Some friends of ours play regularly on Friday nights at the Alaska Club and though we usually have had other plans when they've invited us last Friday we were free and in the mood for action.
Wallyball is like volleyball but is played in a raquetball court with three to four players on a team (and here I'd like to mention that we looked much cooler playing that the meaty 80s girls in the picture, but I don't have a picture of us so this stolen picture will have to do). The rules are simple: get the ball over the net at all costs, stay alive and duck frequently.
As the name suggests the walls of the court are where the action is, in this game of brute strength (think beach volleyball on steroids) you can, and should, play the ball off the side walls as long as the ball hits only one wall in between each point of human contact. That means you can hit the ball off the wall but don't hit it at an angle so that it hits two walls before someone else can hit it, otherwise it's out. The back walls are always out and the ceiling, just as in volleyball, is only out if the ball doesn't come down on your team's side.

Was it fun? Like nothing else. The ball smashing from wall to wall, barely missing your head has an odd way of getting your blood pumping. Intimidating? You wouldn't believe. The sound of that ball exploding off a serve and hitting the wall at the speed of a Nolan Ryan pitch has a way making you cower in fear.
I used to be a fair player (at six feet tall you'd expect at least that much) but with four children and many years beyond my peak (it's been downhill since 1989) I was more concerned that night with not making those killers sorry they'd asked a lame-o like me to their game than actually winning. I wanted to be invited again, not forced to witness them argue over who got stuck with me on their team for the next game.
We played well over two hours and came out sweaty and quivering. My hand, evidently not getting enough of a workout from my daily eight-hour keyboard regimen, had cramped up into what can only be described as gnarled vulture claws. I'm still feeling the sad effects of my atrophied hands as I type but boy was it fun. I'm already hoping they call us in for the next game. In the mean time I'm practicing my serve.
Technorati tags: wallyball, volleyball, sports, Alaska
Fabulous! I haven't ever played this as I am intensely intimidated by any sport with a whizzing ball aimed to kill me but my brothers played (in Utah) growing up. I don't think either of them has hit the court in years either.
Sounds like a blast. I am SURE you will get picked again!
Wallyball!!! I didn't know the game existed until I got to college. And until your post, I wasn't at all positive it wasn't a phenomenon limited to my alma mater. You made me want to play again!
That looks really fun - and I so luv your story - with humour.
Alas - we don;t have such here - just throwing telegraph poles!!
I've never played this, but it sure sounds a lot like exercise. I'm not very good at volleyball anyways. Cheerleading was more my speed. :o)
Your description of Walleyball sounds just like the way I play Volleyball! Maybe THAT'S why no one ever wants me on their team! You got vulture claws out of the deal, so I'm not sure I should play. I already am getting vulture claws just from typing!
Now THAT sounds like fun!
It is around these parts as well, especially gyms that have raquetball courts.
What a great workout!
Michelle ~ Thanks for commenting on MomGadget. I've added your link to the DoFollow list :) I'm sure you'll agree, it's well worth it.
Gotta love Wallyball! I had to admit, I'm a much better spectator then a player :)
I cannot play ball sports of any kind because I always get trampled!
I don't think I would last five minutes I am so out of shape. Sounds like a good way to get out some aggression though, and to stay in shape.
When I counseled church camp, we played a game similar to Wallyball except the rules were there were no rules. It was tons of after-the-campers-went-to-sleep fun until I was injured. Lack of coordination and judgement resulted in a concussion and we weren't allowed to play anymore. Yep, I was real popular there.
I love wallyball... our college actually had 2 courts :) So much fun was had playing!! I just found your your blog, and love it!! I grew up on Kodiak Island, so I enjoy reading what you write about AL.
That sounds like a cool game!! Wish I'd known about it when I was younger and in shape! I've never heard of it. Wonder if it's played in the South??
YEAH BABY!! I played wallyball in Jr high in SLC and remember it (not) fondly. I really sucked at it and it wasn't pretty.
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