Mukesh Ambani is the world's fifth richest man, worth approximately $43 billion dollars, and he's building the world's first billion-dollar home. Actually, those interested in trying to strip him of the title and "keeping up with the Guptas" will have to go farther than that because as it's under construction in Mombai, the home is actually worth close to $2 billion dollars (so far) and is a towering tribute to uh . . . to uh . . . money? Ambition? Industry? I'm not sure, all I know is that for your dollar this home is the ugliest thing per square foot that I've ever seen. And I know, I've seen some ugly homes in my time.
It looks like they took a bunch of stands from Wrigley field, stacked them on top of each other then added a LOT of plants without the benefit of actually getting to see the Cubs play.
Ambani is the son of the founder of Reliance Industries, the biggest company in India, and I suppose it would be like Bill Gates' son deciding to build a skyscraper in Seattle for his family. Besides the yoga study, swimming pool and four-story, open-air gardens the home boasts an ice room where you can beat the Mombai heat with man-made snow flurries. Nice.
I've heard (Dad told me about this while we were in India) that he's going to be housing 17-20 of his relatives so he really needs the extra space. Apparently the home where the family with their three children are currently struggling to get by is a 22-floor tower in downtown Mombai that they've remodeled to fit their needs but just can't seem to make work.
I don't know . . . everyone has their weaknesses and I guess mine isn't big homes (it's donuts). I don't like walking into a home and feeling small, instead I want to feel comfortable and something tells me this isn't a relaxing place to hang out. Not with marble bleachers, gold and 17-20 of your closest relatives--but then maybe that's why they've got the yoga studio included.
Ohmmmmmm. . . .
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Thanks for the early morning laugh. Fortunately I'd already finished my coffee or that last comment would have had my laptop screen a little wet. :)
I'm with you ~ I'd rather have comfy than well, ugly. There's a difference between having a little space and overdoing it.
It looks sort of like a skyscraper version of The Death Star under construction. I keep expecting to see a tie fighter come zooming around the corner!
Just goes to show money doesn't buy taste!
I had something to say, but I forgot what it was because I died laughing from Carina's comment. The End.
That is crazy bizarre. Not impressed, Mr. Ambani... not even a little.
This post made me smile...except for the wrigley field part. If you are lucky enough to go to wrigley for a game, it's the CUBS (not those horrendous white sox) you would have the honor of cheering on to victory ;)
I hope it has an elevator.
I agree that it is nacarssistic and ostentatious...but i actually like the design and am intrigued about the interior. Especailly that yoga studio...
I'm actually suprised that you don't like it. The style kind of reminds me of your own home remodel.
Wow - quite harsh ANONYMOUS. Nice to take a jab at someone for no reason and then hide. Drive by insult.
I agree that it looks interesting. I would love to take a tour, but no desire to live there and I would never want anything like it myself.
But then, that house is only built to impress people. Its not really just a house. It's a monument to his great success. Many people in the US build things like that too. Far too many houses around here are similar monuments. Who really needs more than bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens and living space. ANytime you start building the "extra rooms" - its screaming out that you want to impress people.
It reminds me of Prince Pondicherry in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, except for marble and concrete instead of chocolate. Chocolate would have been way better.
It has 9 elevators.
Just in case.
And oops about the Cubs/White Sox. Shows how many times I"ve been to CHicago.
Wrigley Field IS in Chicago, right? :)
Carinne --
Regarding the comment from “anonymous” -- perhaps it wasn’t meant as a “jab.” Motivations are not always what they may seem. In all honesty, I too thought of the boxy shape of her home addition when I saw the picture, and I really would have guessed that Scribbit would have liked it. I wonder if anonymous was suggesting that, speaking of narcissism, it’s interesting that Scribbit has been criticizing other people (parenting styles, home styles, manners, etc.) while at the same time coming across just as rude as the people she scolds. That is, her house looks similar to the one she makes fun of.
By the way, I have seen lots of positive comments from anonymous people, too. It doesn’t mean they are trying to hide. I am anonymous because I don’t want to open a Google account.
You just have to remember he can't take it with him when he dies! How sad that people with so much money that could help so many others out, is spending his millions or should I say billions like this.
Perhaps he should consider what Bill and Melinda Gates are doing with the excess money instead.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
You obviously know nothing about architecture
Isn't there some sort of proverb about this? Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones... or in this case, those who live in boxy homes shouldn't criticize others who live in boxy homes?
When I was a kid, I always wanted to live in a house so big that you could get lost in it, but this is taking it to an extreme!
All I can say is... I wouldn't want to clean it! I have a hard enough time keeping on top of my own small house, I wouldn't want to clean something like this... even if I WERE the Maid!!!
that seems nice! lol
All, unbeauty aside I guess if I had to live with 17-20 of my relatives I'd need as much space as possible too LOL.
Oh Michelle. This is the funniest thing that you've written in a long time. Keeping up with the Guptas? Count me out if I have to live with 17-20 of my relatives.....Ouch!
You made me laugh with your creative writing expressions and the oohhmmmm at the end cracked me up.
It seems you stirred a few as well.
I couldn't help but thinking as well about the gross display of wealth. I hope they are giving in some way to the needy.
For a moment I thought he'd built a house from CD cases. Silly man.
Okay, now, I am truly embarrassed.. this man belongs to my country, and I really wish he didn't. On the one hand, his company has a finger in every pie of the economy, and God knows how he is making his money, and on the other hand, there are poor people begging on the streets of India for one meal a day!
And to think that his biggest concern is that there is not enough snow in Mumbai!!
Disgusting, to say the least!
And yeah, that is a really ugly house...!
You forgot to mention the three helipads,the 600 wait staff, etc. etc. Ugly as hell & what an embarrassing display of wealth in a country & city that has millions of poor, homeless, hungry people outside his home. Shame on you, Mr. Ambani- this money could have fed , housed, & educated the kids who live in slums just around the corner.
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