1. The vacant lot across the street that we kids called "The Woods." We built a fort there and I remember not understanding why Mom freaked out when I casually mentioned we'd included a bathroom and toilet in our deluxe townhome. Guess were weren't increasing the property values.
2. Being baptized when I was 8 years old. I remember little from the service but while riding home I started fighting with my sister in the back seat. Dad, still driving, half turned around and said, "Way to go, Michelle, you had a clean slate and you couldn't last five minutes without screwing it up."
3. Smashing pennies. There are railroad tracks near the house where I grew up and we figured out we could smash pennies on the tracks (dangerous I know, but it was the 70s). I grew more and more ambitious, smashing dimes, quarters, rail road spikes. I found an old spike near the tracks and taped it--with Scotch tape--to the track because wouldn't a flattened railroad spike be so cool? I could hear the train rumbling by from my bed, and as Grandma was tucking me in that night and I told her what I'd done she'd suggested that maybe a railroad spike wasn't the best idea, that it might de-rail the train. I realize now she was trying to scare me into growing a brain but it kept me up most of the night picturing the people I had killed with my stupidity.
Oh, and I should mention everyone lived, the Scotch tape didn't hold and the spike was knocked off the rail.
4. Vacations. My best memories are all around vacations: camping, beaches, fishing--one year we went to Disneyland. When I get excited or nervous I get sick to my stomach. I threw up in the rental car, at the restaurant table in my bowl of applesauce, waiting in line for tickets, on the jungle cruise and finally into my cup of pineapple juice at the Tikki Hut. Left my mark on the Happiest Place on Earth I did. You should have been there the day I got married.
5. My Mom losing it. Everyone thinks she's sweet and perfect and never loses her temper (my husband thinks she's an angel) but I remember when I was 13 and gave her trouble about eating a tomato at dinner. I took so long I was nearly late for my 7 pm activity. She stormed in, grabbed me, got in the car, turned it on, hit the accelerator . . . and forgot to put the car in reverse. Smashed an aluminum can full of fireplace ashes against the garage wall in a *poof* of blackness that didn't lighten her mood. Hard not to laugh at that one but laughter would have meant death.
And if you're listening: Total Mom Haircut, Sandy from Sandy and Kurt (formerly Super Mommy) and Worth Ten Thousand Words--y'all are welcome to play.
Technorati tags: meme, motherhood, memories, Alaska
You rock woman!
That is a great list.
I love that you were baptized at 8. I made my communion and confirmation at 30!!!!
I cannot stop laughing!
You crack me up.
Love the list, and I graciously accept the challenge.
These are ultra funny. I have to say the first one rings a bell. My friend and I did the same thing. (Who wants to go all the way home when nature calls?) My mom freaked too.
I love the image of the big poof and you trying to hold in your laughter.
I'll get right on it...meaning some time this week. Thanks for the tag!
That's cute. I remember doing the penny-on-the-railroad-track thing. My parents weren't too happy about it.
Hahahahaha at #2!
great memories!!! i especially love what your dad said on the ride home; soo funny!!!
kCute kids - I especially like the one in the pigtails. I thought with #5 you were going to talk about the time you threw up at dinner because you gagged on the tomato. Especially funny now concidering how much you like them.
Okay, the baptism story made me laugh out loud.
Way to go. Heh.
what a hilarious post. terrific list.
I'm glad you tweaked the meme. I especially love the baptism story. Thanks for the laugh.
I can just imagine what memories my kids will have about me "freaking out"...I remember my mom backing into our garage and hitting the brand New freezer...huge dent...dad and brother running down the basement steps trying to figure out what the heck happened...my dad started laughing so darn hard...he ended up crying!
that is an awesome list. Railway pennies rock!!
(via CHBM)
Someday my children will be rehashing one of the times I "freaked out," and hopefully they can laugh at it too.
I love the list, and your blog.
That reminds me.....my grandfather was the gentlest, quietest person I ever knew, and he NEVER got mad. Till I entered 7th grade and couldn't mess my hairdo up, and threw a fit when he tried to roll the car windows down during a trip to town during the summer (the car had no a/c). That was the only time in my life I'd ever seen him mad or heard him cuss. I knew I'd screwed up big time! But he said no more, and you can bet I kept quiet after that.
Just here via the CHBM carnival.
I loved your baptism story. I didn't know whether to be outraged or to laugh aloud. Great list. Here via the CHBM.
yeah, number two is the best example of Adam and his natural man right there. can't last five minutes...
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