"Yes, fish," she said.
And I didn't pay much attention to it until she came home with a ball of newspaper--a paper mache mess of masking tape and fabricated fins but each day it was bigger and more defined until she finally had the form completed and, oddly enough, it really did look just like a fish.
By the time she'd finished painting and glazing it was beautiful. I keep telling her she needs to put her talents to work and make more--I love these paper mache busts from Anthropolgie. While I'm not a fan of real dead animals on my wall I can see great possibilities for decorating with what Grace might be able to produce. That girl has definite talent.
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Love her name and love her fish!
That is so cool. I wish you had take more pictures of it.
Fantastic fish! Obviously the artsy-craftsy talent has passed down from generation to generation. She'll be a fabulous artist!
What a great idea. I think i will have the boys make something like this when arrive in Malawi this summer that way they can start personalizing their rooms! I love the idea of the African animal heads.
That is an awesome fish. I would totally hang that in my house!!
Well done, Grace!
Very cool - good job Grace!
she is such a smart talented kid!
I love her fish! Who would have thought that our days of paper mache making have come so far. I love it! Makes me want to try it again.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
As your presence increases your daughter can work as your designer! Love to see young people on the threshold of it all and this is where it starts. She has talent!
Serious skills. Next time I want a clown fish.
The real question is, does it sing?
Give me that fil-a-fish, give me that fish.....ahh. That's what my girls love to do..sing that song all day long. Their daddy will even pipe in from time to time.
The fish is a beauty! And she certainly looks good in orange. Grace is so talented!
That would be so cool!
it's awesome! i am definitely a fan of kids art projects...big surprise :)
Its so beautiful! Your daughter is very talented. :)
It's a fantastic fish.
What an awesome fish! Wish I had some of her talent. Maybe she should consider a local arts and crafts fair.
Very cool!
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