Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sandwich Bag Magic

Sandwich Bag MagicHere's a good game for the last days of summer heat. (Did you get any? Sooo jealous) Fill a plastic sandwich bag with water and take turns sticking very sharp pencils through the bag to see how many pencils the bag can take (and it's quite a few I'll warn you).

If anyone lets loose the water they're out--but as much fun as this is for a warm summer day I doubt you'll have any complaints.

Sponsored by The Fine Art of Family--Beautiful jewelry by designer Monica Rich Kosann.

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The Source said...

Your roses are gorgeous, adn the game looks like fun. We'll have to go outside and try it! Sorry you didn't get much warmth this summer. I kept wishing the heat your way instead of mine, but sadly it looks like it wasn't meant to be. Now I'm hoping for real football weather before January.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean, "the last days of summer heat"? I am still waiting for summer to finally get here!

Mandy said...

I am going to give that a try today and post later on my blog the results! That looks like fun and I know my boys will love it!

One Mom said...

I can see that I'll have to sharpen my pencils and stock up on baggies! We're due for one last blast of summer this weekend; forecast is for 88 degrees! For Western NY that's hot!

Maddy said...

After the water balloon hullabaloo yesterday, I am already sufficiently soggy thank you.

Henry said...

what's the temp in Alaska right now?? I'm curious what August feels like there.

Anonymous said...

oh my god.....sometime its happens...i am still waiting for summer to last minute get here...

Munchkins and Music said...

Sounds fun!

Anonymous said...

I just tried this. My 8 year old loved it. Hey..I love your roses.

Tammy said...

Very cool! I called my younger sisters and told them about this, and they were able to put 20 pencils through the ziploc! :-)

Jamie - Family Focused Fun said...

That's a fun idea!

K Magill said...

Very creative, fun idea! I'll be posting a link to this post in my blog soon. Thank you!