Four year-old Lillian scooted around the corner and bounded into the kneeling position preparatory to her nightly prayer. As she slid into home, folded her arms and bowed her head she sang out a familiar four-note melody that made me look at Andrew with an "Did you just hear what I heard?" look.
Every Microsoft user knows those soft symphonic "Shutting Down" notes by heart: "Dum-dum da-dumm."
"Evidently she's shutting down for the night, " Andrew said.
Let's just hope she stays in sleep mode for the next 10 hours.
Technorati tags: Alaska, motherhood, children
That's so funny. Shutting down for the night, over and out.
My kids can sing my cell-phone tune. And the youngest jumps up shouting "ME-MAIL" when the 'you've got mail' alert-song sounds.
Hilarious. My daughter was using a climber at the playground to "e-mail" her friends this summer. Kids pick everything up.
That's cute.
SF likes to tell me, I'll clean up after I check my e-mail. Hmmmm...
re: Technology - I sometimes wonder if my 14 month old son is going to be confused because all those kid's books like Goodnight Moon show a traditional phone, yet we only have cell phones. Will he still get into kindergarten even though he won't be able to identify a traditional landline? Gasp.
Still, the advantage is ours - my husband and I have gotten loads of Entertainment Mileage by sitting in our living room and just calling each other repeatedly for the toddler's wide-eyed benefit. Score.
That's hilarious. I'm still surprised when my niece picks up background noise when we're walking outside--trains, birds, cars, things I would NEVER notice. She hasn't made the computer noise though...yet.
I love that story! Little Mac users being born every minute...makes my heart glad. :-)
That is absolutely adorable!
So cute. It's funny what kids pick up on!
Oh my gosh! That just cracked me up! Great picture, by the way! Beautiful!
LOL! It is amazing what these little kids will pick up on ... especially when we think they aren't paying attention.
"Shutting down for the night." I will have to remember that one!
Gee, I wonder where she got that from? LOL!
Bill Gates would be so proud!
Tooo cute! Man, they're perceptive, aren't they?!
That's hilarious! What a cutie.
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