She's getting too big for me to knit for now, a size 8 sweater takes a lot more time than those 12 month-sizes she used to wear. I may have to hang up the knitting needles until I have grandkids. Or start knitting doggie sweaters for the neighborhood strays . . .
Technorati tags: Wordless Wednesday, knitting, crafts
Oh I am so impressed! I do love when your projects can also represent the time and place you were knitting them!
so that's why my mum stopped knitting for us when we were nearing 10!
That is beautiful!! Do NOT hang up those needles girl!
I think that's why people are always knitting baby things.
That is AWESOME! I'm learning how to knit... maybe someday I'll be awesome like that! :)
I wish I had saved them. When I was a kid I can remember I was disappointed knowing what to expect from Aunt Helen every Christmas. A check and a new hand knitted wool sweater. For 17 years she plied her trade for me. Every Christmas, I could count on either a new sweater, sized appropriately or a new wool Hat, mittens, and scarf ensemble.
I grew up under appreciating these gifts from the heart. Thankfully, as I was in charge of her caregiving in her last days, I was able to relay my heartfelt thanks for her efforts to keep me warm and safe.
Damn, I just puddled up. I miss that ole broad.
that's beautiful. i so don't knit.
Beautiful sweater! And she looks so cute. Well done. Allison
That turned out great!
I love the little collar and the color.
SIGH...... Another skill to add to my ever growing list of things I want to learn.
Do I dare ask how long I would have to be knitting before I could knit that sort of sweater?
What a gorgeous sweater! I only just finished my third scarf. I've been trying to do a ribbed knit scarf, but can't get the knit2/purl2 stitch down yet!
You are one talented mama. I have tried knitting and can't get beyond the basics, much less knit a sweater. That is gorgeous.
Wow! You are so talented....and patient. What a lucky little girl.
Very impressive! My hands don't seem to be made for knitting ... well maybe that will change some day if I put more time into trying to learn :) !!
Wow! That is a fantastic sweater. Definitely keep those needles going.
Oh that is so pretty! And what a great way to keep occupied during a long drive. Maybe someday I'll graduate from the scarf I've been knitting for months now (obviously, since it's no longer necessary in this weather, lol) and try something a bit more challenging. :)
That is a gorgeous sweater, and I love the color. I crochet and cross stitch. I have knitted, but not well, and I prefer cross stitch. (That's what I do on car trips.) My mother is the knitter. She made all of us sweaters Christmas before last. All 16 of us. And when she visited last month she brought the two sweaters she had originally knit for my kids that were too big. So, including mistakes, she knitted a total of 22 sweaters, including 2 for grown men over 6-feet tall. Granted, she is retired, but still.
I love that darling collar!
Congratulations on a beautiful finished project.
I can't read in the car so I have never tried knitting in the car. It is tempting to try.
Have you tried knitting socks? They only get so big and they take longer to outgrow.
Hee hee, just thinking of stray dogs running around in colorful sweaters makes me giggle.
Maybe if I learned to knit I would eat less on road trips. This last one we took made me gain 5 non baby pounds.
OK, I don't want to take away from the sweater (which is gorgeous) but ...
Your daughter is beautiful. And her hair? How did you get it to look like that?
That is beautiful!
My Mom knit each of us a sweater for our Senior year...I had my Senior pics taken in mine and my older sister did the same with hers. The pattern she used was simpler than the one you made for Lillian though. Maybe instead of hanging up your needles you can knit simpler patterns for bigger sizes...
Very nice! I've noticed the same thing about kids getting bigger=way more yarn, way more time.
But, you will have nieces and nephews to fill your knitting needs.
I wish I could knit. I've tried to learn but I can't. I do use knifty knitters to make hats though.
If you're looking for a knitting project, most hospitals accept donations of knitted items such as blankets, booties, and hats, and even little sleepers, for their NICU and their bereavement units. Something to think about if you like knitting baby items.
YOu know, you could combine two of your loves and knit purses. . . Here is a whole page full of free patterns:
sometime I'm going to get around to making this one:
Holy cow - that's beautiful. Seriously, is there anything you can't do?
That's a gorgeous sweater ... would you be willing to name the pattern?
And I don't think you should hang up the needles or pick something simpler .. for me as a knitter the patterned stuff goes quicker once I've got the pattern down, it's more fun.
Wow. That is completely impressive!
I gave up on the patterned stuff at about that size with my four but kept on knitting their school jumpers until they left school. My grandchildren don't want handknits -- until I make the poncho of her dreams so she can show off to her friends!!
Oo that is such a great sweater!!! She looks so sweet!
As a newbie to the world of knitting, I humbly bow to your sweater. Awesome!!
You amaze me.
I don't know how to knit, but when I see pieces like this, I long to know. My grandmother--a master knitter--died when I was too young to teach...that's how long I've wanted to know how. It's always seemed intimidating to try to learn...plus, I'm the type learner who does better when I see it live and in person and can ASK questions.
Beautiful........bravo :)
It's so beautiful!! I want to know how you do it all??
I've tried to knit, so I know that a sweater like that isn't easy...
Oooh. That's pretty. Very impressive work.
WOW. I could NEVER do that. If my kids are to ever get a handmade sweater, you will have to be the one to send it to them.
What a beautiful work. I'm so impressed.
Greetings from Germany
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