrs. Brownstone @ XBOX Wife said...

Just imagine if you still used a record player!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed my favorite DDR Game....!