The first sip you take you think, "That's good. But there's something different in there . . . what is it?"
And after five minutes of thought--and knowing it'll drive you crazy if you don't find out--you ask Stephanie, who's making them one after the other for the fifty or so people milling around. She smiles and says, "Avocado."
Who would have thought? You'd never guess it was avocado but that luscious greeny goodness gives it a certain smoothness and kick that sets this apart from other plain jane smoothie-style drinks. You'll love it.
1/8 c pina colada syrup
1/4 c kiwi syrup
lime sherbet
1/3-1/2 of a banana
1/4 of an avocado
crushed ice
whipped cream for topping
Place all the ingredients (except the whipped cream) in a blender and blend until it's smooth. Top with whipped cream and enjoy.
Technorati tags: St. Patrick's Day, holidays, drinks, Diablo Verde, ice cream
Oh! I normally eat the avocado in salad but it sounds interesting.
Whoah, those look amazing... I may try to make them as it gets warmer for my boy and me!
It's middle of the afternoon on Sunday, and I should be cooking, and here I am on the Internet -- I've got to get my act in gear! I wanted to make a leek tart, as well as a gratin dauphinois later in the day for our dinner. If I don't get a move on, we'll be eating at 10:00 p.m. (which would be nothing new, trust me!)
I'm so excited for this! My husband is sitting across from me and I said "Awesome!" He said "what's awesome?" and I told him he'd have to wait until St. Patrick's Day. I bet if he knew there was avocado he wouldn't try it, or be biased against it to start with.
wow! what an interesting use of avocado!
Huh, even though I really dislike avocado, I just might have to try this out. It looks great!
sounds absolutely delicious... and since i can't have ice cream right now because of my baby's sensitivites, it looks like sorbet would taste good as well. yummers!
I have never heard of them but what a combination--sounds YUMM!!
Score another one for the versatile avocado! This must be ultra creamy and delicious. And a nice change from mint flavored St. Patrick's drinks too. :)
Help me out here - where on earth would I get kiwi syrup or a recipe to make it? And how much lime sherbet? Thanks!
That sounds delicious. I'll definately make some for the st. pattys day celebbration. Thanks for sharing!
You have the BEST recipies, woman!
You could create and sell your own cookbook!
Julie-I got kiwi syrup and coconut syrup from Walmart in the coffee aisle. You know where you can get those syrups for your coffee? They also have raspberry and other flavors.
Sherbet, I kind of eyeball it. You add all the ingredients in the bottom of the blender, add three or so large scoops of sherbet, pour in a healthy dose of Sprite and then blend. You can add more of the solid or liquid as you wish to adjust the consistency.
In a pinch I've even used fat free half and half in place of Sprite (not using so much half and half as you would Sprite) for a cremier, thicker consistency.
Wow. I can't WAIT to try this!
Anything that incorporates lime sherbert is a winner!
If you ever go eat at a Vietnamese restaurant, there are a few variety of fruit shakes, and avocado is one of them. I make them at home too and found that the Hass avocados yield the best shake.
We only use condensed milk, crushed ice, and a bit of milk to mix up the shake and it's just absolutely delish!
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