And in full spring celebration this month's topic is wide open for all sorts of interpretation: "Mom." This can be about you as a mother, the mother in your life, the idea of motherhood, there are so many angles you could take with this topic you really have no excuse for not jumping in and writing something.
Along with this topic is the beautiful prize being offered by Glitzy Glass Stars which is a custom made pendant perfect for either yourself or the mother in your life. You'll have to visit her site for more details on her products, I know she's got a sweet sale going on right now . . .
The guest judge this month is a thrill as well--it's the wonderful Antique Mommy whose writing I have admired for quite some time. She's legendary I tell you--and even better she's a crack up.
To enter please follow the directions below:
1. Write a post or find one in your archives on this month's theme then email your post's permalink to me at scribbit at gmail.com. The permalink is the URL of the individual post--not the URL of your blog--usually found by clicking on the post title or time stamp and copying the URL that appears in the address field. I will accept entries through Sunday April 19th. If you fail to meet that deadline I will still happily publish your link with the list of entries but it will not be judged. I reserve the right to reject submissions if they fail to meet the topic or if they contain objectionable content.
2. Publish a link to the contest page here at Scribbit in either your entry post or in a separate post. I'm not picky how you do this, just give the contest a little mention as a courtesy and nod back. Don't stress over it because I won't.
3. Check back here on Tuesday April 21st when I will post a complete list of the entries along with the Write-Away Winner and three Honorable Mentions.
4. Please remember: I will list the entries along with a small teaser for each. Just the first sentence or two of each post to give people an idea what they might expect if they should be so bold as to click on the entry.
Also, please be aware that while you are welcome to include graphics or photographs with your entries the judge will only see the text of your post. No links, no pictures, no name of your blog, nothing that might identify it to the judge. While visual posts are always beautiful to see on your blog I will only send the text to the judge and your entry will not be able to rely on visuals to influence their judgment.
As always, all featured winners will get to take home this attractive Write-Away Winner button which he or she may display if they wish.

Sponsored by Wedding Paper Divas for wedding invitations and by Annette Lyon's sixth novel Tower of Strength
Are there rules as to how many words there should be?
I have been reading Antique Mommy for a while and she is fantastic.
I don't remember if this has been answered before, but do we have to pick just one post to enter or if we have multiple posts that are suitable, can we enter several?
great prompt. My mind is churning already.
Okay, I am finally coming up for air in life. Maybe I'll try to get something written for this! Mom . . . hmmm . . .much to think about on that one! Good one.
Have a great week.
I might actually try for this one. And like Maryann - I need to know about any specific rules!
Ooooh! I feel good about this one!!
So you have to have a blog in order to enter?
Questions--no there are no rules on word count and any style of post is fine.
Yes you can enter multiple posts but please be kind to our judge, I don't want to wear her out :)
Kate--no you don't have to have a blog (I would have emailed you to answer directly but you didn't leave an email) but I will need you to email me the text of your post. You will be listed with the entrants but I just won't include a link to a blog. If you win I'll reprint the post so everyone can read it.
Okay, I'm throwing my hat in the ring.
Question: Can I enter more than one post?
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