But you'll rejoice when you hear about one of the terrific pieces of software I have on this thing, it's called HandyShopper. It's a program that organizes all the items in the grocery stores you frequent so you can create shopping lists and estimate your expenditures with a mere touch on the screen.
When you open HandyShopper you can create a shopping list for each store you might visit. Me? I've got my Costco, Walmart and Fred Meyers lists. Then you can enter each item that you might buy along with the price and the aisle where it is found and the program organizes all the items by aisle and then alphabetically. When you wish to create a list, you select "All" and all the items in the store are displayed by aisle and you merely scroll down the list, selecting the items you need. When you've finished and your list is complete, if you touch the dollar sign at the top of the price column HandyShopper displays the exact total of the selected groceries.
When you're ready to shop you merely change the setting from "All" to "Need" and it gives you your composite grocery list, store by store. As you place each item in your cart you can "cross" it off your list by gently touching the item on the screen and it crosses off, moving to the bottom of the list.
No longer do you have to go to the store with your grocery lists written on the backs of napkins or envelopes, no more will you wonder how much your groceries will come to. If you use HandyShopper (and stick to it) you'll always stay on budget.
Oh, and by the way, the software is free. My husband found it for me years ago and it was free, they might now charge $10-20 to download it but I've used it so long and have become so attached that I'd pay any price to have it on my Palm. I can't live without it.
Check in with Rocks in My Dryer every Wednesday for other good tips.
Technorati tags: WFMW, shopping, Palm, software, HandyShopper, handhelds
Ohh I could totally use a HandyShopper! I am one of those who goes to the store with the list on an old envelope I find. Its bad and sometimes I lose it on the floor and then I'm stuck and you can gaurantee I will forget something! Usually the main item I went to the store to get.
Palms are a godsend!
I wonder if I can download onto my "oldie" Palm m100??
Must check it out.
Great advice tip.
I don't have a palm, but I'll have to tell Jeff about this one. Speaking of doomed, I was just without my computer for a week. It had to be "rebuilt," after a major crash, and I was sick about the thought of losing my work. (Fortunately I was able to save it--whew.) But it's so important to have these safety nets. Thanks!
How sweet is that - no more buying things that you don't need...cool!
You almost make me want to pull my Palm Zire 72 out of the "Items to sell on eBay" basket.
I loved my Zire72 because it takes pictures, video, plays mp3's and does my laundry, but it just didn't sync well with my Mac...and I love my Mac more...so I'm having to say goodbye to my Palm. I now keep all my info on my iPod and use a small spiral notebook for to do lists and grocery lists.
But I'm such a sucker for a new program...I might have to pull out my Zire and check out Handy Shopper.
I love, love, love my Handy Shopper - don't know what I'd do without it. I love my Palm, too, but without Handy Shopper, it would be nothing.
Did you really have to tempt me to buy a palm? I am currently using a paper planner and I feel like it is working ok, but the palm really intriques me.
Thanks for the tip-I'll keep it in mind if I ever break down and buy one.
Who knew grocery shopping could get so high tech? ;) Makes me want a Palm too.
Thank you thank you thank you!
The software is still free for the Palm - I just downloaded it from PalmGear to put onto my T|X.
For folks looking to buy a Palm, get your butt to eBay! They are really inexpensive there.
Lovely Wife didn't want a PDA, but she would be crippled without her pocket calendar. We call it her PAA for Personal Analog Assistant instead of PDA Personal Digital Assistant. I think her next step will be one of those Blackberry type things that does it all.
No kidding!! It does all that? That's the first thing that I've heard about that makes me interested in getting a palm. Cool lists and saving money always turn my head.
I used to have Handy Shopper on an old Palm IIIc I used to have. I loved and adored it. You've made me think that maybe I need a Palm again... hmmm.
I have never used a palm but that program sounds absolutely great.
Having access the total before you shop would make my hub very happy.
Be well and enjoy the day
I used to use handy shopper. It was great, until my Palm became obsolete when it was only 2 years old and I could no longer sync it with my computer. I was furious.
Gosh, I could really use something like this. The problem is that I just never used my Palm. It's sitting in a pile uncharged. I'm too disorganized to use an organization tool. There's no hope for me...
Awesome! I've been using my Palm for ages and agree, I'd be doomed without it. At least, it is backed up. I use the "To Do" function extensively for shopping and organize the list by store and by section by using the "priority" function. However, I'll be looking into this tool because it sounds even more convenient.
I love Handy Shopper too. I have another database on it with packing lists. Instead of stores I have places like grandma's house, the beach, weekend away. It is the only way I remember to bring sweatshirts to the beach for when the wind kicks up.
This Palm z22 is just part of me now. Thanks for the great review on SplashShopper and how its used. I'll try it. I couldn't get everything in a smart phone so decided on this Palm because there is no subscription fee like a cell phone. Oh, I do have a cell but not all the web charges.
My real question here is: Does anyone know how to delete or uninstall applications when you decide not to use them anymore?
I am trying to limit grocery budget so Palm is never a choice for me. I had my shopping list from a website called GrocerySurf(www.grocerysurf.com), and used my cellphone to access my list. So far it has been working well. What I like about it is that the program reminds me what to buy before things run out. It may not look as fancy as HandyShopper, but I would stick to it as long as it's free and accessible through my little $39.99 NOKIA! :-)
I'm new to the Palm and HandyShopper, but know enough that somewhere the grocery lists for each store are available. Where might i find that? I had it once a LONG Time ago, but don't remember where i got it.
Terri S.
I'm afraid I haven't got any help for you there, but I've heard rumor of the possibility that lists such as you describe exist. Have you Googled it?
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